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Christmas Eve morning. I roll over to grab my phone from the nightstand, and peek through the sheets for the time. 8:00 A.M. Shit, I slept in. I pull the sheets over my head in frustration and quickly pull them off, forcing myself out of bed.

As soon as I finish getting dressed in my red skirt, a white long sleeve V-neck, and black ankle boots, I hear a light knock on my door. Seth walks in covering his eyes.

"You decent?" He asks.

I chuckle. "Yes. Good morning to you too." I say sarcastically.

He removes his hand from his eyes and practically jogs to my bed to sit down and starts twiddling his thumbs. He is so nervous it is funny. I am not used to seeing my big brother act like this.

"I am literally freaking the fuck out Scar." He says while running both his hands through his hair and intertwines his fingers behind his neck. Slightly throwing his head back dramatically.

I roll my eyes at the gesture. "My gosh. Seth, what is there to be scared of? You know she is going to say yes."

He nods repeatedly before speaking as if having a conversation with himself. "I guess I am just more nervous about it all going okay. I don't know." He shrugs his shoulders. "I am scared. Its nerve wrecking."

"Seth, Valerie loves you. So much that she has been waiting seven years for you to ask her to marry you. We both know mom and dad loved her too so you know that they are up there nodding in approval. All you got to do is grow a pair of kahunas and eat shit on that ice, and bend on that knee. And then bam, pop the long waited and anticipated question." I clap my hands and smile at him.

He stands up and wraps me in a hug. "Thank you. You know, I think they would be nodding in approval at Dean too. I think he is a good kid. I mean, I haven't seen you this happy in a long time Scar. I feel like I am getting my little sister back."

I can't contain the ridiculous grin that grows on my face. "He got me to start pitching again last night Seth and it felt so good. I felt like I had this weight lifted off of my chest." I exhale and put my hand over my chest. "He got me to see through my fears and remind me of what I love to do and to not hate it anymore."

Seth gives me a small smile and wipes the lonely tear that is running down his cheek. "You have no idea how happy that makes me Scar. Really. You needed someone like him. He is good for you." He mutters.

I nod, trying to not cry with him. "Well what do you say I make some cinnamon banana pancakes?" I ask, changing the subject.

"How about right here?" Dean asks me.

He is hanging up the 'Congratulations' banner while I start prepping the dinner.

"Yeah, that works." I reply.

He finishes tacking the banner to the wall and then joins me in the kitchen. I am making chicken Alfredo, homemade garlic bread, and salad. Using my mother's old recipe, I am making homemade Alfredo sauce and it smells amazing. The aroma filling the kitchen. Dean comes up behind me, placing both hands on my hips and lightly kisses just below my ear. It sends a tingle throughout my entire body.

"That smells so good." He sniffs the sauce and dips a finger in it, bringing it to his mouth to taste. "It also tastes very good. Hot, but good." He smirks and I swat his arm.

"Wait until dinner is done." I laugh and continue to stir the sauce. "This was my mother's recipe."

"So that is where you learned your awesome cooking skills. My little chef." He chimes. "So, what else did you need help with?"

"Hmm, well....I have almost all of the food done. Maybe you can just set the table?" I suggest.

He nods and sets up the table. By the time we are finished the small table looks elegant with our simple meal. This is Valerie's favorite so that is why we decided on the Alfredo.

"How long until they get here?" Dean asks as he rubs his tummy. I can hear his stomach growling and I giggle.

"Probably in about twenty minutes, give or take." I shrug my shoulders.

"Ugh." He grunts. I giggle again at his little dramatic self and his brows furrow. "Oh, you think it's funny that your boyfriend is starving huh?" I can see the humor in his eyes as he stares at me. He starts walking towards me with his arms out, ready to start tickling me.

"Oh no, no, no." I shriek and start running away from him. I almost get to my door, ready to close it, until I feel his hand grip my shirt and spin me around to face him. He has a mischievous grin plastered on his face and his electric blue eyes are glistening as he looks at me.

He starts tickling me and I try to get out of his grasp with no such luck. He isn't ticklish like I am, so I need to be smart here. Distraction is my best chance. I am uncontrollably laughing while he tickles me, but I manage to cup his face with my hands and press my lips onto his, hard. His hands instantly relax and he places them on my hips, and kisses me back. I pull away and quickly back up into my room and try to shut the door, but he is way stronger than me and pushes the door open.

Instead of tickling me again, he gently pulls my arm, pulling me into him, and starts kissing me again. His hand on my cheek, caressing it with his thumb and his other hand on the back of my head. His fingers weaving into my hair, gently pushing me harder into him. I grab the back of his neck with one hand, the other on his chest. His heart is going as crazy as mine at this point. We pull away for a moment, to catch our breath, and rub our noses together. Our hot breath coming out, and the burning in my cheeks returning. We gaze at each other and I press my lips back to his again, needing to feel his lips on mine once again.

I partially open my mouth to allow him access, and his tongue immediately responds. The goosebumps rise everywhere. I grip his collar and start guiding him backwards to my bed. Our lips never breaking contact. I fall softly on my back onto the bed and pull him on top. I suck in a sharp breath as soon as I feel the hard pulse of his arousal on my leg. Something begins to throb in the apex of my legs and it feels hot and wet in my panties. I want him.

His hands glide over every inch of me and I revel in the sensual feeling it brings me. My breathing hitches and I pull his shirt over his head, exposing his bare chest. My eyes are glued to the glistening body that is now laying over me, gazing at the beautiful V-lines. My fingers automatically trace over the lines and his hips buck. He tightens his abdomen at the touch and bites back a moan as my hand glides over his swollen member, ready to burst out of his pants. I have never even seen or felt one, but it felt huge.

Swallowing hard, I start to unzip his pants before he breaks from the kiss and looks down, grabbing my forearm to stop me. He shakes his head, his hot breath ragged. "No baby. We don't need to do that yet, okay? I want us to take this slow."

My cheeks burn at the rejection. "But...I want to Dean. I want it to be with you." I say and mean it. I've never felt like this for anyone before. He consumes me and I'm perfectly content with it.

He grins and pushes back a piece of hair behind my ear. "And I would love for your first time to be with me. Believe me. But I want you to be completely ready Scar." He stops waiting for me to answer but something triggers. "There is other things that we can do. I just want to make sure you don't feel like I am rushing you. I can wait..."

I put my finger to his mouth, to shut him up. "I want to."

"O...Okay." He mutters. His body still lingering over me, he starts kissing me again, with more passion. He starts to glide his hand up my leg, his finger tracing every inch of my upper thigh until he reaches under my skirt and to my panties. He starts to rub his finger over my panties and it is unbelievably arousing.

"Mmm baby you are already so wet. I can feel it seeping through your panties." He pants in my ears. He hooks a finger around my panties, pulling them slowly down my legs.

Not knowing what to expect right now, I gulp. Anxious, as the desire for him grows, my body gets the chills. He kisses me softly as he rubs his fingers over my now very moist center. The way his fingers feel over my bare self, is so invigorating, stimulating, and unfamiliar to me. He continues to rub a little more, and then gently slips a finger inside of me.

I gasp and instantly feel myself tightening over his finger, the walls of my vagina throbbing. I suck in another breath and exhale, trying to relax as he starts to slowly pump his finger inside of me. My skin prickles as he continues to pump his finger, making me let out a soft moan.

His jaw clenches at this and I kiss his jawline, bringing him over the edge. My hips buck, and I cry out his name as I feel myself release on his finger. A feeling completely new to me, but almost empowering as I reach a level of complete satisfaction when I hit my climax.

"Oh, Dean." I moan and he throws his head back. Trying to slow down our heavy breathing as he pulls his finger out of me. He wraps his arms over me, his head laying on my chest.

"That was amazing." Is all I can manage to spit out and he chuckles lightly.

My heart is going completely nuts right now, ready to bust out of my chest. I glance down at the beautiful man who is laying across me, his eyes closed. I start running my fingers through his hair, slightly rubbing his scalp and he groans.

"Scarlett, we are here!" I hear Seth's voice call out from the living room. Dean and I instantly shoot up and our eyes widen in terror.

"Shit. Scar I need to use the restroom." He exclaims as he stands up and points at his pants. He has a small wet spot near his crotch and I can't help but giggle. "You go out there and I'll meet you in a few minutes." He says and puts his shirt back on, covering his sexy body. I wish he can always be shirtless.

I ponder the thought of how many more girls would fondle all over him if they were to see his god-like self, half naked. Nope, never mind. Ladies, you may look, but you certainly can't touch.

As he goes into the restroom to adjust himself, I use a towel to wipe the wetness and slide my panties back on. I grimace at my reflection in the mirror. My hair is everywhere, my cheeks are a crimson red, and my lips are swollen and pink. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to make it look a little more presentable and then go out into the living room.

First thing I notice when I get to the living room was my parents ring on Valerie's finger. "AHHH! She said yes. I told you!" I squeal with excitement.

Seth and Valerie start laughing. I engulf them both into a tight hug. I am so excited for them, I truly am. "See, and here you were all worried." I wiggle my brows and nudge Seth.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut it." He rolls his eyes. In all my 18 years, I have never seen a bigger grin on my brother's face.

Dean walks out of the bathroom and the tiny wet spot that was on his pants is no longer visible and he winks at me. I smile and gaze at the guy who I am completely infatuated with.

I bring my hands together, snapping out of my little daydream. "Well, are we ready to eat?"

Valerie claps her hands. "Yes...I saw the chicken alfredo on the table. I have been ready to dive in since we walked in." She giggles. She jogs over to her chair and we all start to laugh at her excitement.

We all begin to eat the dinner that Dean and I have prepared and I can hear everyone's silent mmm's as they eat the yummy Alfredo. Dean's hand is resting on my thigh under the table and it makes me squirm with the joy his touch gives me. He gives me the most serene look as he gives me that side smile that I have grown to love so much.

"So, Seth, how many times did you beef it before the proposal?" Dean asks, breaking our staring match.

Everyone starts busting out in laughter at Seth's sudden red facial features. Valerie raises Seth's arm and shows us the already bruising spots. Guess that answers the question.

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