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A/N sexual themes, rape references, warning

John watched James Madison's beaten body be raised into the ambulance on a stretcher from behind the fence, his stomach plummeting to his toes. Alex held him close, feeling John shivering under his hold.
"It's going to be okay, John, you need to calm down," Alex whispered, John now shaking uncontrollably in his arms. John didn't respond, his eyes still glued to the ambulance speeding away. "I think we should go back to your cell, how does that sound?" Alex suggested. John nodded his head fiercely and the two speed-walked away from the scene, back to their cell block. How had things gone so wrong so fast?

Oh that's right, Levi Weeks had bashed his way up to Top Dog.

Starting with his biggest competition, Madison. As soon as Thomas was out of the picture Levi had pulled a rolling pin on Madison and cracked two of his ribs, throwing him in the ER straight away. When Jefferson found out about this from outside the prison, Levi would be dead. But for now, it was the inmates panicking because Levi was running for top dog and refused to take no for an answer.

Alex and John made it back to their cell block and hurried into John's cell, Alex holding John's hand tightly.
"John, for the hundredth time, you're safe with m-" Alex assured but was interrupted by John screaming and jumping back in fear.

Levi sat at John's desk, tracing his finger over the rim of John's dolphin mug, a sinister smirk crawling onto his lips. The boys spun around to run out but the cell door slammed shut behind them, being barricaded from the outside with a chair by none other than Charles Lee. Charles' eyes were sorry and stricken with fear when he made eye contact with the boys.

"L-Levi, whaah what are you doing he-here," John stammered, balling up Alex's shirt in his fists.
"Johnny boy! You've finally arrived and you brought your widdle boyfwend!" Levi cackled, standing from his seat at the desk. Alex took a step back but still stood broad shouldered, shielding John from Levi. "Is he here to protect you from the big bad Mr Weeks?" Levi asked sarcastically, taking a slow step towards the boys.
"In fact I am, it's two to one Levi, scram," Alex spat, John silently praying this would all be over soon, or that this was all just a dream.

"I'm sorry, do you mean, two to gun?" Levi smirked, retrieving a revolver from his back pocket. Alex stiffened and reached backwards, clutching John's forearm.
"Whe-where did you get that," Alex stuttered, slowly moving backwards until John was pressed up against the cell door behind him.

"Ah you know, officers can be so careless while they're kissing..." Levi trailed off, tilting the gun in his hand. "Anyway, John, come here," Levi ordered, his eyes flashing with a sinister madness. John began to move but Alex stopped him.
"John isn't going anywhere," Alex growled.
"Do I need to clarify? John, come here or else your boyfriend eats lead." He roared. Alex gulped, sweat beading on his forehead. Alex tried to stop John but he pushed past.

"Alex please," John pleaded with pained eyes. Alex shook his head but John advanced towards Levi anyway.
"John, no, you don't have to-" Alex began to interject.
"Yes he does. Two times. Two times I have tried to claim what is rightfully mine and I will not be stopped a third." Levi spat, grabbing John by the arm and throwing him into the cell wall. John yelped as he was slammed into the bricks, Alex trying to jump forward but Levi raising his gun again.

"I fucking dare you Hamilton,"
Alex took a slow step back. "Sit." Levi ordered Alex.
"Why should I liste-" Alex began to retort before he was cut off.
"Just fucking sit down Alex!" John yelled, tears welling in his eyes. Alex shut up and slid down the door, sitting with his knees up, Levi following him with the gun the whole way down. "Now," Levi muttered, turning to John.

"Jacket, shirt, off," Levi ordered.
"But Alex-" John began to argue before the barrel of the gun was pressed to his temple.
"I will blow your fucking brains out John, and I'm really not into necrophilia so don't test me!" Levi screamed, shoving the gun harder at his head.

John nodded reluctantly and slipped off his jacket and shirt. Levi glanced at him with bored eyes, seeing another two layers of clothing underneath. Alex grew worried, knowing that Levi was the sole reason John wore so many layers of clothing even in warm weather.

"Take them all off." Levi spat. John complied and took off his under shirt, and his tank top, and as soon as they were off Levi shoved him against the wall, latching onto the hem of his pants and biting at John's neck.
Alex wanted to jump up and sneak attack Levi, but John watched him with pleading eyes while Levi sucked at his neck, begging him not to try anything stupid. He couldn't watch this, burying his head in his arms.

"Pants," Levi growled against John's skin. Alex heard John's pants drop to the floor and he hugged his knees tighter to his chest, trying to block it out. He heard soft sobs escape John's lips and it made his heart snap in half completely. He couldn't do this, he didn't care if he got shot anymore, he couldn't make John endure this. Alex looked up just to see Levi spin John around and slam him into the cell wall, his back to Levi now. For a split second Levi's gun hand dropped to grab John's boxers and Alex took the opportunity.

He pounced from the floor, jumping at Levi with his fist drawn. Levi spun around and lifted his gun hand with inhuman reflexes.


"NO!" John screamed. The gun shot rang in everyone's ears as it had been fired in such a confined space. As soon as the bullet was fired John lunged at Levi, throwing a strong punch across his face. Levi spun backwards, the gun falling out of his grip. John scrambled to the floor and grabbed the gun, cocking it in Levi's direction as he made his way over to Alex. Blood pooled around him, John had no clue where he had been shot, what he did know was Alex was in a lot of pain.

He groaned, clutching his stomach and thigh with bloody hands. He looked up at John with sad eyes, whispering something that John wasn't able to catch. His eyes darted to Levi as he rubbed his jaw and spat out a chunk of blood, regaining his posture.

The gun shot must've caught attention because the door began to shake as someone removed the chair-barricade. It flew open and Officer Seabury, Charles Lee, Hercules and Lafayette all stood in the doorway with utter shock horror swept across their faces. Seabury grabbed Levi and cuffed him straight away tugging him out of the cell room and cuffing him to the bars at the cell block entrance.

He ran back in to find Lafayette, Hercules and John all crowded around Alex who was bleeding out of the floor.
"Shit shit shit, Alex where did i- Alex?" John began to ask before noticing he had passed out, his face pale and drained of life. This sparked everyone's panic even more as they hurriedly tried to stop the bleeding and lift him up, carrying him to the medical ward.

They ran all the way there, and as soon as Alex was laid on the medical table Washington burst through the door.

A/N I wanted to puke writing that. Early updates bc u guys are supportive and u deserve to be looked after xx

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