Chapter 2

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Yaruichi's POV 🔮

Eventually, I started crying.

I just really wanted my sister back.
But, I know that isn't gonna happen ever again.

If only Xander hadn't letted his emotions get to him or allowed his spirit to be crushed by the enemy....None of this would've happened to Lukari.

As I wept, Lukari continued remaining silent while she was still looking over at me.

All Lukari did was shut her eyes and rest her chin on my shoulder as I wept.

She's heartbroken and there's nothing I could do about it.

Lukari's world has been crushed and fallen into ruin.

I can't fix it and restore it back again.

Blood started to appear at the corners of Lukari's mouth before running down her chin, without me noticing until the blood dripped on my shoulder.

I suddenly parted and looked at Lukari by the face after I felt blood drip onto my shoulder.

"Lukari?! Are you okay?!?!?!" I asked worriedly while noticing the blood running down from the corners of Lukari's mouth.

Lukari didn't respond as she suddenly collapsed on her knees and started coughing up blood really hard.

"Lukari!" I went as I quickly caught her before Lukari could fall on her face.

Despite the way Lukari was clutching her chest, immediately gave me the message that it was the condition striking savagely back at Lukari again.

"Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage...." I thought to myself as I picked Lukari up and carried her into the living room, bridal style.

Lukari groaned before she looked away, covering her mouth, and continued coughing up more blood.

I laid Lukari down on the couch before hurrying back into the kitchen and quickly getting the medicine for Lukari.

When I came back with the right amount of dosage, I offered the medicine to Lukari.

Lukari shook her head when I tried handing the medicine to her.

"Please, Lukari...Just please take the medicine." I pleaded.

"No, Yaruichi....I want to die. I've suffered enough. I need" Lukari replied as she weakly looked over at me.

I couldn't take it anymore and slammed my fist down in the center of the coffee table, splitting it in half as I did that.

Then I reached over and grabbed Lukari by the scruff of her neck before pulling her close to my face.

I've had enough.

"Look here! I'm done with this! I am sick and tired of your shit!!!

You've been depressed and suicidal ever since the loss of your husband, Yachio, and when Xander died! I've been kissing your sorry ass for days ever since then by trying to cheer you up and make you feel better!

But, instead of getting a "Thank you" for trying to help you, I got nothing as a response!

And in case you forget....Lucas, Luka, Kakashi, Keiko, Yamika and I were the only ones who never left your side at all after those two tragedies had happened!" I snarled. "In fact....I was the only one who loved you more than anyone else!

It takes a really big woman to sit around and cry everyday while always having a pity party to herself! Especially, when others are trying to comfort you and help you cheer up!"

Then I roughly shoved Lukari back.

"You brat! You big baby!!!" I continued before I got up from the chair and stomped off before heading upstairs to my bedroom and slamming the door behind me.

Narrator's POV 📝

Lukari could only remain in shock and with a dazed look on her face as the coffee table began to repair itself on its own.

Then the silence was broken right after several minutes had passed, ever since Yaruichi went in her bedroom, as Lukari said:

" the hell...just...happened?"

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