!REQUEST! OoO: Comfort in the night Part 4

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Bryan ran as he kept dodging the shovels being thrown at his by the two protective brothers running after him. This had been going on for about 30 minutes so Inmo decided that he let his brothers have enough fun and put his invisibility cloak on o he could sneak up and teleport them away for some fun of his own.

But while he ran after them he crashed into someone, he didn’t see who it was because a glass bottle of Tomb Juice shattered onto his head. He yelped as the bottle did hurt when it hit him but the pain soon went away and was replaced with exhaustion, making him faint on the ground.


Ritchie, Colin, and Bryan had heard the yelp and paused their game of cat and mouse to check who made the noise and why. When they finally reached the area where it was heard, they saw a small child that was maybe around 2-3 years old. Upon further inspection, the child appeared to be a child version of Inmo.

The baby Inmo started to wake up and when he did he began to cry, tears rapidly flowing down his face. His arms began to bleed as glass shards around him cut through his clothes a little and hit his skin. “Don’t come near this area Colin, you could get hurt from the glass shards,” Ritchie said as he bolted forwards, quickly picking Inmo up from the ground before Colin had a chance to move. 

Bryan quickly left to get a first aid kit to clean the small cuts on Inmo’s arms as Ritchie gave the child to Colin, telling him he was going to get something to clean these shards up. Colin went over to a nearby picnic table, rocking the crying child in an attempt to calm him. 

Inmo’s cries started to turn into quiet whimpers and then stopped entirely. Colin smiled as he felt Inmo lightly grip his shirt, cooing at his how his now younger brother was so adorable. It was then that Seeka, his boyfriend, stumbled upon them. 

Seeka stared at the scene in front of him with confusion, Colin not noticing him until a few seconds later. “Ooh, hey Seeka!” Colin greeted before Seeka asked, “Did we have a child and I just didn’t realize until now?” Colin snorted at the insinuation and giggled a bit before responding, “No you doofus, this is Inmo. We think someone hit him with some tomb juice and he got turned into a baby. Ritchie is cleaning up the glass while Bryan is getting a first aid kit.”

Seeka sighed in relief and sat next to Colin with a goofy smile as he said, “Thank goodness! if we did have a child I rather not be so stupid not to notice.” Colin laughed at Seeka’s response as Inmo pouted, neither of the adults noticing this action. “Althouggghhhhh~,” Seeka said with a suggestive wink that made Colin blush brightly.

It was then that Colin felt the grip on his shirt grow tighter and tears more tears soaking into his shirt. Colin looked down to see Inmo with tears flowing down his face. Colin panicked and quickly stood up and started to rock Inmo in an attempt to calm Inmo down once again. Seeka tried to help his panicking boyfriend by making funny faces at Inmo, hoping that it would make the small bean laugh

It didn’t

Inmo began to audibly cry now, making the 2 older campers panic some more before Bryan came and swooped Inmo up from Colin. Colin was about to go off on Bryan for taking Inmo away when he clearly needed comfort but stopped before he did, seeing how Bryan successfully calmed him down by separating him from the couple.

The cries turned into quiet cooings as Inmo reached his baby hand out to grab ahold of one of Bryan’s fingers, happily playing with is as the Seelin pair looked in amazement. “How did you calm him down so fast??” Colin asked Bryan as he gave traded his finger for a necklace with a shiny key attached to it. 

“Well, you seemed to be overcrowding him when I came over so I separated him from you guys. This still is Inmo even if he is a baby so I doubt he likes to be around people other his brothers, me, or mitch.” Bryan explained as he placed small bandaids on Inmo’s cuts.

“Ah, that makes a lot more sense now. I should have noticed.” Colin said with a hint of disappointment. “No worries, I can fully understand forgetting since he is a very adorable child. But on my way here Ritchie told me to tell you he needs you since he wants to find the one who hit him with the tomb juice.” Bryan responded as he put away the bandaids.

Colin cracked his knuckles with a sadistic smile, “Oh yeah! We need to have a chat with the person, that glass bottle cut Inmo and made him cry. Have fun watching him, I’ll be off.” Colin then walked in the direction Bryan came from, Seeka following behind him.

Bryan looked back down at the baby Inmo, who was looking at Bryan with interest as he hugged the shiny key to his chest. Bryan chuckled in mirth as he picked him up while saying, “How about we take a nice field trip to the stables to get Banjo and Whistle for a nice play date. I’m sure they’ll be extremely happy to see you, Banjo’s definitely going to spoil you rotten.”


Bryan was right when he said Banjo was going to spoil the baby Inmo as soon as he saw him. As soon as they got to the stables Banjo was all over Inmo, cooing and letting the curious child run his hands through his feathers. 

And when Whistle was let out of his whistle, he joined Banjo in spoiling Inmo. All 4 hung out for a few hours, playing games and doing other child-safe activities. Inmo had been turned into a baby at around noon so he had played for the whole afternoon, having fun as the day went on.

It was dusk when Inmo had started to nod off, becoming more sluggish and yawning more often. Banjo took it upon himself to lay Inmo down for a nice and long nap, using his own body as a pillow for the child. 

Inmo snuggled up into Bajo’s soft, warm feathers as Whistle laid himself to the right of Inmo. He was out like light not even 5 seconds later, making Bryan giggle quietly to himself as he sat himself to the left of Inmo. Inmo purred a bit in his sleep as he unconsciously snuggled himself between Bryan’s side and Banjo’s body, making Bryan smile lovingly at the child before falling asleep himself.


It was then that both Ritchie and Colin started to make their way to the 4, satisfied grins on their faces as they talked to each other. “I’m glad we found out who had the tomb juice, even though we kinda attacked without knowing the whole story,” Colin said as he chuckled to himself at the situation. “Micheal was a really good person to ask to help up, he is like Camp Oasis’s very own detective. And besides, Daveed should have been more careful as to not hold out a bottle of tomb juice in the open.” Ritchie said as they neared the 4.

Colin was about to say something else when Ritchie placed a finger over his lips, pointing at the peacefully sleeping group. Colin quietly fanboyed about how cute the sleeping Inmo was before running to his cabin and getting a blanket to cover them with. “Let’s leave them to sleep now, seems like they had quite the fun day,” Ritchie whispered with a wink before they left for their cabins to get some sleep themselves.


When the sun rose the next day, a normal, sleeping, Inmo was cuddled up to an also sleeping Bryan. Whistle had moved into Inmo’s lap while Banjo curled himself around his family in a protective manner. 

Inmo wouldn’t remember what had happened to him during the time he was a child, but one thing he did know for sure was that it was a fun time. And for being his first experience with tomb juice it seemed to go over pretty well! The moral of this is that alls well that ends well, except if you’re Daveed, then you learned that if you’re not careful with what you do you can be hunted down. 

Don’t be a Daveed my children, always be careful when holding substances that could potentially hurt you or another. 

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