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A/N sexual references and alcohol

That night Alex sat in his cell, watching the clock in the common room through his doorway carefully.
He waited patiently as a guard came by and checked all the boys were in their respective cells. Every night was the same routine, his door would be left open, the guard would come by and make sure everyone was in their rooms, and then the doors would be mechanically shut and locked, but tonight Alex had a better plan.

The guard locked their common room up and continued down the hallway. Alex was given a time-slot of 30 seconds as he leaped up from his bed, flipped off his lamp and sprinted across the common room, tumbling into John's cell right as the doors all hissed shut. John shouted in surprise and jumped backwards in bed seeing Alex collapse on the floor of his cell.
The door clicked shut and locked, no going back now.

"Hey," Alex smirked from the floor, earning a laugh from John.
"Jesus Hamilton what if you got caught!" John huffed between chuckles of laughter.
"Worth it," he shrugged with a small grin. John reached down and helped him to his feet, before Alex sat on the bed beside him.

"About the letter," John began to mutter.
"Look, I don't want you feeling like you're alone in this or anything, hearing you crying last night kind of reminded me of myself and I don't want you feeling the way I did after I lost Peter," Alex began to explain, shuffling over to face John properly. Alex was really torn up about Peter's death, it would be odd if he did kill him.
"Thanks Alex," John smiled down at his hands.

"You've gone soft," Alex laughed out of nowhere. John looked up at Alex through his eyelashes with one brow raised.
"What's that supposed to mean?" John asked, tilting his head a little.
"Welcome to the fiery pits of hell, Hamilton!" Alex mocked with a grin.

"I don't know, I guess since you showed up I feel like I can be a bit more... vulnerable," John muttered quietly, instantly regretting his choice of words. He was sitting in his bed with a could-be murderer! Although he was fairly confident Alex was innocent, he had still completely forgotten what Washington had sent him to do.
"Well, it doesn't look like I'll be in the fiery pits of hell much longer, my trial is in less than a week now." Alex shrugged, his voice quiet.

John hummed in reply, realising he now had a week to put together his lag for Alex.

"That's why I decided I have to make this week the best week possible," Alex finished. John met his eyes with a curious glance. "And that starts with being with you,"

John prepared to speak up before he noticed Alex slowly lean towards him. Butterflies exploded in John's stomach as he leaned in too, shutting his mouth and giving Alex confidence in his actions. Alex let their lips brush softly before John initiated a soft kiss. After a moment they pulled away slowly and gazed into each other's eyes with flushed cheeks.

"I'm sorry I- was that okay?" Alex quickly mumbled, leaning backwards slowly.
"It was amazing," John smiled under his breath. Alex breathed a sigh of relief before he was pulled towards John again. They sat, their noses just touching, until Alex leaned in and pressed John into a passionate kiss. His hand trailed up behind John's neck, the other resting on his chest. He leaned forward slowly and John tilted backwards with Alex over him.

John's arms wrapped around Alex's waist and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

"I've wanted to fuck you since the day you got here," he laughed, digging his nails into John's flawless freckled skin.

Alex's hand began to trail up John's shirt, running his fingertips gently over John's skin.

"You heard me, I'm just in for the sex," Levi retorted, his hand trailing up John's pyjama shirt and over his soft skin.

John tilted his head away, breaking the kiss.
"S-sorry," John muttered sheepishly, closing his eyes.
Alex rolled off of John and lay next to him, propped up on his elbow.
"No! No don't be sorry, it's fine," Alex apologised profusely.
"It just, after Levi, he-" John began to exclaim but Alex shushed him.
"John, it's fine, you don't need to explain yourself." Alex assured him, resting the hand that was previously behind John's neck on his jaw, tilting John's head to face his. "I understand, I don't want to pressure you if you're not comfortable, I'm sorry," he spoke quietly, his hand sliding off of John's face.

"No I'm comfortable, with you, I just can't get that out of my head," John sighed, shaking his head. Alex shot him a sympathetic look and placed his hand over John's, rubbing his thumb over John's knuckles soothingly. A sheet of silence fell over the cell.

"Do you know how I got here? What I did to end up in King's Correctional Facility?" John asked out of the blue, making direct eye contact with Alex. Alex slowly shook his head no, his brows knitting together in an expression of interest. "Do you want to know?" He asked quietly.

"Only if you're okay to tell it," Alex assured him, concern sweeping across his features. John nodded firmly and looked up at the dimly-lit ceiling of his cell.

"It was my sister's 21st," he began, closing his eyes to relay the story. "Just recently I had been getting some shit at school about my religion-extremist family and my sexuality.

"An escape from this? Alcohol. I turned to alcohol to forget about my problems, forget about everything shitty going on with my life.

"Harriet's 21st was just another event for me to get piss drunk and drown my sorrows at. It was also the fateful night I, drunkenly, confessed my sexuality to my father. Naturally, he was furious and we had a small... disagreement.

"I, now having consumed a bottle and a half of vodka, got in my Dad's car to leave. My Dad had run out after me to stop me, I hit him without a second thought, without a first thought even, I was drunk off my head." John finished, his expression blank the entire time. He turned to look at Alex who gazed back at him with a fairly shocked expression. "I was arrested, charged for man-slaughter, dangerous driving causing death and driving under the influence. Maybe seven weeks ago marked the end of my first year in this place on my 11 year sentence." John sighed, the pain behind his eyes well concealed, but not well enough.
"Jesus John," Alex huffed, lying down and resting his head on John's shoulder.

"Fun times," John laughed half-heartedly, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Alex was, for the first time, lost for words. He simply snuggled into John's side, humming contently.

"The past is in the past, it's okay, we're all guilty in the end, but you're innocent of any real crime." Alex muttered into John's pyjama shirt.
"Thanks," John hummed quietly with a small smile, turning his head and wrapping an arm around Alex. "Night, Alex,"
"Goodnight John," Alex replied, falling asleep fairly quickly. It took John a little longer as Alex's words were echoing in his mind long after he had spoken them.

We're all guilty in the end

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