Answers ❤️

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WOO! Les' go

Are we gonna be heartbroken in the sequel?
That depends, how much do you love John?

How many times did you get upset when my comments were accurate
Every damn time. Curse you and your plot-twist-figuring-outing abilities!

1) Hmmm What gave you inspiration to write this except the song burn and the songs? :0
2) What inspired you to do a prison AU?
Well, this awesome artist, Pumkinet on instagram, drew Lafayette behind bars and immediately I started imagining a prison au! I didn't know much about prison initially so I got my study on and soon ideas were flying this way and that for winding plots and Levi's schemes.
My other inspiration to further my idea into a book was me taking Criminal Investigation class at school, we were working on murder cases, Alex's crime was actually inspired by a real crime we studied in class where the victim was asking and pressuring the murderer to kill them :o

How depressing is the sequel going to be
Okay, so some bad shit will happen, that's inevitable, but I'll try to make up for it with good stuff aye? ❤️

Do you regret killing off the pegster?
The thing is, I had plenty of time to think about it since I had locked in killing Peggy by chapter 10. Every awesome thing she did was me building her up to make her fall a greater loss. But *sigh* I will admit, I do regret killing our Pegleg a little.

Why do you enjoy making me cry?
Because I use hamilholic tears instead of milk in my cereal. There's plenty of them, this fandom is angsty as FUCK. Can't blame you tho, the people we're shipping legit died in real life. It's not easy being a hamilfan. Mad props 💪🏼

What new characters will we meet?
I'll give you four names, but I won't say how they are involved in the story, for spoiler's sake ;)
Maria Reynolds
Eliza Schuyler
Benjamin Franklin
Nathaniel Pendleton

Why did you kill Peggy
First of all, SORRY. Secondly, this is a combination of character development opportunity for Seabury and pure genuine angst. Peggy herself was easily the book's hero, from making sure Alex and John got their kinky strip time to even dying rescuing the boys, having her die was the perfect reminder that we have no control over who lives or who dies. (Finish it off I fucking dare you)

Confession: I had to take frequent breaks writing Peggy's death scene because the image of how it was playing out was so vivid in my mind that I would cry every time I tried to write it 😂😭

Are we allowed to kill you for breaking our hearts?
*backing away slowly with hands up in defence* n-now now g-g-guys, this really isn't th-the best plan of action! Don't y-you want a sequel? IpromisetherewillbeanothersmutchapterPLEASEDONTHURTME

telepoRTATION Is there going to be more smuff? I'll gladly enjoy guilty cAUSE IM A GUILTY SINNER HAHA
Yes this book SHOULD be a better read fluff-wise and I'll be eager to get a lil' bitta smut in there *maui* YOU'RE WELCOME

Is there going to be heavy angst ? I have to prepare myself for tissues and buckets
This is @johnlaurensmom you're speaking to, yes? Angst is my middle mother-fucking name son!!1!!!1!1!

y did you have to make me crippled by killing pegleg
Because I'm an angsty bitch with a capital B xx

HAHA! Aww Samuel Seabury.
He is about to go through one hell of an emotional rollercoaster while he mourns Peggy and also processes the fact that IF HE AND CHARLES HAD ESCAPED he would've missed Peggy's death and the explosion and everything. But they didn't. And now he's going to blame himself for her death. And Peggy's lookalike is gon fuck with his mind a lil bit too aye.

How high is the porcentaje that you'll make us suffer this next season?
First of all, I am spelling percentage as porcentaje from now on. Forever. Secondly, I'm estimating roughly 1782%

Favourite line in the book go
Shit I can't choose between RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING IN CHAPTER 2 when Alex says


Ah, how do you keep track of so many fucking characters?
Notes. When I planned out this story I drew a chart on a big piece of paper and I drew out each individual character, I wrote all their traits, their backstory and how they were arrested (SIDE NOTE YOU'LL GET TO KNOW A BIT MORE ABOUT LAF AND HERC IN GUILTY THEY BADASS AF AYO), and then I wrote out each chapter, went through the list, and added the characters that were necessary. :) I love being organised even though I'm really n o t.

YAY so that's a legitimate wrap to Innocent! Hope y'all can join me on the ride for Guilty in the future ;) xx

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