new girl ~ p2

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Jem wandered into the hallways of Woodsboro high lost with no sense of direction that even the school map was of no help to her. Just confessed her more and more every she glared down at the paper folded in her palm, "hi do you need any help?" a unfamiliar male voice stated calmly. Jem glazed up to see a boy wearing a light blue t-shirt, jeans and black vans.

His hair was bleach blonde, but you could can tell that he had dyed it a few times so it would remove his dark natural hair roots. Which was invisible to see with a naked eye or two. "I'm just  lost" Jem shrugged, "Oh i thought you were" the boy said plastered with a soft smile written all over his face.

"I saw you walking around in circles around the hallway, so I figured you were lost." he chuckled scanning Jem with his gentle blue pupils. "And you were right" the curly headed brunette joked poking fun at herself after being amused by the boy's comment. "Hi I'm Wes by the way, what's your name?."

"It's Jemimah but I prefer Jem nowadays" Jem smiled shaking Wes's hand as he snook hers back gladly. "Wes!" a girl biracial with dark Afro textured hair yelled out to him from behind. "Chad and the others have been looking for you?. "what for Mindy?" the blonde haired boy questioned his friend puzzled.

"Principal Osman wants us to give a new student a tour of Woodsboro high." Mindy stated unenthusiastic, a light bulb soon popped into Jem's head."oh thank god" she grasped with relief. "this place is so fucking huge, it's almost like a maze.", Mindy's expression changed from bored to happy within a few minutes after she heard those words escape Jem's lips.

"Step right this way" she smiled turning on her heels to go meet up the other students with Jem and Wes right by her side. After the tour of Woodsboro was over Jem, Mindy and Wes together sat by the water fountain with Mindy's twin brother Chad, his girlfriend Liv and their friends Amber and Tara before their class due to begin after lunch.

"So how's you're first day so far?" Tara inquired drinking a slip of her Cocoa Cola cain, the freckles on her face effulgence though the sunlight   complimenting her long brown ponytail and Hispanic features. "It's not bad as I thought it was gonna be" Jem shrugged "this place is pretty after all."

Liv pipped up "I remember my first day at Woodsboro high, it was a fucking nightmare" the brunette girl with noticeable dyed pink tips in her hair told the group cringing at the dreadful memory. "Until I met these guys of course" she added referring her group of best friends, especially Chad her boyfriend.

"And I remember thinking how pretty I thought you were" Chad declared flirting with his girlfriend sitting beside him, Liv smiled stroking the boy's muscle arm and torso."I was thinking the same thing when we first met that day too."

The couple processed to intwined their lips together, finding themselves caught in a passionate make-out sec. Mindy made fake vomiting sounds and covered her eyes so she couldn't see, "eww get a room" she protected in disgust. Amber rolled her eyes agreeing "Yeah I'm with Mindy on this one" the raven haired girl exclaimed
uninterested with her head in the clouds.

Jem and Wes chuckled as Chad and Liv finally broke their kiss. "Well I think you guys are adorable guys" Tara clarified over the moon. "Aww thanks" Liv chimed in letting out a soft giggle, Chad did the same and nodded by showing his appreciation. "I ship it too" Jem confessed not helping seeing how cute the teen couple were together.

"yeah you I think you guys are totally endgame" Wes approved sitting with his arms crossed. Mindy scoffed sarcastically glaring at the blonde boy "yeah you would".,Wes ignored his friend's remark and instead turning his attention towards Jem curving his lips into a warm smile, she hasn't known the boy long, but she couldn't help but smile.

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