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I always wondered where she got such elasticity. She was so flexible, so gorgeous, so erotic. She made it seem so easy.

The way her waved flowed down her shoulders as she danced around reminded me of the smell of her hair. It reminded of how close I've been to her, feeling her entity.

She took a hold of the gold pole, her tourquoise nails complimenting the gold against her skin as she climbed up it and spun around, letting go and only holding on by her legs.

Men threw money at her and although I wanted to rip their tongues out so badly, I resisted and ignored them, focusing only on Brandy.

Her mask covered most of her face, but I could recognize those eyes anywhere. Those eyes filled with gentleness and love.

She was wearing a red bra and red panties and her lipstick was a light pink that matched the color of her lips. She swing back with her eyes closed before the lights turned off and her dance was over.

Though the darkness I watched her walk off stage and into the back as the spotlight turned into the owner of the club who asked for a round of applause for Brandy. The stage was cleared of all the dollar bills thrown at her and soon another dancer came on.

As I watched the other dancer I felt a pair of rough small hands over my eyes. I turned around and found Alice smiling. She was fully clothed in a white shirt with a cardigan over it and some light wash jeans.

"Hi," she giggled placing her lips against mine. I smiled through the kiss, kissing her back as intensely as I could. She sat on my lap wrapping her arm around my neck as her hand ran through my hair.

"I love your kisses," I abruptly said. I didn't even catch myself before I said that but as soon as I did she kissed me again and smiled, holding my cheeks in her hands while softly rubbing them with her thumbs.

"Want to go get something to eat?" She asked.

"Sure," I replied. She got up and held her hand out for me to take it. I took it and followed her towards the exit.

"Should we go to the diner where we went when he first met?" She asked looking back at me once we had made our way out of the club.

"Sounds good," I said.

She started walking with her hand holding tightly onto mine. I smiled as I looked down at our hands. Our breaths blew up into the dark night sky as we made our way towards the dark empty alley.

I slowed down staring down at the floor, looking at the spot where so many girls died. The spot where I killed so many girls. It was disgusting to think that there had been blood on the very spot we're walking on.

I stopped walking feeling my stomach start to turn as I remembered the thoughts I had when Alice and I first walked down this alley.

"Are you okay babe?" Alice asked placing her hand on my cheek trying to look into my eyes.

"Yeah," I replied looking into her brown eyes.

"Yeah? You sure?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

How could I ever think about killing Her? Her gorgeous eyes were to pure to be closed forever.

"Maybe we should've driven instead," I said looking back towards the parking lot.

"Why?" She asked.

"It's unsafe," I said.

"Yeah, but I'm sure you can protect me from anything right?" She asked smiling at me and pressing her lips against mine.

That's because I'm the killer.

I let go of her hand and walked back towards the parking lot but first I walked off to the side feeling all the contents from my stomach about to spill out.

"Jonathan? What's wrong? Talk to me?" Her soft voice rang inside my ears as she approached me.

I can't feel guilty. What am I doing? It is what it is. I am what I am. I have to accept it and move on.

I straightened up looking over at Alice, "I was just feeling sick."

"Do you want to go home? She asked, "Maybe burgers aren't going to be too good for your stomach."

"No I'm fine let's go eat," I said taking her hand agian.

We walked to the diner and as we approached the entrance I opened the door for her letting her go inside first.

I recognized the redhead as Debbie from last time. Apart from her were a few other people like an elderly couple, a family, a woman, and a group of teens. It wasn't too late, it was probably around eight.

"Alice dear!" She called out walking over to Alice. I smiled as I watched them hug. "And this is the young gentleman from last time? How are you sweetie?"

"I'm good how about you?"I asked.

"Doing pretty good myself," she said, "What can I get you two?"

"A milkshake," Alice smiled, "like always."

"I'll have a milkshake too," I said.

"And two cheeseburgers with fries please," Alice said.

"Coming right up," Debbie said walking away.

"So what's going on with the kids?" I asked.

"Oh they're home now with their grandma," she smiled, "don't worry."

"Good," I said.

"Chanel's funeral is next week, I know you didn't know her but would you like to come with me?" She asked.

"Sure," I said.

It would probably make me feel even more remorse but I had to be there for Alice. Debbie brought us our milkshakes and Alice started sipping on hers before I said, "Christmas is coming us, how do you feel about it?"

"Mmm, great! I love Christmas, it's my favorite holiday," she said giving me a large smile.

I smiled back as I took a sip of my milkshake.

"Want to spend it with me?" She asked.

"I'd love to," I said.

"We could go ice skating and sight seeing, there are some beautiful Christmas trees downtown during this time, we can even put my Christmas tree up together," she excitedly said.

I had to admit, I was just exited as her. I had always spent Christmas by myself. Spending it with her sounded like the most amazing thing ever.

Debbie brought our food out and we thanked her before starting to dig in. It was like a race. Who would finish faster?

Alice stuffed her mouth with as much as she could before she started laughing. She struggled to keep the food inside her mouth and I started laughing too. After a while of chewing and draining it down with the milkshake we agreed to not race.

"This food is too good to not enjoy," she said.

I nodded, "this is probably the best milkshake I've ever had."


Yelling disrupted the peace. Suddenly screams filled the small diner. Alice's face changed from happy to anxious. I slowly turned my head to find a gunman holding a gun out. He wore a black mask that covered everything but his mouth and eyes.

"DO IT NOW!" He yelled.

I looked around at all the people that were shaking in fear and complying to his demands. It would be silent if it weren't for the children's cries. The quiet whispers, silent cries, and begs for help.

Alice put her hands up as her eyes filled with fear as well.

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!" I suddenly felt the coldness of a gun pressed up against my neck.

"Jesus," Alice exclaimed as her tears came out of her eyes.

"No," I replied. Wouldn't mind it either way.

"Then I suggest you to put your FUCKING HANDS IN THE AIR!" The man yelled.

"Its okay," I said to Alice. I slowly brought my hands up looking at Debbie who hands her hands up. The man behind her though l, the one who I guessed was the cook, only had one hand up, and his other hand seemed to be looking for something. A phone maybe? A gun?

"Give me all the money you have. EVERYONE!" He yelled.

I saw him through my peripheral vision before looking down at his gun. They safety was still on. I had a chance to hit him and get the gun out of his hand before he pulled the safety and started shooting.

"Do it now!" He yelled.

I felt his hand start shaking making the gun move up and down on my neck. He was unsure about this. Nervous, terrified even. I could tell it was his first time doing something like this.

In order to do something like this you had to have balls and not be the least bit scared. I would know, wouldn't I?

I slowly put my hands down reaching inside my pocket yo get my wallet out as I retrieved it from my pocket and everyone else for their valuables out, I looked up at him. He was looking around the diner.

I quickly let go of my wallet, dropping it on my lap before hitting his arm making him groan. I stood up and punched his face making him take a step back before I grabbed his arm making and tried pulling the gun out. I suddenly heard the safety click followed by a stray bullet that hit the ceiling.

Everyone screamed and rushed to his under the tables. I pulled harder slightly turning my body and elbow his face hard causing another shot to fire, followed by another.

I elbowed him a gian and kicked him in the nuts before twisting his arm towards his stomach and pushed his finger on the trigger. That was the last shot fired before he let go, falling on the floor.

I picked the gun away before feeling a sharp pain of the bullet that had hit me. I pulled my jacket over my side pressing into it hard with my arm, "is everyone okay?"

I looked around at everyone still hiding in fear. Alice stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me as hard as she possibly could.

I took sharp deep breath, feeling the pain become more and more intense. My whole side was in excruciating pain. I hugged her back before feeling light headed. I took a step to the side, feeling myself falling. Alice pulled away looking yo at my face.

Her face changed from hopeful to confused. I groaned as I held on tighter on my side. She looked down at my side before crying out, "No. Jonathan!"

Just as she said my name I collapsed to the floor.

"Jonathan baby," she said dropping down next to me, "SOMEONE CALL 911."

"Fuck," I groaned as I looked up at her.

"What can I do baby?" She asked as her tears flooded her eyes and ran down her cheeks like rivers.

"J-j-just a-apply pressure to-to my side," I said.

"Oh god," she said, "you're bleeding so much."

I felt the weight of here body on me as she pressed her hands down on my gunshot wound.

"I'm okay," I said, "don't cry."

"You're going to be okay, right?" She asked me as she sobbed. I nodded reaching for her cheek to wipe her tears away.

A woman came and placed a jacket under my head. Everything started becoming a blur. Alice's face was fading away.

"No! Please, listen to my voice, Jonathan please don't close your eyes. Look at me!" She yelled.

I felt my lips dry up and my eyelids become heavy. It felt as if all the happiness in the world was leaving. The little bit or happiness still left was leaving. The sound of Alice's voice was leaving too. It started to became a murmur to me.

"Jonathan! Baby, no please stay with me, stay with me, your okay, you're going to be okay," she cried out.

I felt my heart slowing in my chest. Slower and slower.

I guess it was time to pay for all that I've done.

In some countries, 13 is an unlucky number..

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