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A/N minor gore warning, very minor

Alex's first station of his first day in prison was laundry duty, with Marquis de Lafayette. He now stood beside Lafayette with his sleeves rolled past his elbows and his hands deep in a bucket of soapy water. They had begun talking about simple things, Alex's schedule, the poor quality of food in the prison, but conversation soon shifted and Alex found himself in a fairly awkward position.

"So Laurens, huh?" Lafayette smirked as he dunked a white shirt deep into his bucket.
"What about him?" Alex asked casually.
"You reacted interestingly seeing him shirtless," Lafayette laughed, raising his eyebrows.
"Well I just wasn't expecting that, it's nothing, I've been here 5 seconds and I won't be here much longer don't bother," Alex replied quickly, hiding his face behind the hair that hung out of his ponytail.
"Sure, sure." Laf chuckled, passing the shirt he was washing to another person.
"What's he here for anyway?" Alex asked quietly. John seemed pretty badass from what he'd seen, but in no way psychopathic. Maybe some kind of extreme vandalism or robbery had got him here.

"I think it is best John tell you himself," Lafayette muttered in reply, tilting his head sheepishly. Alex nodded and continued working without another word. Lafayette wasn't sure if Alex was innocent or not either, and was intrigued, but decided against asking anything of it as he already knew Alex's response would insist upon innocence. Alex was about to speak up again when a shout from ahead caught his attention.

Alex's head shot up and he saw a man being held against his will by two men. He glanced at the guards by the door but they weren't doing anything. Jefferson appeared and gave the guards a quick nod. The guards left the room without another word. Jefferson signalled another inmate and this one grabbed a broom and reached up, tilting the security camera towards the wall.

"Lafayette, what's going on?" Alex asked worriedly.
"Shhh, just watch." Lafayette replied calmly. "This is why you can't cross the top dog."

Alex watched as the man being held captive shivered and struggled in the grasp of two other men, being lead towards the ironing station.
"Ah Mr Paine, do you know why you're here?" Jefferson asked with a sickeningly sweet smile.
"N-no Thomas," Paine replied, squeezing his eyes shut tight.

"Because Paine, my dear boy, you dogged in one of my men. Levi Weeks was put in solitary confinement because you couldn't keep your trap shut about one itty bitty play-time!" Jefferson began to lecture, making his way to the ironing board. Alex turned to Lafyette, slightly confused by the terminology.
"Sexual assault." Lafayette whispered under his breath with a frown, just loud enough for Alex to catch. Alex's breath hitched and his eyes widened but he continued to watch on.
"Use your brain boy, common sense, follow the rules." He sighed, slapping his hand over the ironing board handle.

"Thomas I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please you don't have to-" Paine began to beg but Thomas was quick to shut him up.
"Yes. I. Do. Why should you get special treatment? Everyone who disobeys gets punished, no exceptions." Thomas growled. "I hope you're all seeing this." He announced, directing the comment to the rest of the inmates in the laundry. He made eye contact with Alex and shot him a sinister smile.
"Hands out, Paine." Thomas ordered, lifting the ironing board's lid. One of the men holding Thomas Paine shoved a shirt between his teeth for him to bite down on.
"We have rules for a reason, don't break them. There will be punishments. Don't cross the top dog. There will be punishments." Thomas yelled, his voice lowering at the end. Alex was given little warning before he watched the ironing board slam down on Paine's hands.

Paine screamed into the shirt in his mouth and his arms shook, his hands clamped under the burning metal. Alex gasped and threw his hands over his mouth, wanting to throw up as Jefferson pulled the lid away. Paine's skin bubbled and was bright red. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he looked at his hands with wide eyes. Paine was lead out of the laundry to the medical ward and the guards were invited back inside, the security camera flipped back onto the laundry. And everyone went back to their previous jobs as if nothing had happened.

"What the fuck." Alex coughed, throwing his hands against the rim of his bucket.
"Welcome to prison, Hamilton."

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