Chapter 9: Starting All Over Again

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Third Person's POV

"Tok Aba's cocoa delivery!" exclaim the dino-cap wearing boy in front of a simple cozy house of what he assumed, Mrs. Clinson's house.

A young baby boy peek his head at the door, making eye contact at the superhero. He close the door and shouted to his mother; "Mama! Mama! there's a stranger at the door!" he said. Once again the door open to reveal another young boy who was older than the one from earlier. Again he close the door and shouted to his mother; "Mama! Mama! It's that superhero I saw on TV!" he said.

Opening the door for the third time, his eyes meet a woman wearing a light green hijab on her head and a loose blouse that was tuck under her long forest green skirt, long enough to cover her feet. "Yes? May I help you?" the woman state, a small smile gracing on her thin lips. The little boy notice her accent when she spoke, not only that but he also notice how different her features are compare to a normal Malaysian woman. "I'm meeting a lot of foreigners today... "

"Here's the cocoa that you ordered ma'am!" Boboiboy said, indicating the box of cocoa filled cans on his hands.  "And I'm sorry I was quite... late." he apologize as lower his head, not wanting to meet the angry eyes of Tok Aba's costumer.

"Ah yes. But don't worry son, you're actually just in time." The woman said as she took the box from the boy. Fishing her hands on her pocket, she pulled out her pocket and gave her payment at Boboiboy. "Here you go."

"Thanks ma'am."

"Your welcome son."

"Waahhh it's really him!" a voice said from behind the woman. Boboiboy notice two small heads -one bigger than the other- on their mother's back, eyes full of excitement at seeing their idolize superhero. Boboiboy send them a smile while giving the two younger boys his signature thumps-up to which they squealed in joy.

Leaving the house of Mrs. Clinson, he let out a sigh in relief now that he delivered the cans in one piece. He was indeed tired after walking around in circles. He should really thank that unknown woman who help him earlier. His figure march away from the area as he intend to go straight to his grandad's shop. The busy but quiet atmosphere around him along with a soft breeze sent him to his inner peace, successfully calming his tired and stiffen form.

While in the mids of walking, his mind wander on a certain female he had encounter moments ago.

"We we're never friends to begin with... "

"... never friends to begin with ... "

"... never "

His chest was clouded with an unfamiliar sense of sadness, and at the same time; pain.

Her words struck him like lightning creating a deep hallow feeling inside of him. Why is he even suffering like this? He hadn't done anything to the girl and yet she treats him like some sort of wanted criminal. If she would just listen to him but she didn't, not one bit.

Was it his kind hearted nature? Is that why he's guilty over something he hadn't done. Why is he even acting like this? Why is he like this to a person he barely even knew? It was only a week ago when they first met each other but somehow... something about (F/N) drawn him into her.

His train of thoughts broke when he heard his watch suddenly beeping in a rapid manner, indicating a sudden call from one of his friends. Looking over his watch, Hanna's face appeared on his power band's screen.
Clicking on his screen, two hologram figure of Hanna and Ying appears, a panick look can be seen on Ying while Hanna display a more worried one.

"Boboiboy!" The both of them

"Where are you?!" question the black haired girl. "We need you here now!" Hanna state.

"Why? Is Tok Aba getting worried about me? Tell him I've already deliver the cans and I'm on my way now." The boy reach the road, making sure to look left and right. When no vehicle pass by, he took it as a sign to cross the road. "That's not it Boboiboy!" The time manipulater exclaim, speaking so fast than usual.

"I-it's about Gopal!" Hanna said.

"What about Gopal?" he ask while passing a lot of stores with different varieties of items.

"H-He's been kidnapped!" Both of the young female said simultaneously. "Ohh... Wait, What? How could that possibly be?" he ask. He felt himself speeding up by instinct, for he knows his friends will be needing his help on finding his best friend.

"Quick Boboiboy!"

"Don't worry I'm on my way." he said. Expressing determination, he fasten his pace as he took Tok Aba's map for easier access in finding his way to his grandad's shop.

'Hang on Gopal. We're coming!'




"Wake up!"

'What happened?'

"I said wake up!"

'Where am I?'

"Probe! Do something!"

'Probe? Wha--'

"Wake up! The teacher's here!"


Light shone when he opens his eyes as he stood up and salute; "G-GOOD MORNING TEACHER!" he shouted with an unnecessary increase in volume. His sight cast at the unfamiliar surroundings around him until his gaze met an unamuse alien in front of him.

"Adu Du?!"

"Good to see your awake Gopal." said  the green alien, a smirk was plastered on his lips when he saw the shock look on Gopal's face. Now he remembers. He was just studying at his room with his father. It all started when his father went down to grab some snacks for him. And then he came...

~ Flashback ~

"Hmm... " Mr. Kumar, Gopal's father, was now checking his son's answer on his given problems. Gopal, on the other hand, will faint any moment once he knew he'd screw his answer. "Hmm... very good. Although you mess up number 5 but most of your answers are correct. Well done my son." The man pat Gopal's head to which the young Kumar grin cheekily, sighing in relief when he's not mad at him.

"So... can I go outside now?" The hopeful young Kumar ask but his hope was crush when his father gave him a disapproving look.

"We're not done yet Gopal. There's still English."

"Aww man." groan Gopal.

"Your math's all good now. But next time solve the problems faster."

"Yes Dad."

"I'll go get us some snacks. Prepare your English textbook." He instruct as he head towards the door to prepare some fresh snacks. The child once again sigh, he place his pencil on his nose and balance it as he spoke. "One more subject... just one more subject and your finally free, you will finally leave this house and go outside… "

"How about now?" A voice said from behind the unsuspecting child as he was still busy balancing the said pencil on his nose. When he heard the voice he slowly rotate to face the source of the voice to reply "Can't. My father's gonna ground me if I-- " but was stop midway when he saw the owner of the said voice.

"Hi~" Probe happily state at the surprise look on the child.

"Probe?! What are you doing here and how did you manage to get in here?" The young male stood up on his chair and face the purple robot while pointing an accusing finger on him.

"Relax~ I'm just here for Mr. Boss' orders and for your second question, I use the window to get in." he pointed at the open window beside his bed.

"Orders? What orders?" Gopal ask as he prepare himself to engage for any attacks from the floating robot.

"This!" The robot exclaim, showing another robotic arm from his middle section. Gopal, who's getting confuse at the robot, waited for his next move. But he regretted afterwards when the 'palm' of Probe's 'hand' suddenly opened, releasing a good amount of green gas.

"Wha-- " It was too late. He always sniff the gas and slowly, he's vision started to blur, he's body became weak and his mind was screaming to go sleep. Not long after, he fell from his knees, body slamming on the thick wood of his floor and eyes closing to it's pleasure for a good sleep. Soon after, monstrous snores were filled the room as the robot virtually gave himself a pat on the head full of satisfaction with his successful mission.

"Mr. Boss will surely be proud of me hehehe~." he exclaim. He use his other hand to lift Gopal's heavy body and place him on the top of his head. Just as he was about to float outside, he heard something crash from behind him. The purple robot rotate his body only to find a wide-eyed gapping Kumar who's tray of snacks were now scattered on the floor when he saw the red eyed robot.

"Oh! Hello~" In a second, the older Kumar faint, letting his body slam on the floor.

"Oh dear... "

~ End of Flasback ~

"And that's how it happened~" Probe said.

"What am I doing here? What are you planning this time?" He ask as panics surge inside of him.

"Quiet! or else I will force to do 'ugly' things to you!" Threaten the alien as he turn his back on the tan superhero and walk away, Probe following behind him. "Dey wait! I'm not done talking to you yet!" He was about to follow the two species of different kind when all of a sudden...

His body came in contact with an invisible wall, unable him to run after them. "What the?" He press his palms on what's blocking him from the alien only confirm his suspicion; An invisible wall. A smirk form on his lips as an idea flash through his mind. A little bit of his powers would do the trick.

"Candy Transformation!" he blast his 'attack' at the wall; But nothing happened.

"What? Again. Food Transforma-- "

"That would be impossible... " Adu Du smirk.

"You're inside my new invention; The Power Incubator." He began laughing in his usual evil manner.

"The Power Incubator makes you powerless as it unable for any form of medium such as your power bands to give the user it's power! Mwuhahaha!"

"So it's pointless. No matter what you do Mwuhahaha."

"Heh, laugh all you want but I'm sure my friends will be here to kick your butt!" he said but it did not affect the alien as his smirk grew widder.

"But that's point~"


"Once Boboiboy knew that his 'best friend' had been kidnapped. I'm sure he will rescue you... which is part of my brilliant plan."

"Probe!" The alien called.

"Yes Mr. Boss?"

"Get ready for stage three!"

'Stage Three?' Gopal thought.

"But what about you Mr. Boss? I'm sure Boboiboy will arrive sooner or later."

"Don't worry. Just do your job properly."

"Yes Mr. Boss." and so, Adu Du's robot sidekick went outside for his second mission. Adu Du's once again sent an evil smirk to the worried looking Gopal as he finally left him to his lonesome.


"Ahuhuhu… "

"Uncle Kumar is so dramatic." Ochobot said as he sweat drop at still wiping Kumar on one of the stools of Tok Aba's stall. "He's right. Gopal should be fine, he's always been into more dangerous situation. I'm sure the kids can save him." Tok Aba said. Again. This was the tenth time Tok Aba had consoled the older Kumar but the man continues to cry thick crocodile tears for the past minute. At first the two understand his situation, however, by the minute they couldn't help but facepalm at the older Kumar's antics.

Gopal's friends were already heading towards Adu Du's location. They already inform Boboiboy and will be heading there as well. Now all they need to do is wait. "B-but... huhuhu… "

"Hay... " the oldest of them all, just sigh. Tok Aba sat beside Mr. Kumar, patting his back once in awhile to calm him. Just as Tok Aba was about to make a comment, suddenly they heard a crash.

"Eh? What was that?" Ochobot said and scan the area near them. His robotic bluish orbs met a figure laying on the ground. "Tok Aba look!" The said man avert his gaze to where Ochobot is pointing, only for his eyes to widen in fraction as he immediately went towards the laying body in panic. "Oh my goodness!" When he was near enough, he sigh in relief when he saw the body was indeed alive for her eyes wide open and was still breathing. But at the same time, he was horrified for her face has a lot of scratches.

"Ouch... " she said in a gentle tone. Her face void of any emotion as if she was unaffected by the burning sensation of her injuries. "Oh poor thing... What happened to you?" Tok Aba said as he help the girl to stand on her own. The young female blankly stared at the older man for a moment before she spoke.


"Cat?" he repeated.

"Yes, she was stuck in that tree. I want to put her down so I climb that tree and was about to grab her but... "


"I accidentally step on her tail. She became furious and attack me... that's why I fell... " she said. Tok Aba observe her face, some of her scratches were oozing with blood. "We need to fix that before you get infected. Come." The man grab her hand and drag her towards his home, which was down the street.

"But Daddy said I'm not supposed to go with strangers... " she said.

"Don't worry. I'm just going to aid your injuries. Once we're done, you're free to go."

"But that would be unnecessary Mr. Stranger... "

"Nonsense. You need help little one." The two step inside his house, he
assist the child on one of his couches and went towards the bathroom to get his emergency medical kit. He also grab a towel and a small basin which he filled with lukewarm water. He set the basin on the table, grab the clean towel and dip it. Afterwards he place the now wet cloth on the child's face, wiping the small amount of blood on each scratch, cleaning every inch of her face.

"Where are your parents? Aren't they with you?" The man broke the gentle silence between them. "I'm with my aunt a while ago. But she got lost."

'Are you sure you're not the one who's lost here?' Tok Aba thought while applying  some disinfectant on a cotton and placing it on her injuring. A silent hiss was heard on the child as she bites her lip and close her left eye from the pain she was experiencing. "Sorry... "

"How about I take you to the police? I'm sure they'll be able to help you find you-- "

"That would be unnecessary." she quickly cut him off. "I'm sure I'll be able to find her." Tok Aba now applied some small drops of antiseptic on each scratch. Once he's finish, he was about to put some bandaids on the female when the small child halt his actions. "Eh? Why?"

"That would be unnecessary Mr. Stranger."

"You keep saying that. Please let me help you. This old man will be guilty for the rest of his life if he'll let an injured child on her own." A smile from on his lips, a smile full of genuine intention. Hopefully she'll let him help her. The young child lingered her emotionless eyes at the older man for a moment as she let a soft sigh escape her lips. "If that is what you wish. Do what you must." Tok Aba grin when the young kid finally allowed him to apply the bandaids.

"But I'll remind you Mr. Stranger... helping me is pointless." When Tok Aba finish applying the last bandaid on her left cheek, the man stared at the young female in a confuse manner. Her words deeply confuse him. What's so pointless in helping other people? is what he thought.

"But why?" he ask. He wants to know the reason why this young kid is so persistent about not needing other people's aid. "Becaus-- "

"Ah help!" This took Tok Aba and the young girl by surprise as the man immediately rush outside to the source of the voice, followed by the little girl. Reaching his destination, he was greeted by a sight he and the female never expected.

"Hi~" It was Probe in his Mega Probe form. On his hand was a scared Mr. Kumar, hugging Ochobot for dear life. And on his other hand, were three cans of his famous cocoa cans. "Your coming with me Mr. Aba." The purple robot proclaim as he took a step near the two humans.


But it was too late, Probe already caught them.


Adu Du was inside Mukalakus, The Destroyer Robot he got from that scamming alien Bago Go. He knows Boboiboy will soon arrive along with his friends. A battle will soon occur between the two species and he can't wait any longer.

"Adu Du!" Speaking of the devil. Soon after, the square headed alien saw Boboiboy and his friends running in his direction. "Where's Gopal?" was Hanna's immediate question when they all arrive at their destination.

"How should I know~" The alien mocked and even though they can't see him because he's inside of his gigantic robot, they're pretty much sure, he's having one of his irritating smirks plastered on his green face again.

"You lying square head monster! Let Gopal go!" Ying shouted. She dash straight towards the gigantic robot; "Thousand Times Kick!" her foot was about to touch it's metallic plates when Adu Du avoided her attack by stepping aside, making the black haired female to crush landed on one of the old rotten cars near them.

"Ying!" They all shouted.

"Ouch... " the female groan as she massage her head from the impact.

"How dare you… Shadow Tiger!" This time, it was Fang who made the move. He summoned one of his signature shadow animal. The red eyed animal growl in fury as the latter charge towards the green robot. "Shadow Scratch!" Fang command. The tiger jump up high as he aim his sharp claws at the rear head of the robot.

"Heh! That's all you've got?" the alien ask in pure sarcasm. "Mukalakus, Power Punch!" The robot readied his large hand which was tighten into a fist. The approaching tiger yelp in pain when the the robot's hard fist came in contact with it's stomach, making Fang's shadow tiger to disappear in oblivion. "Wha-- Impossible!"

Gritting her teeth in pure irritation, eyes blazing in fury, the female in pink hijab flew straight towards Adu Du "Take this! Super Impact Punch!"

"In your dreams! Mukalak-- " he was interrupted when he felt himself unable to move on his spot. A smirk form on Fang's face as both of him and Boboiboy watch the alien getting confuse on his situation. It was only then did the alien notice the shadow-like hands warp on his robot like a rope, gluing him on the ground. "Go Hanna!" cheered Boboiboy.

Adu Du was pressing a lot of buttons on his computer in hopes of escaping Hanna's approaching attack but it was too late, she was getting closer by the second. Adu Du close his eyes and waited for her attack but nothing came. Instead he heard an explosion just in front of him.

"Hanna!" her friends shouted. Adu Du opened his eyes only to find on his computer, an unconscious Hanna laying on the ground in front of him.

"Sorry I'm late Mr. Boss~" On Adu Du's side was his purple robot sidekick.

"Probe!" The trio of superhero said when they saw the purple robot. All of them gritting their teeth in annoyance at Hanna's failed attempt in attacking Adu Du because of his sidekick, Probe. The purple robot was just in time to save him, when he saw Hanna launching an attack on his boss, he immediately took action and send a missile on the unsuspecting female. As a result the pink hijab wearing female lay unconscious in front of the two gigantic robots.

"I have already completely stage three Mr. Boss!" Probe said in his usual cheery tone.

"Good." The alien smirk.

Staring at her best friend's unconscious form with a worried look, Ying's once soft looking eyes became hard as they were covered with her very own murderous aura "Why you… " she mutters while standing on her two feet. "You'll pay for this you useless square head!" she made a dash towards the two robots as she was blinded in anger for both kidnapping Gopal and hurting her very best friend. "Really? I would like to see you try!" Adu Du mocked, further irritating the youngest superhero. "Thousand Bite Scra-- " before she can even land her attack, Adu Du beat her to it.

"Now Probe!" when he notice that the female was an arm reach, he gave his final command. "Yes Mr. Boss." The robot spray the area around him with green gas.

"Wait Ying! Don't!" Boboiboy shouted.  Ying who recognize the familiar gas, tried to stop herself but she was too late. She already sniff a good amount of sleeping gas. The image of her surroundings became blurry, her body started to weaken, her eyes keep closing itself as she tried to remain awake. 'Not this again!'

'Don't... fall... as... leep... ' But her body failed her miserably as she slam her body on the dusty ground and close her eyes, falling into deep slumber.

"Ying!" the two males exclaim.

"Excellent Probe! Now... I want you to put them inside along with the others." The green alien ordered, referring to the two young female on the ground.

"Yes Mr. Boss~" When the two young males saw their female friends getting pick up by Probe, Fang immediately took action; "I'm not letting you! Shadow Finger-- "

"I'm not letting you do that either! Mukalakus, Attack!" The rear head of the green robot release his red laser attack and aim it at both of Fang and Boboiboy. Both of them scream in pain when his attack came in contact with their bodies.

"Hehehe~ " When the two were distracted by Adu Du, Probe took the chance to grab hold of the two unconscious girls and immediately went to their base to put them along with the others. Leaving his boss to face the two superheroes. "You'll pay for this!" Boboiboy groan as dirt was dusted on both him and Fang from his attack earlier.

"Boboiboy Elemental-- Ahh!" Adu Du once again deliver an attack on the black haired superhero, for he knows he'll never stand a chance against his upgraded powers if he splits. Adu Du unleashed one red blade on each of his robot's hand and charge in full speed at the superhero. "I've got this! Shadow Hands!" hands made of shadow warp itself around the giant robot, fully restraining him from moving around.

"Do it now Boboiboy!" The shadow manipulater said.

"Mm." he nod.

"Boboiboy Elemental Split!" Boboiboy perform his ultimate power, but this time, instead of Cyclone and Thunderstorm, it was Ice and Blaze who Boboiboy summon along side Quake. The three landed on their feet, Quake and Blaze were smirking at Adu Du while Ice on the other hand, maintain his stoic facade at the alien.

"You're dead Adu Du."


"Hanna! Ying! Wake up! Wake up" Gopal and Tok Aba said as they try their best to wake the two girls up.

Earlier, Gopal was surprise when he saw his father, Tok Aba and Ochobot being carried by Probe. But what really gave him the complete shock was that a certain classmate of his was caught too. But not just any classmate of his, it was none other than (F/N) herself. The tan boy wonder why and how did the female end up with them. But his thoughts stirred up when he saw Probe carrying an unconscious Hanna and Ying.

"Oh please, wake up!" Tok Aba said but his attempt of waking them up were futile for none of them seem to stir up from their unconscious state. "What should we do now?" ask Mr. Kumar while being worried over the situation they're in. "I'm sure Boboiboy will be able to beat that Adu Du!" Gopal said.

"But first we gotta get out of here. Who knows what Adu Du has in store for us." Tok Aba said as he turn his attention to Gopal. "Gopal! Use your powers and change this wall into food." The man instruct but Gopal could only sigh; "Can't." he said.

"But why not son?" His father ask.

"I don't have my powers."

"What?!" All of them exclaim except for the emotionless female.

"How is that possible? Did you broke your power band?" ask Ochobot to which Gopal shook his head no. "Ok. Let me rephrase what I said, It's not like I don't have my powers, it's just that I can't use my powers, not while I'm inside this wall that is." he said. "Let's just wait for Boboiboy and Fang to save us."

"You're just being lazy." The yellow power sphere said making the Indian to glared at the floating robot.


"No! We need to get out of here. I don't want to burden my grandson and Fang about it." Tok Aba said as he laid his palm on the invisible wall. "He's right Gopal. We can't just stand here and do nothing." The older Kumar said, as he too, went beside the older man and examine the wall. Gopal groan and follow his father, just in case the two older men needs his help.

"There's got to be a way to break this thing." Tok Aba mutters.

While they were thinking of possible ways on how to break the wall, the only conscious female among them avert her gaze at the two unconscious  females. She stare lingered on them for a few seconds before she move her sight at the males in front of her. When she made sure their attention was focusing on the wall, she move her right hand and place both her index and middle finger on Hanna's forehead, with her left hand she did the same on Ying.

Closing her eyes, she focus her energy on both the females as a (F/C) coloured magic circle was seen on their foreheads. While doing the process, (F/C) coloured light shone from where she sat, her hair was flowing slowly behind her, the same symbol on Hanna and Ying's forehead appeared on her forehead as well. Unbeknownst to the (E/C) eyed female, was a certain Indian superhero was watching her very move.

Gopal was just crossing his arms as he stand beside the two older adults. In the mid of their busy talk, he notice a small light behind him which cause the tan superhero to turn around only to widen his eyes at what he saw. He didn't react much as he just watch the (H/C) haired girl before him.

In a few seconds, the light died down when (F/N) opened her (E/C) eyes. Her long hair settle down on her back. The symbol on each of the girl's  foreheads were now gone. She remove both of her hands and place them on her lap. Another set of seconds pass before a groan can be heard on one of girls. Tok Aba, Mr. Kumar, and Ochobot turn towards the source of voice, only to find Ying  opening her eyes alongside Hanna as both of them sat up straight.

"Hanna! Ying!" Tok Aba immediately rush towards the two and hug them both.

"Wha-- " -Hanna.

"How did we end up here?" ask the time manipulater as she rub her eyes to remove the tiniest bit of drowsiness on her blue optics.

"Probe carried you here. Are you alright? Does it hurt somewhere?" he said. When Ying heard the name who hurt Hanna, her eyes darken as she tighten her hands into fist. "Probe's gonna pay for this!." Her attention darted at the female beside her as worry flashes through her once angry eyes. "Hanna, are you ok?" she ask.

"I'm fine but... weird, I was hit by a missile earlier but... I don't feel any pain at all." The pink hijab wearing female said when she touch her back where the missile hit her earlier. Realization struck Gopal when he analyzed the situation on what happened moments ago. '(F/N) must've heal them… '

"Oh! You should thank (F/-- " before the Indian could finish her sentence, the (H/C) haired girl cut him off. "That's not important right now." (F/N), for the first time, spoke which startle both Ying and Hanna for they didn't know that (F/N) was behind them all this time.

"(F-F/N)?!" -Ying.

"Hi... "

"What are you doing here and... what happened to your face?" Hanna ask when she notice numerous bandaids scattered on her blank face.

"Probe got me along with Mr. Stranger and for your second question... a stray cat attack me earlier."

'Mr. Stranger?' They all thought expect for Tok Aba. 'So this is (F/N)...' The man thought when he remembers the time when he, Ying and Gopal talk about their new female classmate. "Wait! What happened to Fang and Boboiboy?" ask the black haired girl.

"They're still fighting Probe and Adu Du. I don't even know what's taking them so long." Gopal answers.


"Ahh!" in a flash Boboiboy Quake and Boboiboy Ice came crashing on the ground. "What's the matter Boboiboy? Can't put up a proper fight?~" The alien mock. Blaze grit his teeth at the green alien in front of him, they could've beaten him in just a few seconds ago but there was a tiny bit of problem that prevents them from harming the alien.

"Take this! Blazing Fire-- "

"Ohh~ Go ahead. Attack me all you want. And I'll hurt your beloved family with the help of Probe~" He said, his smirk visible on his facade. The three elemental Boboiboys and the shadow manipulater grit their teeths in frustration. They can't just attack Adu Du or else his friends and family might suffer the consequences.

"Now that's one good boy~" As he said those words, he press a button, sending laser attacks on the three elementalist. All they could do for now, was dogbe Adu Du's attack.

"Go Go Mr. Boss!" his sidekick robot cheered.


"Yeah! It'll be a piece of cake for Boboiboy and Fang to beat someone like that square headed alien." Ying said.

"But we still need to help them, come on." Hanna said as she run towards the direction of the door. "Your right. Why are we even standing here doing nothing? Let's go!" Ying said, following behind the pink hijab wearing female friend of hers. "Hey wait!" Ochobot and Tok Aba called but it was too late, for Ying and Hanna bump their bodies on the invisible wall with slight force.

"Ouch! What the-- What's this?" groan the female in glasses as she touch the wall that was blocking her way. "The Power blah blah blah. I wasn't really listening to Adu Du when he was explaining this thing." Gopal said.

"Don't worry everyone, Let me use my powers... Super... "

"It's no use Hanna." Gopal tried to stop her but the female seem to be concentrated to pay attention on the tan superhero. "Impact Punch!" A confident grin grace on her lips as he fist collide with the wall. But it was soon turn into those pained expression as she pulled her hand towards her and massage it; "Ouch… "

"Told ya."

"But why? Why can't I use my powers." ask Hanna. "I guess this wall prevents you guys from using your power bands. It makes sense since Gopal could've change the wall into food earlier when he was kidnapped to escape, but he couldn't." Ochobot said.

"We can't just stand here. Boboiboy needs our help." Ying said.

"Yeah!" Hanna agrees.

"If only we have something to break this wall... " Mr. Kumar said. "That would be impossible." A voice butt in through their conversation. They all look to the other side only to find Adu Du's Computer; "Master invented this to prevent the user to use any source of power from any form of medium such as the power bands Ochobot gave you."

"No wonder, you didn't listen son. This talking computer make no sense at all... " The older Kumar whispered to his son in which Gopal agrees."Told you so... "

"Meaning, when you are inside the Power Incubator, you are all nothing but normal children with normal watches. To top it all, you don't have your powers while you're inside. So escaping my master would be pointless." The computer inform.

"Oh no! What should we do now?!" Hanna said. "There's gonna be a way to destroy this wall!" Tok Aba said. While everyone was in the mids of  panicking, Hanna and Ying started knocking the invisible wall with their own strength, but to no avail, the wall's just too strong for them. "It's no use!" groan the yellow power sphere.

"If only we could just... " Tok Aka sigh. "I hope my grandson is ok." he added. Even though he knows Boboiboy can handle someone like Adu Du, he can't help but to worry over the black haired superhero. It's been a while since they were imprisoned here and most of them were getting agitated to get out soon.

"Say... " All of them turned their  attention to the only person at the very back who's being silent the entire time, (F/N). She sat cross leg on the dusty ground, her right elbow place on her knee while she place her head on her hand. The said (E/C) eyed female seems to not care about the situation they're in as she wore an expression that tells she's bored rather than her usual blank facade. Half lidded eyes stared straight at the talking technology. "Mr. Computer... "

"I'm a female." she quickly interrupts.

"Hey! Since when did computers have genders?" ask Mr. Kumar in a low tone to the person beside him, which was his son, Gopal. The Indian superhero just shrug his shoulders and replied; "I have no idea."

"So Ms. Computer... let me repeat what you said earlier. You said that while we're inside this 'wall', the user of these power bands can't give the user it's significant powers, correct?"

"Indeed correct."

"Any form of medium... huh… " she said as if she finally realize something important. "That's all the information I need. Thank you."

"Uhh... Your welcome?" the talking computer said. (F/N) stand up from her sitting position and dusted her bottom area to remove the dirt. She move her body towards the front where everyone was currently standing. "One last question... " (F/N) said as she raise her hands and search for the invisible wall with the help of her sense of touch. When her hands felt the cold surface of the wall, she spoke once again.

"What if we don't need any form of medium to break this wall?" All eyes were on Computer as they quietly waited for Computer to respond to (F/N)'s question.

"And how is that possible?" she ask. Now their attention was focusing on the (H/C) haired girl. It was a question that needed the best answer. The three superheroes knews the watch the that rested on her wrist but it was still impossible if she can't use it."How is that possible you say... " The said female lingered her sight at the talking computer for a few seconds before she avert her eyes at the wall. She close her soft (E/C) eyes for a second, once she opened them, her normal shiny soft but blank eyes turn dark.

"Watch me."

(F/N) took a step back, she remove her hand on the wall and tighten her knuckles. Somehow, all of them including Computer, felt the air tense around them. The heavy pressure coming from the (H/C) haired female was intense to the point, they can particularly see her aura reflecting around her.

"Please back away. It would be safer that way."

Nervous and confuse, all of them step away to a safe distance from the (E/C) eyed child. Once she concluded that they were now safe; she focus her attention at the wall. She waited for a few more seconds as she gathered her energy on her tighten knuckles. Once (F/N) felt it was good enough, she readied herself. She launch her fist at the wall with great strength. The once invisible wall became visible as the transparent glass shattered into millions of pieces. All of them widen their eyes at the force. They couldn't believe that the female with (H/C) hair destroy the wall in just one attack. Not only that, the couldn't believe that she manage to deliver her attack without the use her watch which was similar to Boboiboy's.

"How... " -Computer.

"H-how did you manage to do that?" ask Gopal. Gopal, Ying and Hanna was aware of the watch she has on her wrist, but Computer said that using their power bands was pointing for they can't use it while they're  inside the Power Incubator. The female in question turn her normal blank gaze to the gaping group. "I believe your friends needs your help… " she said.

"Oh right, we gotta help Boboiboy. Let's go guys!" Ying said, she run full speed ahead, Hanna flying behind her and Gopal running in his own pace. Soon Ochobot and Mr. Kumar followed them, leaving Tok Aba with the emotionless child. "Are you ok? Does it hurt?" he ask as he inspect her hand, it's a miracle she didn't get bruised from what she did earlier. "You worry to much Mr. Stranger... "

"Tok Aba. Just call me Tok Aba."

"Ok... Tok Aba... " The female stared at the man for a few seconds before raising her hand to her face to remove the bandaids on her face but Tok Aba stop her. "You shouldn't remove it just yet." he said, the short female only hum at his words. "Don't worry... Like I said; helping me was pointless for... " she pause while removing one of the bandaids on her face. To Tok Aba's shock, the scratch she receive from earlier was now gone. She remove another, and another, and another. When she remove all of them, her face was now scratch-free like she wasn't attack by a wild cat earlier.

"I can heal my own injuries." She continues.

"B-but how?... " Tok Aba ask.

"For now that is not important Tok Aba. What matters here is to help your grandson. You should go." She said. The man let out a sigh and nod in understanding. "You're right." Leaving the female on her own, Tok Aba immediately rush towards the exit of Adu Du's alien cave. Walking in slow strides, the female was about to exit too, when something on the far corner caught her eye. She turn her half lidded eyes at the corner where she saw the  things that caught her attention.

"Is that?… "


"Aghh!" Fang yelled in pain when Adu Du's robot tighten his grip on the young shadow manipulater.


"That's it! I had enough of you Adu Du!" shouted the agitated Fire manipulater while tightening his fist in irritation. "Fire Breath!" Boboiboy Ice tried to stop him but Blaze didn't listen. He release a large amount of fire from his mouth and aim it at Adu Du. The alien smirk and face Fang at the direction of the approaching flames.

"Huh? Oh no!" -Blaze.

"Earth Wall!" a small part of the ground near Adu Du was lift, blocking Blaze's attack from hurting Fang. Blaze sigh in relief when Quake manage to block his aggressive flames. "Boboiboy... Don't worry about me! Attack him now!" Fang said between pants. "B-but... " Quake said, clearly his hesitating to attack Adu Du because he still has Fang. "It's the only w-way!" he said. Boboiboy Quake was sweating nervously, his eyes meet Fang's, he can tell he was serious about his request. But his conscience can't take it if he hurt Fang.

"ATTACK HIM NOW!" Letting out a sigh, he nod his head and face Adu Du. Anger was clearly seen on his yellow optics as he lift his quake fist, indicating he's ready to fight.

"Heh! How dramatic."

"Shut up!" Blaze said while pumping his fist together. Ready to give Adu Du a piece of his mind. "I usually tend to stay away from heated situation such as this but... you are really getting on my nerves." Ice said in his usual calm manner. His icy blue eyes burning holes on the green robot. "Time for you to pay Adu Du." said Quake as he pointed his quake covered finger on the green alien.

The alien scoff at their brave act, seeing this as a silly joke of theirs. "Fine, go ahead. Attack me all you want and your friends will suffer the consequences. Mwuhahaha!" the green square head alien laugh, further bringing annoyance at both Fang and the three elementalist.

"Oh really?" ask a girlish voice from behind the alien. "Oh yes really. Then I'll... wait! Who spoke just now?" Adu Du turned his gigantic robot around only to find a familiar hijab wearing girl. Fang, Ice, Blaze and Quake widen their eyes when they saw who it was.


"You... how did you manage to escape?!" He look around for Probe only to find him tied up on the ground. "S-sorry Mr. Boss. I have no idea how they got out!" he said.

"Payback time… " The flying female use her super sonic speed and immediately took Fang away from the green robot. "Now Ying!" she said to which her best friend smirk. "Roger that. Slow Motion Field!" a yellow orb was created on her hands and threw it towards the robot. When the yellow orb reach the green robot, it immediately expand according to the robot's size and swallow it whole. The robot along with Adu Du felt their world move in slow motion.

Placing Fang on the ground, the female in pink went back towards the robot; "This is for hurting Ying. Furry of Fists!" Hanna threw numerous fast pace punches on the green robot's chest area. "And this is for hurting Hanna. Thousand Times Kick!" Ying, on the other hand, launch numerous kicks on Mukalakus' back.

"Hey! Aren't you going to avenge me too?" Gopal ask to which the two best friends ignore. Once they're finish giving their attacks, Ying immediately deactivate her Slow Motion Field on Mukalakus. Feeling the normal flow of time, Adu Du gave out an agonizing scream when he felt their physical attacks shaking his robot, further damaging it to the point some of it's metallic plates were collapsing on the ground.

"Now it's our turn." Quake smirk and turn to both of his other copies, seeing both of them nod in agreement. "Arctic Cannon!" Boboiboy Ice summon his mini ice gun aim it at Mukalakus. "Blizzard Blast!" The gun release a small concentrated ice and hit Adu Du's robot, right at his chest area. The ice expand around his body leaving Mukalakus frozen in place along with Adu Du who was freezing to death.

"Here i come... Blazing Chakrams!" Blaze summon his weapons on both of his hands. He glared at the frozen robot then throw his sharp circular weapons at Mukalakus, cutting both his legs and head. Luckily Adu Du was located at the middle, if not, then he would've been dead by now. "My Turn. Take this, Giga Uppercut!" Summoning his Golem, he run towards the now decapitated robot, his Golem imitating his move and deliver one strong uppercut, sending the robot into the sky. "Ahhhh!!" The robot stop mid-air as gravity pulled him back towards Earth. The robot crash landed on the dusty ground, Adu Du on the other hand, had already fainted. "Ugh... "

"Mr. Boss!" his sidekick robot scream.

"Hooray! We did it!" the two superhero female said as they both hug each in joy. "Hehehe… Awesome." Merging back, Ice and Blaze were no where to be seen as Quake was replaced with the original Boboiboy. "Boboiboy!" Tok Aba called. The older man run towards his grandson and gave him a bone-crushing hug. "A-ato! Can't... breath."

"Oh! hehehe~ Sorry."

"Well done kids. You save us once again." Mr. Kumar said.

"Yeah. Good job to us all!" Gopal said.

"Hey, I didn't see you helping us out." Fang said to which all of them agrees. "Oh yeah? Well at least I didn't act like a damsel-in-distress a few seconds ago!"

"Wait… you saw that?" The shadow manipulater ask, making Gopal smirk. "By the way, it's suits you~" the tan superhero tease to which Fang glared at the latter. "Shadow Tiger!" His famous shadow made tiger appears. "Attack!" Fang command to which the tiger understand and came charging at Gopal. "Ahh wait Fang!" All of them laugh, including Mr. Kumar at the now escaping Gopal.

"Awesome... "

In the mids of their cute celebration, a certain girl with (H/C) hair with (E/C) eyes watch the scene from a far away distance. On her hands was her blue power sphere and on the ground, right in front of her were two more, one coloured in pink and one coloured in green.

"They don't seem to be bad as you claim they would be." a voice said. The female didn't bother turning around, for she knows who owns the voice who spoke just now. "Especially that kid with his dinosaur hat."

"Where have you been?" (F/N) softly ask the woman behind her.

"Where have you been?" she threw back her question, but she didn't bother to answer her, for she focuses  her attention on the grinning face of Boboiboy.

'Guess I was wrong about you.'

"I see you've found our power spheres. Where'd ya' get it?" Again the younger female ignored her, making the older woman to whine. "Ya? Are you seriously gonna ignore me?"

"Let's go Aunt Gail… " She said as she turn her heels to the other side and walk away, leaving the woman to take care of the two power spheres on the ground.

"Ya! Don't leave me here!"


"Ugh... Ouch! Tok Aba... " the young whine when his grandfather applied disinfectant on his bruise. Currently, all of them were at Tok Aba's stall, excluding Mr. Kumar as he went home to manage his shop, leaving Gopal in Tok Aba's care. Tok Aba was tending to their injuries from their earlier fight. Placing the bandaid on Boboiboy, he smile to himself when he finishes every one of them. "That was tiring." Gopal said as he took a sip of his hot chocolate drink. All of them including Ochobot, rolled their eyes at Gopal; "You're the one who didn't participate the most." Fang and Ochobot said in unison.

"Hey! I was the victim, ok?" he argue back.

"Hey wait... Haven't you guys notice (F/N)?" ask Hanna.

"Yeah right. I didn't saw her at all." -Ying.

"(F/N)?" Both Fang and Boboiboy said in sync. "Was she with you?" the black haired superhero ask. "Mm." Both the females nods. "If not because of her, we couldn't have manage escape." Hanna said.

"We should thank her tomorrow at school." -Ying.

"But don't you remember... (F/N)'s still mad at us." Fang said. With a sad smile, Boboiboy suddenly remembers his encounter at the said female. "Oh yeah... "

"Why would she be mad at you?" Tok Aba ask, curious as to what had happened between them. "Well Ato... (F/N) just-- " Before Boboiboy could explain the details, someone interrupt.

"You called?" a voice said from behind Boboiboy, causing all of them to jump in fright. She wasn't there a moment ago but somehow she suddenly appeared on their area like she just teleport her way there. There in front of them was none other than (F/N), on her hand were 6 boxes with cute ribbons, different designs and colour scheme. "H-how did you get here?" was Boboiboy's question, hand at his chest because of the shock from the emotionless girl's sudden appearance. "I walk?" her answer appeared to be a question rather than an answer. "What are you doing here (F/N)?" Hanna ask the female.

"I came to give you these." She gesture on the boxes on her hands. "What are those?" the shadow manipulater ask. "See for yourselves." (F/N) said. She place the boxes on Tok Aba's stall and gave each of them a box with their signature colour on, including Tok Aba. Opening the said box, their eyes sparkle at what the box contains...


Each of the cupcakes has different designs on them which differentiate them from the other cupcakes. "Their so cute!" Both Hanna and Ying said.

"And Yummy too!" The three boys exclaim once the cupcakes reach their tastebuds. Rainbows and unicorns were seen on the background as they continue to devour their dessert. "Somehow I'm starting to doupt wether I'll eat it or not." Tok Aba said, a cupcake at hand, examining the cute designs of the cute dessert at hand.

"True Ato, it's a shame to eat these cute cupcakes!" Ying and Hanna both said. "Then... how about I help you with that?" Gopal ask while wiggling his eyebrows making the two females and Tok Aba to glare at him.

"I'm glad you like it… " -(F/N).

"Yeah! Thank you (F/N)!" They all said.

"Did you makes these by yourself?" Boboiboy ask, earning a nod from the female. "They taste awesome!" he compliment.

"But why are you giving us cupcakes? Aren't you mad at us?" Fang ask.

"About that... " She pause for a moment, her eyes came in contact with Tok Aba's. "I gave Tok Aba cupcakes as a sign of my appreciation for helping me earlier. Even though he doesn't know me and was not responsible for my injuries. Even though helping a stranger like me wasn't even necessary... But I appreciate his kindness." The old man smile at the young female as he utters a 'Your welcome' to the blank face female.

"Second, I gave you guys cupcakes as a sign of my apology." She bows her head exactly 90° degrees. "My behavior towards you was unreasonable and rude. I even accuse you of something you didn't do. You tried to tell me but... I didn't listen." she said.

"I'm sorry." Although her eyes may seem emotionless and blank but her voice grant her genuine seriousness on each of her words. Still bowing her head, the female heard footsteps approaching her figure. A hand rested on her soft (H/C) hair, this took the female by surprise as she straightened her posture and look to see who it was...

It was Boboiboy.

The black haired super hero gave out one of his genuine grin while staring at her shock (E/C) eyes and pat the female on her head. Somehow, a small red hue was visible on her pale cheeks, which didn't go unnotice by the Hanna, Ying and Tok Aba as they give each other knowing looks.

"You don't have to apologize (F/N). It was just a small misunderstanding that got out of hand. No one is at fault here." he said as he remove his hand from the female's hair. For the first time... from the very first day they've cross paths, from the very day Boboiboy save (F/N) from Probe, a smile form on her pinkish lips. On cue, a small breeze past them making her (H/C) hair to sway softly behind her. It gave off a sweet and soft atmosphere around (F/N). Unbeknownst to Boboiboy, he too, was blushing at the girl in front of him.

'Her smile... '

"Thank you Boboiboy... "

'It suits her better.'



"I highly appreciate it."


'What… '

"Um Boboiboy? Hello?" (F/N) wave her hand at the boy's face, snapping him from his thoughts. "Are you ok?"

"H-huh? Ah yes... "

"Dey, what's gotten into you Boboiboy? Your face is all red." ask Gopal to which Boboiboy answered 'nothing'. Ying and Hanna, on the other hand, just smirk, knowing something the boys aren't aware of. All of their attention turned towards the emotionless girl who spoke once again; "Can we start again?"


"I want to start again. I want to be friends with all of you... If that's ok?" she ask. Before the male could answer her, Ying and Hanna beat him to it; "We would love to!" The immediately went towards the female and hug her on both sides.

"Welcome to the gang!" -Gopal.

"Good thing we're on good terms now." -Fang.

Boboiboy smile at his friends antics before turning to (F/N) "That would be awesome." Another smile appeared on her face, a genuine smile that made Boboiboy's world stop. It's like their surroundings became blurring with just the two of them, just staring at each other's eyes.

"Thank you Boboiboy."


A\N: It came out long unexpectedly.

I don't know about you guys but this is how I treat myself when my bipolar cat scratch me. But for better cure, go for an anti-rabies vaccination. It'll help a lot, even if it's a small scratch. Also the Power Incubator was a big etc. etc. I don't know how to name inventions like that evil scientist from Phineas and Ferb.

Ba-thump is a special effects (sfx) on Japanese manga which means the sound of your heartbeat.

Second, I salute Monsta Animation and other animation studio for always giving us good quality fighting scene. I tried to be creative with each scene but it looks like it came out rush than necessary.

How to be awesome: Follow Boboiboy's social media accounts!

Twitter: @Boboiboy

Instagram: @Boboiboy

Facebook: Boboiboy

YouTube: MonstaChannel

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