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The rest of the break dragged. I have been doing nothing but staying in my bed watching movies or playing my video games. I haven't even gone to work all week. I told my mom that I have just been feeling a little under the weather, which is not entirely untruthful. I have been feeling like shit. Mainly from the nagging in my stomach and the emptiness I feel without Scarlett here.

Today is Monday, first day back to school after the break. Maybe I can convince my mother that I am still not feeling well. I would use her blow dryer to my forehead to make it feel hot to the touch, but she caught onto that last time I tried it.

Knock! Knock! "Dean, you awake honey? It is time to get up and get ready for school." My mother chimes.

I run my hands over my face and into my hair, and groan. "Mom I am going to stay home today. I still don't feel good." I lie.

My mother opens the door, her arms crossed and her eyes glowering at me. Her ability to know that I am lying and the face of an irritated mother doesn't stop me from noticing her outfit. She is wearing dress pants, a cream colored, button up top, her hair is up in a bun with loose curls around her face, and she is actually wearing makeup. She hasn't done that since my dad was still around.

I arch my brow as I scan her outfit. "What's the occasion mom? Got a hot date?"

"Oh no you don't, Dean Michael Connors. You tell me what is going on right now? And don't try to tell me it's that you are sick. I was not born yesterday young man." She points at me.

She walks over to me, keeping her gaze on me, as she sits on the edge of my bed. I roll my eyes and groan in defeat. There is no way out of this, the lady is just too damn smart for her own good. I sit up and pull my white comforter up, covering my legs and bare torso.

"Scarlett and I broke up." I sigh. I look at my mother as she gasps. I don't think she expected that.

"What? Why? When did this happen?" She mutters, her tone full of concern.

"New Years. She left early from the trip."

"Okay....but why? I don't understand why you two would break it off. You two are just the cutest things and I see how happy she makes my baby boy."

"Mom I am not a baby. Now tell me why you are all dressed up today." I try to change the subject.

"You are and you always will be my baby." She smooths out her dress pants and sits up right. "The final paperwork was just signed for my divorce from your father. In a matter of weeks I will receive the documents that state I am now a divorce." She smiles. "Now, tell me what happened with Scarlett."

My plan to change the subject didn't work for long. I exhale and grin. "I am happy for you mom." I stop but she gives me the evil eye, waiting for me to answer her question.

"Ugh. Okay. She left me mom. You aren't going to like this but before I tell you, you have to know I didn't do it. I swear."

She nods hesitantly and I spill out everything that happened over the disastrous holiday.

"Well I believe you didn't do that. My son isn't like that. That makes sense why she hasn't been herself this past week at work. She looks like you, as if she isn't sleeping or eating." My mother's words pain me. I don't want Scarlett to hurt. I just need her to know the truth.

"You have to make her believe you." My mother speaks again, almost as if she knew what I was thinking. "So get up, you are going to school. Breakfast is on the table, chop chop." She barks while clapping her hands.

"Mom, please. I have texted her multiple times and she doesn't reply. She doesn't want to speak with me. I will try tomorrow but can I please just stay home today?" I beg.

My mom stares at me briefly before sarcastically shrugging her shoulders. "Sure. Why not?" She gets up and walks out of my bedroom, leaving me completely shocked.

I usually would have to fight a little harder. I lay back down on the bed, facing the wall, closing my eyes and trying to get the image of Scar out of my head. The way she looked that night, completely broken and shattered, because of me. Well not me, but whomever did this. I know it was Kaitlyn.

I suddenly lose all train of thought as the feeling of ice cold water splashes on my face. I jump up to my feet on my bed, the cold water dripping down my bare skin, as I screech. "Mom what the hell?"

My mother quickly rushes out the door, giggling. "Now get your sulking butt out of bed. You are going to school." I should have known that was too easy.

"I haven't seen Scar at all today, have you guys?" I ask Nina and Dex as we finish eating lunch.

Today is the first day I have seen Nina since that dreadful night and I know she is contemplating on telling me where my girl is. My...ex girl. No. I refuse to give up. Dex came over the next day and talked with me, just like he promised he would. He says he is going to figure out what happened. He is betting that is was all Phoebe, but I know how that broad is and she has minions everywhere, which I think includes Kaitlyn. Somehow.

"Er. Umm, I think she is going to be here after lunch." Nina mutters. "She had like a doctor's appointment or something to go to."

My stomach instantly drops. Is she okay? Oh god, did something happen to her?

"She is fine. The appointment was for Valerie, not Scarlett." Nina reassures me. Did I ask that out loud?

I nod, exhaling, letting my sudden worries leave. "Has...has she talked about me at all? How is she doing?"

Nina looks up from her lunch tray, and meets my gaze. "What do you think?"

I pry my eyes away from hers. Clearly she isn't going to answer me. She has obviously chosen sides.

A pair of small hands are placed over mine and I look up to see Nina looking at me once again, though guarded. "I am sorry." She whispers. "I just love both of you guys and I hate seeing you guys both so in pain. She has already been through so much pain and loss, I just...I know she is worse without you. You both were so happy together, which is why I am still pondering over the whole situation. Like I don't get it Dean."

"I get it Nina. I do. I know it looked bad back at the cabin, but I swear it that I did not text-"

"Hey lover boy. Missed you." Phoebe butts in and swiftly kisses my cheek before walking towards class. The bell just rang signaling that lunch is now over and thank the lord because the look on Nina's face...well let's just say if looks could kill, I would be a dead carcass that has been ran over several times.

Dex's eyes widen and he clears his throat before saying, "H-hey Scarlett."

Today is fucking me up with all of this impeccable timing of events. Me explaining myself to Nina and then my crazy ass ex says that shit and then of all things, kisses my cheek. And now this. Of course Scarlett would appear the moment that happened.

I slowly turn around to look at the girl I have been missing so damn much, but I feel even farther away from her now after seeing her face. She looks completely disgusted in me. Her eyes are watery and she looks just as pale as I do but still manages to look so beautiful. She is wearing denim skinny jeans, black boots, a black hoodie, and her hair is swept to the side.

Nina gets up and walks with Scarlett towards class in a hurry. Running from me I am sure. "What the fuck was that?" Dex asks.

"I don't know man. I told you she is psychotic." I feel defeated as I wipe at my cheek, trying to rid of the feeling of Phoebe's lips on them. When I bring my hand back down I notice the smeared pink lipstick on my hand. Of course she stained my cheek.

P.E. was just as horrible as lunch was. Scarlett couldn't even look at me. I even tried to get her attention during volleyball, but Mr. Benson made me run laps for interrupting class. After the final bell rings for the day, I rush towards the lockers in hopes of being able to pull Scarlett aside to make her listen to what I need to say, but by the time I get there, she is already gone.

I put my books in my locker and slam the door shut. I want to scream or punch something. I rest my forehead on the lockers briefly, trying to calm myself down. I just need to breathe. We both work tonight, so she will have no chance but to listen to me. I pick up my head reluctantly and turn around to head to my car when Dex runs up to me breathing heavy.

"Y-you are never going to believe what I just heard." He says in one breath. He takes a minute to catch his breath before breaking my anticipation. "So I was in the locker rooms taking a piss and I overheard Ryker's phone conversation."


"So! He was on the phone with fucking Phoebe. You were right, Kaitlyn was a part of all of it. They planned it so that you two would split and Ryker would try to win Scarlett over and Phoebe wants you back."

"Fuck. How does that not surprise me that Ryker is a part of it too? After he kept apologizing to Scar. ARGH!" I am fuming right now, my blood boiling over.

"Best part of the whole thing is that I recorded Ryker talking on the phone, so we have proof now."

Awesome, now all I need to do is show Scar to prove my innocence and that these mentally deranged and hormonal girls caused all of this. Wait.

"How do Phoebe and Kaitlyn even know each other?"

"Oh, yeah that. Get this dude, turns out that they are cousins. Can you believe that? We both dated girls from the same ludicrous family. "

Holy shit. Never saw that coming.

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