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"Scar," I hear my brother whispering. "Scar wake up."

I open one eye to look at the clock. "It is only 7:00 AM Seth. Can I sleep in for one more hour? It's Sunday." I groan, pulling my pillow over my face.

"Oh fine. Just thought you would want to feel the baby kicking. He, or she, is going nuts right now. But okay I'll let you sleep..."

"I am up! I'm up!" I squeal. Jumping out of bed, letting my sleepy legs wake up before rushing out to feel Valerie's tummy.

Valerie is laying down on her back on the couch, with one hand feeling her tummy while the other hand is holding her phone, recording the movements. I kneel down on the carpet, by her side to get a closer look and see that her tummy looks like it is almost rolling.

"Here-," Valerie takes my hand and places it on the lower part of her tummy, "do you feel that?"

At first when my hand rests, there was no response. Until after a few seconds later, I feel a small tap on my palm. It is an incredible feeling. I keep my hand there, my excitement growing when the taps continue.

"Wow, she is really moving in there." I say, removing my hand.

"She? It could be a he, you never know." Seth remarks, taking a sit at the end of the couch, lifting Valerie's legs up on his lap.

"Well calling my baby it sure isn't any better." Valerie teases, looks over at me and winks.

"You know that isn't what I meant." Seth states, rolling his eyes. I can't help but laugh at their cuteness.

"So have you guys decided on any names yet? Whether the baby is a boy or girl."

Valerie and Seth glance at each other momentarily before answering. Seth brings his hand behind his neck, rubbing it and doesn't make eye contact with me.

"We wanted to talk with you about that actually. We were wondering how you would feel if we used our parent's names. For a boy we were thinking Paul Isaac Montgomery and if it's a girl, Elaine Isabelle Montgomery, after mom and you." My breathing hitches as Seth looks to me, wanting to see my reaction. I could feel my eyes getting watery at the thought. "If you are not comfortable with that, we won't do it. I, we, just thought that it would be nice."

"I think mom and dad would love it." I choke. "I know I do." I sniffle. I love the fact that if I have a niece, my brother may use my mother's name and my middle name. "I love it actually. Thank you guys so much."

I engulf Seth and Valerie in a hug. Burying my head in my brother's arm to hide the small tear that has fell from my eyes.

"So, does naming my baby after you earn me some of your famous cinnamon and banana pancakes?"

"Oh and bacon? Baby and I are craving some bacon right now." Valerie and Seth both fold their hands together, pouting their lips, and bat their lashes.

I rise to my feet, laughing. "Ah, I suppose."

The next day at school, I woke up feeling pretty good after a nice weekend. I decided on wearing my blue tennis shoes, black leggings, and a white long sleeve sports shirt that has two black stripes on the sleeves. Finished my plain jane look with some mascara, eyeliner, and my hair scrunched to have a wavy look. It was going fine, that is until I walk through the double doors and am greeted by Phoebe. She can surely ruin a good weekend.

"Morning Scarlett. Prom ticket?" She greets me with a fake smile, in her cheer uniform. 

The cheer team is selling the prom tickets and I am suddenly reminded I still have not been asked.

I shake my head, "No, I am fine, thanks," I reply, scurrying off to my locker. I could feel her bore her eyes into the back of my head as I walk away. I am sure she has a smirk plastered on her caked up face.

As I open my locker to grab my text books for class, Nina approaches me, leaning against the locker next to me.

"Well good morning sunshine." She is just so damn perky in the mornings. Although, I think I was that way too this morning before you know who had to go and ruin that.

"Morning." I grumble.

"What's up with you, grumpy gills."

"Phoebe. She just had to be the first person to greet me this morning and for a prom ticket of all things. Probably just trying to find out if Dean has asked me yet." I shut my locker and turn around so that my back is now leaning on my locker, my arms folded over my chest holding my books.

Nina chuckles lightly. "Yeah, because that is what everyone wants to see to start their day. The wicked witch of Douglas." I roll my eyes and giggle with Nina.

I stare ahead as I see the double doors swing open and watch as an angel enters. I scan the room and watch everyone turn their attention to Dean as he walks in the door, his head held high and his confidence glowing. Phoebe's desperation comes out as she looks him up and down and tries to stop him to talk about prom tickets, I assume.

He waves her off and continues to stride towards me, his eyes locked on mine. I break the eye contact only for a couple seconds to admire how absolutely hot he looks today. He has his dark jeans on, black converse, a plain white tee, and a blue denim jacket on. His hair sits messy on the top of his head, but it looks sexy. He doesn't even have to try to look this damn good. 

"Stop drooling." Nina whispers.

I smack her arm. "Shh." She giggles and whispers that she will see me later as Dean approaches me.

He cups my face, pecks me on the lips, and then pulls away. "Good morning."

The heat rises to my cheeks and I know I am blushing. "M-morning. You look nice today. Really nice."

He chuckles, and then gently pulls a strand of my hair. "So do you. I like your hair today. This look is just a little wild but sexy. I like it." His eyes soften as he looks at me. I watch his eyes go to my lips and then back to my eyes. "We should probably get to class."

I nod and he intertwines his fingers with mine, as we walk to English.

"Okay girls, today let's practice more on batting. We have our first game Friday against Cornwall and we need to be prepared. For those of you who don't know, Scarlett was their star player, their pitcher and I am expecting for them to be making some noise when she is on the field to distract her. Let's make sure we keep our cool and are prepared to hit that ball when we go up to bat. I will turn the pitching machine on, Scarlett and Anna, I want you to go to the sidelines and practice pitching to Nina."

"You two ready?" Nina asks, her catcher's gear already on.

Anna and I look at each other and nod. "Yeah, you want to go first Scarlett?" I nod and we walk to the side.

Anna has been really nice the last few weeks. She can even be a potential friend, but she is one of Phoebe's minions which is why I am still skeptical.

"You ready to go against your old team?" Anna asks, after Nina signals for me to pitch. I pitch the ball and it hits smack in the middle of her glove.

"Yeah I am. I am also looking forward to seeing some of the girls I haven't seen in a long time. My friend Marissa is the catcher, you both would like her." I think back to the last time I seen her and it was at my parent's funeral. Marissa was the one who had to tell me coach needed to speak with me, not knowing that I was going to be told my parents were killed.

"That's cool. Maybe we can all hangout afterwards?" Anna offers.

I look to Nina and she shrugs her shoulders. She is just as skeptical about Anna as I. This could be just another one of Phoebe's plans, kind of like making us befriend her cousin and breaking Dean and I up.

"Yeah, maybe. Her brother will most likely come down as well. He is in college but he would probably hang out too, unless that is a problem?" I mention Marissa's brother, Brandon, to see what Anna's reaction would be. To let her know she wouldn't be alone with Nina and I, in case she has plans to follow from Phoebe.

"That is fine. I just kind of want to hang out with different people. I am pretty much just tired of the bullshit from Phoebe." She says bluntly and I can't tell if she is being honest or not.

I arch my brow and hold the ball in my glove, pausing till I pitch another one. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, I mean I am sick of being treated like her personal slave. I don't want to do that. Just because her mom is some hotshot attorney and has money, she thinks she can just treat people like shit and get away with it."

Nina chuckles loudly. "I don't blame you. We are not even friends with her and we are just as sick of her as you." Nina shakes her head and then gets back in her stance, "Alright Scarlett, bring the heat with the next five pitches and then you two switch."

I nod and get back in my position to pitch when I hear Anna mutter to herself, "You have no idea of the evil concoctions that girl has come up with." Anna has her head down, and totally not aware that I just heard what she said and a part of me feels as though it is a warning.

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