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It was Alex's fourth day at King's and he was booked in to see the psychologist bright and early this fine Friday morning. Alex waited by the bars of the cell block until an officer came by and scanned his ID card, leading him down the hallway. He scanned his card again and let Alex into the medical ward.
"Last room on the left." The officer ordered with a nod. Alex thanked him and began to make his way down the hallway.

He was almost at the room when he heard a small gasp. He stopped in his tracks and swivelled around, a quiet, breathy moan echoing through the hallway. He slowly tip-toed up the hallway until he saw it.

Samuel Seabury, the correctional facility officer, was pressed up against the wall of one of the medical rooms by Charles Lee, the criminal, in a very heated make-out session. He stood frozen with shock for a moment, not believing what he saw. Alex stumbled backwards and was almost out of the scene when Charles saw him. He gasped and jumped off of Sam while Alex sprinted away to the room he was meant to be in.

The softest whisper of "Who saw us?" hissed from the room before Alex launched himself into the room where the psychologist sat patiently.

"Hello, you must be Alexander," she greeted kindly. Her room had two security cameras instead of one. Interesting.
"Yes that's me," he gulped, taking a seat across from her timidly.
"My name is Angelica Schuyler, I'll be-"
"Schuyler?" Alex questioned quickly. "You wouldn't happen to know an Eliza?"
"My sister," she smiled warmly. "Yes I heard about you from her, I'm surprised and fairly disappointed this is the setting of our first meeting but aside from that, I'm just here to determine whether you are guilty or not from a psychological point of view." She lectured, pulling a silver pen from her pocket.
"I'm innocent though," Alex protested, leaning forward in his seat.
"And you see, that is exactly what a scared, guilty man would say." She assessed with a small frown.


After his appointment Alex met up with an officer and was escorted back to his cell block. Once inside he rushed to John's door and began banging on it frantically.
"JESUS!" John screamed from inside as the bang scared him. He had been sketching and his pencil and notebook slid off his lap with the scare. Alex caught a glimpse at the notebook through the slit-window in John's door and he instantly felt his whole face catch on fire with a furious blush. It was a drawing of him.

"John I need to talk to yooouu!" Alex hummed nervously rapping on the door, shaking off the fact that John had just been drawing him. He can fan-girl about it later.
"Okay! I'm getting there!" John groaned, sweeping up his notebook and slapping it shut, throwing it under the covers of his bed and moving towards the cell door. As soon as it was open Alex dove into the room and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Oh my god chill Alex, what is it?"
"I saw Samuel Seabury and Charles Lee making out in the medical ward." Alex whisper-shouted frantically. John's jaw dropped.
"Samuel Seabury the officer?"
"And Charles Lee the inmate?"
"WHAT?" John gasped, swivelling around on his heel and pacing back and forth in his room.
"I KNOW!" Alex exclaimed, matching John's surprise. "You can't say anything!"
"I won't I won't," John assured, throwing his hands up. "But still holy shit, that's... that's... I don't even know what to say." John muttered at a complete loss for words. "Thank you for telling me," John said, grabbing Alex's shoulders.
"I couldn't keep it to myself it was shocking." Alex shrugged. John opened his mouth to say something but Hercules cut in from the other side of the door.

"LUNCH TIME LOVE BIRDS," He laughed. John and Alex both flushed pink and John removed his hands from Alex's shoulders awkwardly.
"COMING!" John yelled back. He stopped and smiled at Alex and he returned it with a soft but bright grin that sent butterflies flying in a crazed frenzy in his stomach. Alex stepped out of the way of the door and opened it, leading John outside into the common room.

Hercules and Lafayette were just slipping out of the common room so the boys jogged to catch up with them. The four of them made their way to lunch together and walked in, stacking their trays with sandwiches and jelly made by the inmates with kitchen duty. They laughed and joked about how disgusting the sandwiches looked until a collective gasp washed over the cafeteria.

It became so silent you could hear a pin drop. From that point onwards everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

John dropped his tray and sandwiches flew everywhere, skidding along the floor. He ran out of the room, closely followed by Alex and Thomas Paine.

Levi Weeks was back from solitary confinement.

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