The Final Inning.

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"Dude are you okay over there?" Dex asks as I stare out the window of the limo. I rub my sweaty palms against my black slacks, removing the excess nervousness that is leaking out of me. "You look like your shitting bricks, just breathe man."

The limo stops right in front of Scarlett's house, and I feel as if my heart may pop right out of my black tux. I loosen up the black tie and hold Scarlett's corsage, a single white rose with baby's breath. Looking away from the window while I take one last deep breath before exiting the car, Nina and Caleb both smile at me.

"Go get your girl." Nina says softly, smiling genuinely.

I nod and open the door and make my way towards the front door. I shake my hand, and look up to the sky, silently praying I can contain the circus of butterflies and flips my stomach has going on in there. I knock the door and moments later Seth welcomes me in, a smile on the new father's face.

I step into the house and the first thing I see is my mother sitting on the couch next to Valerie, holding baby Elaine in her arms. My mother's eyes go wide as she sees me and she stands from the couch.

"Oh, honey, you look so handsome." She says, her eye's watering before me. She walks towards me and gives me a light hug, still holding Elaine.

I put my finger in Elaine's hand and her tiny hand grips it. "Sis, your date is here!" Seth calls out. I straighten out my suit, while trying to remain calm. I look down to the floor to exhale, my hands are shaking as I hold the corsage in my hands.

What seems like minutes pass by, and I hear the tapping of heels against the flooring. I look up and I lose my breath, I swear my heart stopped at the beautiful sight in front of me. How did I get so damn lucky? Scarlett walks towards me and stops right in front of me. Her long dark hair falls over her shoulders in loose curls, her beautiful smile and skin are glowing, her pouty lips painted red, and her make up done so lightly.

I bring my hand over my heart, "You look absolutely breathtaking, Scar."

She blushes at my compliment and places her small hand on the top of mine. "You too." She says shyly. I take her hand and put the corsage on her hand. She looks at it and kisses my cheek.

"Okay, we need pictures!" My mom announces.

"Oh, first-," Scarlett says, picking up her dress and walks towards the fridge and returns with a boutonniere, "I think your missing something." Scarlett pins the single red rose on my suit. Once she successfully and painlessly pins the rose, I grab her hand and pull her in so that I can plant a single kiss on this gorgeous girlfriend of mine.

After several pictures, a decent dinner, and a thirty minute limo ride, we finally arrive to the hotel that is hosting the prom. Walking arm in arm, Scarlett and I walk in the giant convention room, following Nina, Caleb, Dex, and Anna.

When we first walk in, I hear Scarlett gasp as she grips onto my arm tighter in excitement. The smile that lights up her face thrills me, she's just too damn adorable. The prom theme is Starry Night, and the prom committee definitely didn't disappoint.

The entire ceiling was filled with tiny lights imitating stars, while the only lights in the room were the stars and the dim blue lighting on the dance floor. The backdrop was in the shape of a crescent moon, accentuated by strings of twinkling lights, a dark blue curtain, several candles placed on the floor, and bouquets of white and pink roses surrounding the middle, leaving the one spot open for couples to pose for pictures.

The white drapes that hung from the ceiling, representing clouds, white cloth draped over the tables with candles for the center pieces, and the chairs covered with white cloth and a black bow on the back of each one. It looked incredible, the decorations intricate.

Music played in the background, young couples swayed back and forth on the dance floor, and the mesmerizing color of hazel looking right at me as if I'm the only one in the room; Scarlett's eyes.

"Let's get out there girl! I didn't get all dolled up not to shake my ass a bit." Nina chimes over the music, pulling Scarlett out to the dance floor. I nod and gesture for her to go.

I watch at Nina, Anna, and Scarlett all dance, laughing and having the time of their lives. "Hey, lover boy." A snarky voice calls out.

No, please no.

I roll my eyes as I look over and examine Phoebe, standing with her hand on her hip, her minions on either side. She is wearing a short, red strapless dress. Perfect color for her, since you know, the devil wears red.

"Go away, Phoebe." I groan and look away from her, bringing my eyes back to my girl.

Scarlett's eyes land on Phoebe and she starts stomping towards us, Nina and Anna follow. Once she reaches us, Scarlett folds her arms across her chest, accentuating her breasts, and purses her lips.

"Oh, hey girls." Phoebe greets them before the girls say anything. Her tone as cold as ice.

I watch as all three girls furrow their brows, the drama unfolding in front of me. "What do you want Phoebe?" Scarlett speaks up.

"You know, Scarlett, I was rather impressed with your essay today. You didn't mention the name of this so called man that you love and saved you from your big bad fear. But, I mean of course we already knew you were talking about our Dean here." She says while rolling her eyes and sets her hand on my shoulder.

I lean forward and shake her hand off of me. "Doesn't that make you sick to your stomach? I mean, personally if it were me, the pure thought of it would make me hurl."

"What would?" Scarlett pushes for answers.

Phoebe smirks and answers her, "The fact that you're literally fucking your parent's killer's son, of course. When he's inside of you, I bet he thinks of me. In fact, he's probably only with you because he feels bad." Phoebe snorts, along with her minions.

I dig my fingers into the palms of my hands, my knuckles turning white as I stand from my chair. Dex and Caleb stand with me, both holding me back, not that I would do anything physical to the bitch in red.

Scarlett's face is now of a crimson red, her hazel eyes dulling as each second goes by. I pull her in for a hug and her cheek rests on my chest. "Are you okay?" I ask the same time Nina leans over and whispers, "She needs her ass beat."

Scarlett sniffles, resisting the urge to cry as she shakes her head. The cackling continuing of the three evil witches. "I...I can't." She croaks. "I can't risk getting in any trouble. I have the recruiter coming next week, Nina. My future is riding on this next game."

Nina nods in understanding and then smiles. "I get it girl." She simply states. Scarlett and I watch as Nina turns and faces Phoebe with a grin, meanwhile cracking her knuckles. "Fortunately for you, I will be attending college here with Caleb, so I don't mind risking the trouble." With one fast swift motion of her arm, Nina's closed fist hits Phoebe's face, the loud sobbing emitting from her mouth.

"Oh my gosh! You busted my lip, you bitch!" Phoebe shrieks.

"What is going on over here?" Principal Tanners questions and then gasps once she discovers Phoebe's bleeding lip. "My goodness, Phoebe, what on earth happened to your face? Tell me." She demands.

Phoebe points at Scarlett, accusing her of the incident. How badly at this moment I wish that I was a girl so I can slap her myself. Anna then speaks up, "I saw her slip and hit the table, Mrs. Tanners. That's what happened, right guys?" Anna asks and we all nod, including Phoebe's minions who stood behind her.

"Is that so?" She asks and we all answer with "Yes mam." A sly smile appears on her face and then she removes it before looking back at Phoebe. "Come with me Phoebe, you will need an ice pack for that busted lip of yours. Girls, I will see you Monday for the game." She winks and walks off with Phoebe, all the while, Phoebe is crying and saying that we lied.

We all stifle a laugh, not being able to hold it in any longer. "I am so glad you talked me out of getting that red dress, otherwise I could have been twinning with the devils mistress." Nina shudders as she tells Scarlett.

Suddenly, the music shifts to the song I requested, the lyrics blaring through the speakers. I put out my arm for Scarlett and my foolish grin grows as she looks astonished from the song that is playing. She points to the speaker, "Did you request this?" She asks.

I nod. Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts, it was the first song that I played when we worked together at the diner. A song I now consider, our song. "Want to dance?" Scarlett reluctantly says yes and we stride out to the middle of the dance floor. Dancing our worries and our night away.


One more strike and this girl will be out, and we will win the championship. I look once more towards the bleachers and see Dean, my brother, and Valerie, holding my niece and cheering me on. The recruiter smiling and nodding as he continues to write on his clipboard. I look back to Nina and she grins through her catcher's mask, signaling for me to throw a curve.

Nodding in response, I bend down, rub more dirt onto my fingers and stand back up on the mound, gripping the softball in my hand. I raise my glove to my chest and look down, reading the stitched words from my dad.

'Shithead, life will always throw curves at you. Be the player who isn't afraid of that dirt, and handle any curve ball that's thrown.'

My dad was right about that. Life will always throw its curves at you, but it's up to you to decide on the player you will be and how you will handle those curve balls when you're hit with them.

Throwing my arm in a circular motion, I push myself off of the mound with one foot and drag the other, releasing the ball with a flick of my wrist. As soon at the ball hits directly into Nina's glove, I close my eyes as the umpire yells "Strike! You're out!"

My ears ring as the crowd leaps from their seats, chanting and celebrating the win. I drown out the noise, the siren going off to advertise that the home team won, and imagine my parents. I imaging them sitting there in the bleachers next to Dean, next to Seth, Valerie. My mom holding her first grandbaby, while they all cheer me on, supporting me as they always have. I look up as tears roll out from the corner of my eyes. I know, that somewhere up there, they are still chanting and cheering me on. From up there, they have the best seats in the house.

"Ahhhh we won, we won!" Nina shrieks, hopping around me with the team.

The recruiter, dressed in all green attire, approaches me with Coach Tanners. Déjà vu starts to set in, that is until Coach Tanners relieves me with a smile. "Mr. Drake, this is Scarlett Montgomery." She greets us.

I remove my glove and shake Mr. Drake's hand. "It's an honor to meet you, Ms. Montgomery."

"You too sir." I say, excitement in my voice.

Dean, Seth and Valerie all make their way to the pitcher's mound. Dean picking me up and swirling me around in the air. "I am so proud of you babe!" He cheers.

"Are you Ms. Montgomery's guardian?" Mr. Drake asks Seth.

Seth nods and then puts out his hand to greet the older gentleman dressed in all green. "Seth Montgomery, I am her older brother and guardian." He says, almost proudly.

"Well, it's a pleasure, Mr. Montgomery. Say, would you have time tomorrow afternoon to sit down and talk? I would like to see what you folks think about having Scarlett join our college, full ride."

"Full ride scholarship?" I can't believe my ears. My heart thudding like crazy.

Seth rubs the top of my head and both he and Valerie give me a hug before walking off of the field with Mr. Drake to discuss the offer. "You know, if you say yes, we both will be going to the same college." Dean says with a smile with a glint in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I got accepted there last week. I was waiting to see if you got an offer or not, before I told you."

I drop my glove and ball to the dirt, the ball rolling off of the mound. "So guess this means we're really doing this thing huh? Going to college together?"

Dean smirks, his electric blue eyes luring me in again, as he pulls my waist, bringing my chest to his torso. He wraps his arms around my back and leans in, his nose touching mine. "You bet your ass we're doing this thing." He states, somehow making my insides melt all over again.

He rubs the tip of his nose on mine, and then places his lips onto mine, his kiss bringing goosebumps all over my skin. As we stand on the pitcher's mound together, it dawns on me, I just played the last inning of my high school career.

Guess we will see what college life will bring and what curves will be thrown next. Though, with Dean by my side, I know we will be ready for the next inning and for whatever curve may be thrown.


I hope you enjoyed my story! This meant so much to me, to get my first story out! I can't wait to write more stories for you guys! Thanks to everyone for all of your support, comments, and votes. You guys are amazing. Also, big thanks to my lovely friend ChloeLeia561 for helping with editing and for your generous support. Your awesome girl, thanks for being a good friend. As for now, this ends the Darlett innings. <3 Love you all! xoxo

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