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Jaemin just arrived at the Lee house, he took a moment to breath since he walked there– he was buying something and didn't even bother to drive his own damn car.

He rang the doorbell and fixed his hair while waiting, just in time he fixed his shirt– because his stupid ass was sweating and he smells like one of Mark's burnt eggs– Jeno opened the door revealing his beautiful self. He was wearing a pink shirt and simple light blue jeans.

"Nana!" The brunette exclaimed smiling so widely Jaemin had the urge to shield his eyes because fuck, Jeno's smile is brighter than any jewelry Jaemin has seen.

"Hey baby" he smiles back showing a bouquet of flowers mixture of White Carnations, Red, Lavender and Pink Rose. "These are for you"

Jeno blushes at the simple but sweet gift, gently taking the bouquet of flowers with their fingers brushing, making both of them feel giddy in the tummy "Thank you" he looks down shyly.

He then felt something wet on his forehead and looks up seeing Jaemin smiling at him with a little mischief in his eyes, realizing the boy had kissed him he blushed even more as he heard a chuckle from the other.

"Why are you so shy now?" Jaemin teased grabbing him by the waist, he hummed and picked at the golden ribbon on the bouquet that was neatly wrapped around it.

"I just– I love you a lot Jaeminnie and you make me feel shy sometimes" he admitted feeling a vibration of the younger's chest and hearing a laugh.

"Cute" Jaemin mumbles pecking him on the nose, "where's your brother?" He asked looking around behind his boyfriend.

Jeno made a little "oh!" Sound and looked behind him, "WOOZI HYUNGIEEE!" he screams making Jaemin laugh.

Footsteps and a mumble of "fuck, another cockroach" was heard before Jihoon came to view, "Hey Jaemin" he nods at the boy like he didn't just got called by his younger brother and saw a cockroach in the hallway.

Jaemin smiles and nods back "shall we?" The two brothers nods at him.

"Let's take my car, Jeno go ahead first, I need to tell Jaemin something" he said earning a whine from the brunette but the boy obeyed anyways.

After Jeno was out of earshot, Jihoon turned to Jaemin "I told him" he pursed his lips as Jaemin raised an eyebrow confused "about our parents"

Jaemin made an "ohh" sound and nodded "what was his reaction?" A little worried.

Jihoon sensed his worry for Jeno and smiled a little "don't worry, I explained to him it wasn't his fault and he asked something" he smiled wider thinking about what Jeno did a few days ago.

"What was it?" Jaemin asked



"Nono, don't cry, it's not your fault and never was ok?" Jihoon continued to explain as his brother bawled his eyes out hugging his stuff pig.

Rubbing circles and whispering sweet words to the younger, Jeno calmed dawn a bit and looked at him "c-can Nono w-wayt mom-mmah and pa-papa a l-lettuw?" His voice small and his lisp obvious.

Jihoon smiled "of course baby, we'll go to their grave later and send the letter ok?" Jeno nodded his mouth still in a pout

"Okie" he mumbled playing with the pig's ears.

Few minutes later Jeno had finished writing a letter for his parents, even though Jihoon explained that his mother was evil, he still wanted to write something for her.

"Nono done now" he said as Jihoon gave him a baba with chocolate milk inside, he gladly took it and exchanged it for the letter as his brother started to silently read it.

Diw moma and papa dot dot

Hewo moma and papa, is moma and papa sleeping wel? Jihoonie said moma and papa is sleeping now and they will be fow a looooonggggg time!

Nono misses moma and papa, Nono wanna see moma and papa :(

But Jihoonie said Nono wil see moma and papa when it's time! Nono wil be happy if moma and papa wil be happy

Nono had a dwiim of cotton candies and cakes! Nono also dwiimed of scawy thingies!

Nono wuvs moma and papa soooooo much! ^-^

even if moma was naughty and huwt Nono, Nono is stil hiw! Nono fowgivs moma!

Nono wuvs papa tu! Duwnt be sad papa, Nono wuvs u tu!♡

Nono has boyfie tu! his name is Jaemin and Nono calls him Nana uw Jaeminnie♡

Nana takes caiw of Nono bewy wel! Nono wuvs Nana and Nana wuvs Nono tu!

Nono dos not habe much tu say :( but I miss u!

Nono has to go now! Bwai bwai moma and papa! Nono wil meet u in dwiimland

Wuv Nono (◕‿◕)♡

After reading the letter Jihoon felt both sadness and happiness, sad because Jeno and him had to go through this, living without parents not to mention one of them has hurt them multiple times. Happiness because Jeno understands a little, he still has the heart to forgive his mother despite what she had done to them and he's proud of his younger brother to everything that he has done.

"why Jihoonie cwyin?" He hears Jeno asked, he looks up and hastily wipes his tears and sniffling a little while chuckling.

"Because Jihonnie is very proud of Nono" he said, Jeno's eyes lit up and excitedly kicked his feet up.

"Weally?" He asked as his brother walks over and hugs him tight.

"Very" he kissed the youngers forehead with a smile.

Later that day they went to the grave yard and placed the letter on the grass between the two grave stones.

They greeted their parents and sat there for awhile with Jeno rambling about what has happened in his life especially and mostly about Jaemin as Jihoon just sat there smiling at his brother talking to two grave stones that has the name of their parents on it.

They bid their farewells after Jeno let out a yawn

"Bye mom and dad" Jihoon said holding his brother's hand.

Jeno followed at his brother with a pout, not finished telling the story of how Jaemin scolded Jisung for showing a picture of a guy licking his index finger– which he doesn't know what was wrong with it.

"Bwai bwai moma and papa" he said leaning down and kissed the grave stones before smiling.

Jihoon freaked out a little bit as he thought of what germs was on the grave stones when they're not there and all the possibilities of Jeno getting sick, but he smiled anyways since his brother's farewell was cute.


"Wow" Jaemin let out as Jihoon had happy tears, he nodded smiling and hugging the older who hugged back.

"I'm proud of both of you" he said pulling away

"Thank you" Jihoon replied, they both smiled as they finally walk towards the car where Jeno was whining and kicking his feet

"You took too longggg!" He whined pouting at the two boys earning a chuckle.

"Sorry baby" Jaemin said caressing his hair as he leaned into the touch.

They went in the backseat as Jihoon was alone in the front mumbling how it's not fair because Jeno is his brother.

"You could've invited Soonyoung too y'know?" Jaemin teased tightening his arms around Jeno's waist who was on his lap, despite having enough room for 3 people, Jeno has placed himself comfortably on Jaemin's lap without a word.

"Shut up" Jihoon retorted with gritted teeth as Jaemin snickers at him and poke his tongue out childishly.

Jihoon rolled his eyes and started the engine.

"We're here!" Jaemin calls out as they entered his family's mansion. His mom squealed nearby and soon reveals herself in her blue sun dress, the lady immediately hugged them each smiling widely.

"Oh my goodness!" She sqeaks excitedly "you must be Jeno!"

The said boy nods smiling making the lady squeal even more "you are adorable! Jaemin wasn't over exaggerating" she pinches the boy's cheeks.

"Ok mom that's enough" Jaemin said both embarrassed and worried that his mother pinched Jeno's cheeks too much, he grabbed her arm gently and pulled her away.

He smiles at the two brothers and placed his hands on his mother's shoulders who had her hands clasped smiling.

"Jeno, Jihoon" looking at the boy's as he said their names "this is my mom, mom this is Jeno and Jihoon" he introduced as the boy's smiled at them identically.

"Hello Mrs. Na, it's pleasure to meet you" Jihoon greets for both him and Jeno since the younger was too shy and had a tint of pink on his cheeks.

Mrs. Na nodded enthusiastically "likewise dear! You both must be hungry–"

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows "what about us?"

His mom snorted "what about you?" Jokingly rolls her eyes as Jaemin mumbles how she's already taking their side instead of her own son.

"Please follow me boys" she instructs turning on her heel and guiding the boys towards the dining room as Jaemin stayed back and held Jeno's hand placing a kiss on it.

Jeno blushed and leaned closer to his side as they walk. He looked around in awe and felt like a princess walking around the castle, there was so many fancy things Jaemin and his family owned, some of them he has seen in some Disney Princess movies.

They arrived in the dining room and saw an old lady sitting on one of the chairs as she is having a conversation to a young boy, not as young as Jaemin but definitely young than the man who was sitting in front with a smile.

They all looked at the newcomers and offered a welcome smile as the Lee siblings replied with a shy one.

"Take any seat you would like boys" Mrs. Na said smiling and sat beside the old lady, Jaemin guided them to the other side which was empty and pulled the chair out for Jeno since Jihoon had already took a seat.

Jeno smiled at him and sat down as Jaemin pushed the chair back for him, the younger also took a seat beside Jeno and intertwined their fingers together giving a reassuring squeeze.

"Good evening boys" The man up front greeted

"Good evening Mr. Na and to the other Na Family members, it's pleasure to meet you all" Jihoon once again greeted back for his brother.

The old lady smiled and looked at Jeno "Jeno is it?" The boy nodded shyly and squeezed Jaemin's hand earning a squeeze back.

"You are very beautiful dear" The old lady– which Jeno now guesses as Jaemin's grandma– compliments.

He blushes and smiles earning some coos from the others even the house maids "thank you" he said shyly.

Jaemin introduces them to his family, pointing at Jaehyun who they have already known as his annoying brother earning a glare but the boy smiled anyways showing his dimples.

Jaemin introduces them to his grandma who smiled and gave them two bags that had knitted scarfs in them as they thanked her gratefully and his father who also smiled and picked up a conversation with Jihoon since Jeno was still shy.

Dinner soon started as their housemaids served their meals like a 5 star restaurant, Jaemin kept his focus on Jeno who ate everything on his plate and shyly asked for more which of course Mrs. Na nodded and said they could eat as much as they want.

Jaemin couldn't stop staring at Jeno as the brunette ate, he was just so adorable. Like the way he takes a big spoonful of food to his mouth and ate it all, his cheeks all puffed out because of the food he was eating and the way he would sometimes let out a "Nom Nom" as he chewed on the chicken.

Jaehyun kept sending annoying glances towards his younger brother and teased him by puckering his lips out to his cheesy rice cake and let out a smooch sound like he was imitating a kiss.

Jaemin had the urge to strangle him but stayed put watching Jeno eat as Jihoon was having a conversation with his grandma and Mr. Na.

Sadly later that night, Jihoon and Jaehyun had become close and Jaemin fears what those two could be planning for him.

Soon after dinner finished Mrs. Na hugged them farewell for now "Goodbye boys, it was nice having you both. Come over anytime ok?" The two nodded and giggled as Jaemin let out a sigh towards his mother.

"Thank you for having us Mrs. Na and we will make sure to visit again" Jihoon said as Jeno nodded happily.

"Yeah!" He said giggling as the others laugh as well.

"Well it's time to go now, Jeno and I will have a short walk in the park if you don't mind Jihoon hyung" The older nodded at him

"Of course, just be careful and don't come home too late" he said as they walk out the door.

"We won't hyungie" Jeno reassures his brother and Jihoon ruffles his hair.

"Alright, see you back at home" Jihoon waves goodbye and enters his car starting the engine and driving off.

"So" Jaemin said turning towards Jeno as they approached his car.

"So" Jeno mimicks giggling as Jaemin grabbed him by the waist and pulled him closer, their faces so close the blue haired could smell Jeno's cotton candy breath.

"Shall we?" He asked as Jeno places his hands on his pecks humming

"We shall" pecking the younger's nose smiling. They intertwined their hands as they walk through the park later that night, smiling and having small talks here and there.

Soon Jaemin drove Jeno back home with Jihoon passed out on the couch almost falling off.

"Goodnight baby, sleep well and dream of me ok?" Jaemin playfully winks as Jeno turned rosy red.

"I always do" he admits as Jaemin pecks him on the forehead

"That's good, because I dream of you too Jen" he smiled. Jeno smiled back and hugs him tight.

"Nighty night Nana, I love you" he said blushing.

Jaemin smiled and cups his face with his other hand whilst the other was on the boy's waist "I love you too" before kissing him on the lips.

"Ok lovebirds, night night now" Jihoon grumbles scratching his head as the couple pulled away laughing.

Both Jeno and Jaemin fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

Yeah...just fucking pretend they're in the park and Jeno's wearing the pink shirt and blue jeans cuz dumbass here didn't think shit through.


Liked by nanajaems, myassisfayn, brownfish.fishthatsbrown and 421,238 others

koreaboo: One of SM Entertainment's famous Model Na Jaemin was caught in a midnight date with Lee Jeno who he has previously mentioned. The two were being lovey dovey and was also caught kissing in the Park's center main Fountain. Fans have also caught them holding hands making it more obvious they are a couple. Although, there are some that are gossiping and seem to be angry and jealous of Lee Jeno taking Na Jaemin away from them. We are now waiting for SM Entertainment's news and confirmation of the situation. What do you think of this feedback? #JaeminandJeno #JaemJen #SMTown #NaJaemin #LeeJeno #Minno #Jaeno #Koreaboo #Tea

Tagged: butterandjaem, babiejenpup and SMTown



myassisfayn: for the love of God please shut up


myassisfayn: thots really thought

brownfish.fishthatsbrown: uwu they're actually cute together though!!

bigtoe: ok but they look great together, fans really be salty they couldn't get Jaemin even though all they want is dick and clout 💅

jenomnom: uwu Jeno is lucky and so cuteee!
butterandjaem has liked this comment


myassisfayn: sHut UPPp

jenomnom: I mean, it is facts anyways

nonobby: I made an acc for Jeno bc JAEMIN'S SO FUCKING LUCKY LIKE THE HELL? bitch Jeno is adorable! 😔
butterandjaem has liked this comment

smalltoe: imma make one too!

bigtoe: brother?

smalltoe: YO BRO WASUP!

tearific: this is what I signed up for but I'm not ruining a good relationship so fuck off motherfuckers, leave them alone

jaenanamines: ugh why does Jeno even get him?

bitchass: Ikr! He's not even cute!

lovelynana: he uglie af

nonobby: lies, Jeno is adorable and Jaemin is lucky to have him. Stop being mad at an innocent boy who simply fell in love with a model y'all stan, Jesus Christ fans these days really be annoying and putting the blame on someone as innocent as Jeno🙄

jenomnom: brUh, toxic ass fans. Stop dreaming bitches and leave them alone, Jeno didn't do shit like the fuck is up with y'all?

jaemjen4ever: LEAVE.THE.BOY.ALONE.

(A/N: hehe comment 🥺 if you remember or know the story of this username ;) )

nanaandnono: JENO👏 IS 👏INNOCENT👏 LEAVE 👏 HIM 👏 BE 👏

lovelynana: my god, Jeno being a manwhore is fucking annoying.

nonobby: you're annoying

myassisfayn: I'm having a fucking migraine from these toxic ass fans.

—brownfish.fishthatsbrown: bruh 👁👄👁

jaemjen4ever: dude the fuck is up with these toxic fans? Jesus Christ Jeno isn't a manwhore! He didn't even do anything to y'all! If anything he just fell in love with Jaemin without showing his body off like you idiots. You're the manwhores here.

tearific: poor bby Jeno, back off haters!

JaetotheNa: I support them tbh, they look happy together. We shouldn't control and decide who they should love and what their sexuality will be, y'all pressed for nothin

tEchNoLoGy!: #loveJenoLee #JaemJen #Jaeno

nonobby: #loveJenoLee #JaemJen #Jaeno 💚💚🐶 FUCK YEAH

nanaandnono: #loveJenoLee #JaemJen #Jaeno YES HUNNY

jenomnom: #loveJenoLee #JaemJen #Jaeno 💚💚💚💚💚

jaemjen4ever: #loveJenoLee #JaemJen #Jaeno 🐰💚🐶

peeNutAss-er: I support! JaemJen boisssssss💚💚

j.eyesmiles: awwwwww they look so cute together! They hold the title of Couple goals! 🐰💚🐶

kittyJen: I honestly see a mixture of Cat and Dog in Jeno, he has both features and heard his personality is kinda like both, what I'm saying is...JAEMIN DON'T LOOSE THIS BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEING BECAUSE HE'S ALSO VERY ADORABLE.
butterandjaem, babiejenpup, SMTown and 10 others liked this comment

—brownfish.fishthatsbrown: again 👁👄👁

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