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I wake before my alarm clock goes off, turning it off so the loud noise doesn't ring. I stare at me ceiling thinking of last night, my moment with Dean. I smile to myself throwing the sheets over my head and kicking my feet in the air overwhelming with joy, as I keep picturing that moment over and over again. The way his lips felt on mine.

I bring my fingers to my lips and gently glide over my bottom lip and close my eyes, remembering exactly what I was feeling in that moment. It ignited a passion that I have never felt before. I was at a loss for words, almost in a daze. I couldn't even talk really after our kiss, so I gave him an Eskimo kiss to hide my large grin.

I laugh to myself about that. I huff as I sit up on the edge of my bed, remembering that even though it is my birthday, I still have school. But at least Dean will be there. I look towards my closet where I hung his jersey on the closet door knob and get up, now excited to go to school because I will be wearing that.

After my morning routine is done, I slip into my signature dark blue jeans and my vans and then remove the black jersey from the hanger, pulling it over my head. I am not swimming in it, but it does look big on me; though it is so comfortable. I pull the collar of the jersey to my nose to smell it and it is scented with testosterone and some yummy smelling cologne. Dean's cologne. The number five and the teams logo, Tigers, is printed in the orange on the right hand corner, while Connors is plastered right on the back. I feel the familiar comfort of a Jersey once it is on my back. The smell of Dean sure to leave its mark on my body.

I walk out of my bedroom and go into the kitchen. The aroma of brewing coffee in the air as I inhale the delicious smell. "Valerie, will you please braid my hair for me?" I ask Valerie as I take out a mug for some coffee. She sits on the stool bringing the cup of hot liquid to her lips and smiles.

"Of course I can birthday girl. Let me go get my stuff. Oh, and Happy Birthday." She genuinely smiles.

There is a knock at the door, and I grab another coffee cup out of the cupboard knowing that it is Nina. She forewarned me she would be coming over. "Come in," I yell as I pour the coffee in both cups.

Nina walks in with balloons and a gift in her hands, dressed in black leggings and an orange and black shirt, the school colors. Her face is painted with glitter and one stipe of orange and black under both eyes, and her hair in high pig tails. She really went all out.

"Happy Birthday...what is that?" Her jaw drops as she looks at the jersey I am wearing. She sets the balloons down and the present that she had brought and rushes over to me, grabs my shoulders and spins me around so that my back is facing her. "Oh my gosh! He gave you his jersey?" She spins me back around and looks at me completely astonished.

I nod my head and hand her her coffee, trying to hold back the large grin that is trying to spread across my face. She squeals with excitement, grabs her coffee and then sits on the stool at the breakfast bar.

"Okay tell me everything!" She demands.

Valerie saves me by walking back out with the hair stuff so that she can braid my hair, Seth following right behind her. Seth comes up to me and wraps me in a tight hug and kisses my cheek. "Happy Birthday little sister. My god. Eighteen. Whelp, guess that means Val and I can kick you out now." He chuckles and I lightly push him away.

I stick my tongue out at him as I cross my arms. "HA HA aren't you funny. You would be extremely sad if I moved out. I mean, who would cook around here?" I say with a sarcastic grin.

"Hey!" Valerie speaks up in defense. "I am learning." We all start laughing, including Valerie.

I grab the vanilla coffee creamer and pour a large portion into my cup, stirring the hot liquid, watching it turn to a light brown color.

"Want a little coffee with that creamer?" Nina asks me sarcastically. I hadn't realized she was watching me. I lightly chuckle, then bring the cup to my lips, blow on it to cool it down a bit and then take a sip of the sweet goodness.

"Mmm so good."

Nina laughs. "Seriously though, there is no point of you drinking coffee. But anyways,"
she changes the subject and slides over the wrapped gift to me, folding her hands and smiles at me. "You need to open your present I bought you!"

"Nina you didn't have to..."

"Oh, just open it already would you." She giggles, eager for me to open her present.

I return the smile and start to unwrap the present, trying not to move too much as Valerie is doing my hair. Once I tear off all the wrapping, inside is a beautiful set of heels and a ticket stub. I pull out the heels to get a better look at them. They are shining strappy platform sandals, embellished with tiny, dazzling crystals all over the shoe. I take out the ticket and read that it is for the homecoming dance.

"Nina thank you so much. These are absolutely beautiful." Valerie swings my big fishtail braid to the side, indicating that she is done and I shift, pulling Nina in for a hug. "I have nothing as beautiful as these shoes in my wardrobe that would match, so it looks like we are going to have to go shopping." I chuckle as I pull from the hug and look at her.

"Well..." She says, looking at Seth with a big grin.

Seth clears his throat and then grins back at Nina and then at me, handing me large gift bag. "This one is from Valerie and me." He says.

"We still have the receipt if you don't like it." Valerie says reassuringly.

I reach into the bag and pull out a royal blue dress. It is stunning. It is a high-low dress, so it will probably go to my mid-thigh in the front and cover the entire back, with a crystal belt just below the breast area, and the sleeves will cuff around my shoulders.

"Wow. Did you guys plan all this? Seth you coordinated?" I joke, holding back the tear that is trying to escape.

Seth rolls his eyes and everyone laughs. "Thank you guys. Thank you so much." I turn my attention to Nina. "Guess this means we are going to homecoming for sure then huh?"

"We are going to homecoming." She confirms.

I give everyone another hug thanking them again for the sweet gifts and finish my coffee.

"Don't think that just because we gave you birthday gifts and you being all affectionate is going to make me forget that you're wearing Dean's jersey. Details woman, spill." Nina demands.

On the way to school I tell Nina everything that happened with Dean, including the kiss.

"I am nervous." I admit as I get out of my car.


I shrug my shoulders. "I...I don't know." I say honestly. I am nervous about all sorts of things. The dance, Dean, our birthday celebrations tonight, school, and Dean.

Times like these was where I missed my dad most. He always knew how to get me to talk about things, even when I didn't know how to go about talking about it.

"Good morning beautiful." I hear a deep voice say behind us.

Dean is smiling the biggest smile I have seen on him yet, besides last night. He is approaching me, one hand in his pocket and the other raised holding the strap of his backpack. He looks so good in his baseball jersey and pants. I look at his lips and remember my birthday kiss, my cheeks burning at the thought.

Nina clears her throat. "Well, I will see you guys at lunch. Bye." She walks off, but not before winking at me once she is behind Dean.

"Morning." I croak. My pulse is going out of whack as I look at him. He called me beautiful, making me twice as nervous as before.

"Well, you ready for class birthday girl?"

I giggle. I am a nervous wreck right now. "Yeah I suppose. Hey, we are twining today." I point out the obvious of our matching outfits. His jerseys.

"I like it. I think the jersey looks great on you." He smirks and we head to class.

Once we enter English class, I hear gasps from Phoebe's two little minions as they nudge Phoebe to look. Phoebe looks absolutely flabbergasted as she takes in the sight of me wearing Dean's shirt.

I raise my head and walk proudly to my desk, not giving two fucks what they are going to say.

"Wow. What did you have to do to get the jersey? Blow him?" Phoebe says in disgust.

"No." Is all I say to her. I don't really have to say anything really.

I take a seat behind Dean and he smiles and winks at me. "Ignore her." He mouths.

"She probably fucked him for that. Little slut." I hear one of the minions say. It was the redhead whispering loud enough for me to hear.

Phoebe looks at me and scans the jersey. "Well enjoy my sloppy seconds. I literally, taught him everything he knows. Isn't that right baby?"

"Don't call me that. I am not your damn baby. Now fuck off."

Mr. Edwards walks into class and begins the lesson for the day before Phoebe can say anything else hurtful. Dean glances back at me and then looks back up front. I feel his hand reach back and grab one of my hands that was dangling under my desk, and he starts to lightly massage it with his thumb. The touch of his hand on mine makes my nerves go away and I almost melt in the warmth of his slightly calloused hands.

If looks could kill, I would be dead. Phoebe glares at our hands and then growls under her breath as she stares into my eyes. Her head might explode with all the steam coming out of her ears and her face an extreme red, but I don't care. All I can think about right now is that Dean is holding my hand.

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