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Chapter 1

The last thing I remember was looking up from my phone and seeing the moose.

Completely paralyzed by shock and confusion, I wasn't able to stop the car nor able to steer myself to safety.

I hit the moose with a loud, heavy thud.

Blood splattered on the windshield.

The car spun out of control, swerving off the road, into the woods.

Giant trees flew past me in a blur, I couldn't move, I could only sit back and watch everything unfold before me.

In the blink of an eye, I came to a violently abrupt stop, I'd crashed into a tree, my head hit the steering wheel.

Everything went black.

* * *

An explosive bang echoed out from over the hill. At first I thought maybe it could've been the sound of a rifle, maybe a fellow hunter, but no, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that sound sounded nothing like a gunshot. I hesitated, then decided to investigate.

* * *

I woke up gasping for air. Left breathless from the sheer panic. I felt disorientated and dizzy, I struggled to focus on a single thought. I looked around, the windshield was painted with moose blood, creating a red tint throughout the car.

My phone, I thought to myself, I can call for help. I began looking for it.

In the rear view mirror I briefly noticed a dark blue patch that formed on my forehead, marking the impact of the steering wheel, but more importantly, I saw my phone on the back seat. Without thinking, I quickly reached for it, my seat belt brought me to a forced stop.

I let out a frustrated groan. I pulled at the seat belt frantically. I couldn't get lose. The slot where the belt clipped into the buckle had been crushed shut. I felt prepared to scream, scream until my throat became swollen and raw. But then a miracle, out in the distance, I saw a man. "Help!" I screamed, "Please, help me!"

* * *

As I walked through the woods, trying to find the source of the sound, I had my hunting rifle drawn, there was no way I could tell what lay ahead and I wasn't going to take any chances. My mind raced with the different possibilities and my heart would've burst if it were to beat any faster.

Suddenly, a shrill cry burst out from behind me.

Startled, I spun around, gun raised, ready to fire. I saw a car, it had crashed into a tree, I realized that must've been the explosive sound I'd heard.

Another scream, a woman's scream, coming from the car.

I lowered my rifle. There was blood all over the windshield, I feared someone may have gotten badly hurt in the accident. I couldn't waste time, I ran towards the car.

* * *

His back faced me.

"Help me! Please! I need help!" I screamed.

That got his attention. He turned around in one swift motion.

My heart sunk when I saw the gun.

I screamed again, but this time out of terror.

He began running towards me. At that point, I wasn't sure if I should've been scared or relieved, but I would've known soon enough.

[To be continued...]

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