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After parking the cars, we make our way to the long line that is waiting to get into the club. I feel anxious and also underdressed as I glance at the women standing in line in front of us. Long, bare legs exposed with shimmery mid-thigh dresses, skimpy tops, and shorts to go past your belly button and leave most of their butt cheeks hanging out.

"What is the point of those shorts?" I whisper to Nina.

She looks at the red head in front of us and giggles. "To give themselves permanent wedgies for the night I guess."

Nina looks great in her long, black maxi dress with her brown ankle boots and a denim jacket. Her hair in loose curls, framing her face perfectly. The guys are all wearing jeans. Caleb has a burgundy plain T-shirt and Dex has on a black button up shirt. Probably the nicest I have seen him dress. Dean looks handsome as always with his converse and a plain black hoodie. Even the simplest of outfits, I still find myself practically drooling at his appearance.

Kaitlyn looks good too, though she looks as if she should be with the group in front of us. With her short white skirt, red halter top with a plunging cut in the front, showing all of her cleavage and her white strap up heels. How are all these girls not freezing their chi chi's off right now?

"You look beautiful." Dean whispers into my ear from behind me. I blush and turn my head to kiss him on the cheek.

He manages to make me feel pretty, even though all I had on was my black, skin tight leggings, brown knee high boots, and a brown turtle neck that hung loosely over my body. I had my hair up in a bun with a couple of loose strands hanging on the sides of my face. It was simple but I thought it looked cute for this outfit. It was the only cute outfit I brought. I packed for the snow and the mountains, not a club.

Once we finally reached the door, the tall man with a black suit, and thick arms checks all of our ID's, stamps our hand and lifts the red velvet rope, letting us into enter through the heavy black doors.

We get inside and I feel like someone gave me a shot of caffeine. I wide awake and tingly with excitement as I take it all in. The building is crawling with people. Bodies everywhere, swaying to the loud music that is blaring from the DJ system. People swarming to the bar in the corner, the fog machine pumping and circling the entire checkered dance floor that seemed to being changing colors as people danced.

"This is exciting!" Nina squeals. Her perkiness is at its highest right now. "Let's go dance."

Nina grabs my hand and starts leading me to the colored dance floor. I look back to Dean and he smiles at me. "You girls go ahead. We are going to get the drinks and try to snag a table." He winks and I turn back to Nina.

Kaitlyn joins us and all three of us start dancing, getting lost in the music. I can literally smell the sweat from all the bodies on the dance floor. I start swinging my hips to the music, raising my hands, and moving like no one else is in the building. At a certain point in the song, the beat drops, and so does my ass to the floor and back up. Nina does the same and we start giggling. "Damn girl! Booty popping!" Nina yells over the music.

A familiar song comes on and Nina and are start singing along.

"I don't belong in this club." We sing simultaneously.

"Once dance." Nina sings and laughs at me.

"No chance." I sing the next part and laugh with Nina.

As we dance and sing along to I Don't Belong in This Club by Why Don't We, a pair of hands slide onto my body, fingers digging into my hips. I turn around, thinking that it is Dean. It's not. This guy is about six foot, has bulky arms and his brown eyes are dilated.

I can smell the alcohol on his breath as he talks. "Dance with me gorgeous." He pulls me closer, my chest to his.

I try to squirm out of his grip, but he has too tight of a hold on me. "Let me go." I demand. Nina reaches up and tries to pry his arm off of me.

"Let her go you creep. She doesn't want to dance with you." The guy pushes Nina away with one arm, maintaining his grip on me, while Kaitlyn continues to dance as if nothing is going on and it pisses me off. I see Nina run away and I look back at the almost black eyes staring at me. His eyes are intense as he bores into me.

"I saw you dancing a few minutes ago. I couldn't take my eyes off of your ass. Why is a fine ass thing such as yourself out here with no man on your arm huh?" He hisses and grips my arms, pulling me in and glides his tongue up my cheek. "Mm. Salty and sweet."

A chilling and unnerving feeling shoots up my spine and I am about to explode when Dean's arm reaches in between the perp and myself. The man takes a second to realize what is going on as Dean grabs his collar and launches his fist into the man's face, bringing him to the floor.

"Leave her the fuck alone. What the hell is wrong with you?" Dean shouts. I have never seen him like this. His veins bulging in his neck from the anger. Dean brings back his arm, his fist closed tight, ready to hit the man again when a bouncer and Caleb stop him.

The bouncer grabs the perp and picks him up off the floor, escorting him out of the club the same time Caleb stops Dean's fist from flying again. Caleb says something to Dean that I can't hear. Hopefully calming him down. His chest rising and falling fast, his fists both balled up tight, and his entire face red and filled with rage.

"You okay? I went and got Dean and the bouncer." Nina asked.

I nod. I hate feeling like the damsel in distress. I should have man handled him the way I did with Ryker when he tried to have his way. "I need to sit down for a few minutes." I fumed.

Nina grabs my hand and we go the table that the guys managed to get. Dex is sitting there, hands folded up to his mouth. He opens his mouth to say something when Dean and Caleb come back over.

"Scar are you okay? Dean stammers. "What did he do?"

I told him what happened, and then excused myself to the bathroom. I felt like I needed to wash off my face after the disgusting gesture from the creep. As I am scrubbing my cheek vigorously, a bathroom stall opens and out walks Kaitlyn. I shut off the water and exhale, trying to keep my cool, but I can't.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I scold.

"What are you talking about Scarlett?"

"You were right there and you did nothing. Nothing." I emphasize the last part. "A friend wouldn't fucking do that."

"What was I supposed to do? Risk getting hit or pushed like Nina?" She scoffs and I feel my mouth drop.

"What happened to you? I mean weeks ago you were pretty cool and you didn't have this...this petty bitch attitude going on. What changed huh?"

She rolls her eyes and flicks the water from her hands from her quick rinse. "Nothing has changed. I just realized some things after hanging out with you for a while. Like for one, you are stuck up and you only care about yourself." She glares at me and continues. "I mean, really, how long do you think you plan on keeping a man like Dean on the hook without having sex? That isn't really fair giving the man blue balls just because you want to be a little tease. No wonder he misses Phoebe sometimes. He needs an actual woman. Not a little girl who can't fill that void. Besides, from the picture he showed me on his phone, she is gorgeous." 

She eyes me up and down, flicking her hair, and begins to walk out of the restroom. She stops, looking over her shoulder, and says, "It won't be long until he gets bored a pathetic little girl who doesn't compare to his ex. Face the facts, it isn't always about you like you make it be, and he is just way out of your league." She struts out of the door, leaving me completely broken.

Weeks ago, I considered her a friend. It wasn't until this trip that she changed. How did she know what Phoebe looked like? Kaitlyn doesn't even go to our school. What picture? I am not conceited or think anything like that. I consider myself a good friend and I care about everyone. I start sobbing as I look at my reflection. Am I really pathetic? Was she right? Will Dean get tired of me?

I splash some water on my face and then dry it off. Trying to cool myself down before I go back out. I need to talk to Dean and see what was said between him and Kaitlyn.

I walk to our table where only Dean, Caleb and Nina are sitting now. "Where did Kaitlyn and Dex go?"

Nina tilts her head at me. "Scarlett, what's wrong?"

"They went back to the cabin. I guess Kaitlyn wasn't feeling all that well." Caleb answers my question.

Dean's eyes furrow as he looks at me in my distressed state. "Did something else happen when you went into the restroom?" He stands up and I put my hand out to his chest.

"No. Nothing happened. I am fine." I choke, holding back the tears that want to escape.

Nina stands up and pulls me aside. "Scarlett tell me what happened. I wasn't born yesterday. I can tell something happened because you were clearly crying." She whispers as she wipes the one tear that fell from the corner of my eye. "Her cheeks are also very red and puffy. Tell me now or I will-"

"Okay." I interrupt her. "But not here. I don't want Dean to hear."

"We will be right back boys. We are going to go and get refills on our sodas. Want anything?"

Dean shakes his head slowly, sits back down and clasps his hand behind his neck. "No babe we are good. Be careful okay." Caleb says.

Nina grabs my hands and we weave through the crowd towards the bar. "Can I get a refill of coke and then a water please?" Nina asks the bald bartender. He looks like he is in his fifties. "I got you water since I noticed your soda was still full. Have to make it seem not so obvious that we needed to talk away from them." Nina adds. I hadn't drank any of my soda, my dry mouth and Nina remind me. "Okay so tell me what happened Scarlett."

I tell Nina everything that happened in the bathroom with Kaitlyn and she looks just as stunned as I do. Her mouth drops before she speaks.

"Scarlett you have to know that she is full of shit right? I mean, yeah Phoebe is pretty or whatever but her personality is, how would a cheerleader say it? U-G-L-Y." Nina grabs my shoulders and makes me look at her. "I don't know what picture she is talking about but you do not have anything to worry about with Dean. He isn't like Ryker, he won't hurt you. Caleb, Dex and I were just talking about how much he is into you. He is devoted to you. I have known the guy for years and have never seen him look at someone the way he does with you. Don't believe anything that bitch said to you. Do you hear me? Believe Dean. Believe your best friend. He wants you and he certainly does not think that you are pathetic or any of those horrible and completely untrue things she said. Now we are going to go back over there. We are going to dance with our men and you are not going to let some tramp ruin your night." Her eyes search mine, waiting for a reaction.

I give her a small smile and nod. "Okay. Sorry it just hurts to be told that by someone you thought was your friend you know? I...I am falling in love with him Nina. I really am and it terrifies me. I don't want to lose him." I have never said that aloud until right now. The words just poured out of me, but it was the truth. I was falling in love with him.

"I know you are love. And if I am not mistaken, I am sure he is too. Now let's go." She grins and tugs on my hand.

I grab Dean's hand, weaving my fingers with his, and pull him from his seat. "You. Me. Dance floor. Let's go." He grins widely and follows me to the middle of the dance floor.

I pull him into me, taking control, as I place my back to his chest and pull his hands over my waist. Letting the music guide my body again, I start moving as his hands slowly move down and lightly holds my hips. His touch is gentle and reassuring. I turn around to face him, his hands still at my hips, and I drop down to the floor at his feet and slowly rise back up, my breasts gliding against his legs and torso in a seductive way.

Dean fights a smile as he bites his bottom lip and growls under his breath. My knees buckle at the sexy sound. Grabbing the black material of his hoodie, I pull him into me, smashing my lips onto his. The music is still loud, and with the different beats I can almost feel the dance floor rumble under my feet. Our tongues twirl around, while we continue to move on the dance floor. I am soaking in his scent and the way his hands feel on me. I need to forget everything Kaitlyn said. Nina was right, she was just full of shit. But then again, the thought occurs again, how would she know who Phoebe was? We never mentioned her name before to her. And what picture?

I break from the kiss and lean my head onto Dean's chest, the thoughts invading my train of thought. Did he really talk about Phoebe? Does he have a picture of her that maybe Kaitlyn seen?

We get back to the cabin and there is another thirty minutes until it is officially 2019, so we decide to grab the stuff we bought and make s'mores.

Kaitlyn is already sleeping, go figure, so I can't talk to her. Instead the five of us gather around the bonfire and celebrate together.

"5-4-3-2-1!" We all count down and yell, "Happy New Year."

Caleb pulls Nina in and kisses her. I look at Dean, his blue eyes glistening by the fire. He licks his lips and presses his forehead to mine. "Happy New Year." He whispers and gives me my favorite penguin kiss. "There is no one else I would rather celebrate tonight with." He sounds genuine and his words warm my frigid body. He plants a soft kiss on my lips with his.

"Man. Again, I am the fifth wheel." Dex pouts and we all giggle.

"How about we take a group picture? Sound like a deal?" Dean suggests.

We all huddle in front of the bonfire and Dean lifts his phone to take a picture. After we take the shot, Dean turns the phone back around to show me the picture and at the same time, an incoming text message pops up.

'We can talk when u r single. I miss u 2 boo but I told u. Dump her first, then you can have me. ;) luv ya.' -Phoebe.

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