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A/N NSFW! IF YOU DON'T LIKE SMUT. DON'T READ SMUT. THIS IS SMUT. As requested after last chapter. You're welcome you thirsty prisoners.

John grinned at Peggy and she raised her eyebrows, a smirk rising on her lips.
"With Alex?" She muttered just loud enough for him to hear. John nodded, a slight blush rising on his cheeks.
"That's cute," she giggled, quickly fixing her posture and redeeming her professionalism. "Uhm you will be escorted there tonight then, and you will be spending the night there," Peggy informed him, taking note of the event on her note pad. John grinned and nodded again.
"Thank you so much," he smiled warmly.

"It's the least I could do, just don't go bragging," Peggy smiled with a wink, causing John to laugh a little.

That night Peggy arrived at Alex's cell door right before it closed for the night. Alex looked up to see her, his eyes wide with worry when he registered who it was.
"Vice Governor Schuyler!" He exclaimed standing up. "What brings you here this late at night?" He questioned. Had he done something wrong?

"Follow me, Hamilton," she ordered, her face stony the entire time. Alex gulped and stood up obediently, following her out of his cell and into the hallway.
"Have I done something wrong?" He voiced his thoughts cautiously.
"Yes." Peggy replied sharply, still leading him away from his cell block. Alex's stomach twisted nervously.

"May I ask what?" Alex asked politely, speeding up to keep up with Peggy's quick strides.
"After your protest against John's strip search today during the drug raid we thought it be necessary to have one performed on yourself," Peggy replied curtly, biting the inside of her cheek to keep herself from laughing. Alex's eyes widened in fear.

"Wh-what? Vice Governo-" Alex began to protest before Peggy cut him off.
"You'll thank me later," Peggy shot, leading him into the conjugal visit hallway, not that he knew that's what it was.

You'll thank me later? What's that supposed to mean? Alex thought to himself in frustration, almost walking straight into Peggy as she stopped abruptly outside a dark blue door. She opened the door and pushed him inside.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Peggy spoke quickly, a grin breaking out on her face as she couldn't hold it back any longer.

"Tomor- what? MISS SCHUYLER!"
Alex was shoved forward and before he could protest any more the door was slammed shut in his face. His breathing quickened and he pressed himself back up against the door.
"V-Vice Governor Schuyler!" He called out anxiously, unable to see anything in the pitch black.

Suddenly, a warm glow clicked on from the corner of the room. Alex's stomach flipped when he saw John seated in the corner of the room, a clipboard in his hands and a smirk on his lips.
"Alexander Hamilton, here for his strip search?" John asked with a grin. Alex's breath hitched in his throat and he froze against the door. All he could think to do was nod, and that he did.

"Please remove your shoes and stand on the mat provided," John ordered, standing from his seat and nodding towards a mat placed in the centre of the room. Alex's face softened into a smirk as he realised what was going on. He was suddenly very eager to be strip searched.

Alex slipped off his shoes and moved to stand on the mat, watching John as he pulled out his department issued search gloves, scrunching his nose up at them in disgust and ditching them across the room. Alex laughed a little but John shot him a look that made him instantly shut up.

John sauntered towards him, lifting the clipboard and reading a line off of it in an animated voice.
"Do you have anything on you that is unauthorised or may cause injury to the searching officer?"
Alex shook his head and John nodded in approval, moving down the list.
"Please remove your jacket and empty your pockets," John ordered, holding his hand out expectantly.

Alex turned his empty pockets inside out before slipping off his jacket and passing it to John. John ditched the jacket across the room carelessly, moving on.

"Please untie your hair," John ordered. Alex nodded and reached up, pulling out his hair tie and passing it to John, who again threw it vaguely towards where his jacket was. John stepped forward and leaned in close, his face centimetres away from Alex's as he began to run his hands through Alex's hair gently. Alex fluttered his eyes closed and smiled softly until John pulled away for a moment, checking his clipboard.

"Now to check your mouth for contraband," he hummed, leaning forward slowly. Alex closed his eyes once more as John's lips pressed against his. He squeezed Alex's ass, causing him to gasp and giving him the opportunity to sweep his tongue into Alex's mouth. Alex gently placed his hands on John's hips but John slapped them away, pulling back with a frown.
"Keep things professional Mr Hamilton," John warned, a lustful glint in his eye.
"Says you," Alex stifled a giggle, causing John's gaze to darken.
"Who's in charge here?" John whispered menacingly, leaning into Alex's face and squinting.
"Y-you," Alex quickly muttered. John nodded in approval and captured Alex's lips in a quick kiss before pulling back and returning to his clipboard.

"Alright, please remove the top half of your clothing," John ordered, grinning mischievously as he lowered the clipboard. Alex bit his lip before obliging, tugging his shirt over his head and passing it to John. John flung the shirt somewhere over his shoulder and kept his eyes trained on Alex's bare body, taking in as much as he could.

Alex's cheeks flushed pink and he crossed his arms over his chest, John reaching forward and pulling them away, straightening his arms out either side of him.
"Please keep your arms outstretched and rotate slowly," John spoke smoothly after reading off his clipboard. He examined Alex's defined back muscles as he turned around before he came back to face him.
"Like something you see?" Alex grinned. Now John was the one blushing.
"I'm liking everything I'm seeing right now," John mumbled, Alex breaking their eye contact as his grin grew ever so slightly.

John stepped forward and ran his hands along Alex's chest, trailing his finger tips out to the end of Alex's arms and back in again.
"This isn't protocol but I deemed it necessary," John winked, his hands tracing Alex's silhouette gently.

Alex shivered a little and John moved around behind Alex, running his hands along his bare back tantalisingly. He wrapped his arms around Alex from behind and pressed his lips against the top of Alex's spine delicately. Alex tilted his head forward, only regaining his previous posture when John moved back in front of him.

"Please remove the bottom half of your clothing," John ordered, squeezing the clipboard in his hands, his knuckles turning ghostly white with the pressure. Alex's eyes widened before a sly smirk slipped across his lips.

"My apologies, would you be able to assist me in removing the clothes off my lower half?" Alex asked curtly. John chucked the clipboard somewhere behind him and advanced forward, curling his fingers on the edge of Alex's pants.
He tugged at them sharply, cold air slapping Alex's skin at the absence of his sweatpants.

John gripped Alex's torso and left light kisses along his stomach, causing him to shudder a little and squirm under his hold. Alex reached down to run a hand through John's hair but John grabbed his wrist and ripped it away, looking up at him from where he kneeled.
"Who's in charge?" John reinforced, his eyes squinting dangerously.
"Y-you," Alex breathed, John released his wrist. He nodded in approval and returned to his former position, slowly beginning to tug away Alex's boxers. John gently palmed Alex, making his knees go weak and his breath hitch in his throat once more.

"J-John," Alex breathed but John immediately stepped back, looking up at Alex with menacing eyes.
"I am in charge. You don't moan unless you are told to, understand?" John warned. Alex nodded furiously and John smirked, leaning forward once more and bringing his mouth to Alex's member.

Alex gasped but bit his lip, squeezing his eyes shut tight. It took all his willpower not to make any sound, his breathing ragged and uneven, but soon he couldn't take it anymore.
"J-john, can I please m-moan now?" He stammered, his voice absolutely wrecked. John leaned back and grinned.
"Moan." He ordered. Alex let out the most angelic sounds John had ever heard and it only riled him up further.

John stood up from his position and grabbed Alex's hand, throwing him into the bed provided and crawling over him. Alex gasped as he hit the mattress, arching his back as John's hands explored every inch of skin on his body. He heard John unbuckling his own pants and closed his eyes, a grin growing on his lips.

"Do I have your consent?" John asked quickly in all seriousness, his eyes genuine for a moment. Alex smiled warmly and nodded.
"Not even a question," he hummed, a grin growing on his lips. With that John pushed into him and he gasped, gripping the bed sheets as hard as he could.

"O-Oh shit John-" Alex began to moan before John cut him off quickly.
"Did I say you could moan?" He quickly shot in. Alex watched him with wide eyes and shook his head, throwing his head back and pressing his lips together in a thin line. His body rocked with John's in the rhythmic motion, but soon it all became too much.
"P-please," Alex whispered, his voice small.
"G-go on," John panted, one hand on the mattress beside Alex's head and the other gripping Alex's hip tightly.

Alex gasped and moaned, John joining him until they both finally reached their highs, John collapsing over Alex, both their bodies glazed with sweat and shaking gently.
"Y-you, Alexander Hah-Hamilton, are under arrest," John breathed, slowly lifting his head to meet Alex's loving gaze. "Charged with the robbery of John Laurens' heart," he sighed, falling into a slow, passion-filled kiss.

"I guess that makes us partners in crime, because you've committed the same act against Alexander Hamilton," Alex chuckled quietly, his eyes sparkling and cheeks still red.
"A case we can both plead guilty for," John finished, kissing Alex on the cheek and rolling to lay beside him, his head resting on Alex's chest.

"Goodnight, mon amour," Alex smiled, wrapping an arm around John securely. John didn't know french but he knew what that meant.
"Goodnight my love," John giggled in reply, nuzzling into Alex a little more before succumbing to peaceful slumber.

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