Chapter Four : Fatal Attractions Pt. 2

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YOU LED THE brothers to the Para's Café and inside. You quickly found an open window table and settled in comfortably.

You handed Zach and Gray each a menu before taking one for yourself. You chose the most appetizing meal you found and then sat back, waiting for both the waitress and your brother.

"So who called you?" Zach questioned as he placed down his menu.

"My big bro," you replied, "He's the one who wanted to go out and get lunch, actually."

"Who's your brother?" Gray asked.

"I am," the voice turned your attention to the man standing beside your chair, arms crossed.

"Jeez, Owen, are you trying to give me a heart attack??" You gasped dramatically, clutching your chest.

"Nah," Owen ruffled your hair before sitting beside you. "So which one is Zach and which one is Gray?"

"I'm Gray! And this is my big brother, Zach," Gray smiled politely.

"The name's Owen," he introduced himself with a smirk, "Pleasure to meet you both."

The waitress interrupted the conversation at that moment, approaching with a pad of paper and a pen.

"What can I get you sweethearts?" She questioned, blowing a bubble of pink gum and letting it pop.

You four ordered quickly with you getting your favorite food. Silence settled between you as the waitress left to retrieve your meals.

"Soo," you broke the silence finally, "What're we gon' do next? T-rex Kingdom? The Mosasaur Show?"

"T-rex! T-rex!" Cheered Gray enthusiastically.

"Okay, okay. Does the T-rex sound good to you, Zach?" You queried to the other boy.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Whatever is fine," he blinked, returning his attention to you. He had previously been staring at the ketchup bottle intently.

"'Kay," you nodded.

"Ahem, you never asked me if it was okay!" Owen frowned, pouting like a child.

"Dude, I do this, like, every day! You know that!" You slapped his arm playfully.

"Ow!" He joked dramatically. "That hurt!"

"You're such a baby," you shook your head with an eye-roll.

"Take that back."

"Make me."

Owen's face split into an evil grin, "Okay, I will." And then he began tickling you.

"NO!" You cried, pushing his arms away, "STOP IT OWEN!"

"Make me," he replied mockingly.

"Damnit, Zach, Gray, do something!" You laughed, trying to escape your big brother.

But, to your disbelief, Gray was cracking up while Zach was trying to suppress a grin.

Finally, Owen stopped his tickling assault and let you breathe. You took a moment to relax before glaring at the Mitchell brothers with pursed lips.


The rest of the meal went by smoothly. The waitress delivered your food and comfortable conversation settled over your group. Eventually, Owen got up and paid the bill.

"It's time I get goin'. I'll see ya later, sis," he pulled you into a tight hug, "Stay safe. Stay away from most of the carnivores. Stay away from boys. Call me before you go to bed."

"Okay, Mom." You rolled your eyes, pulling away, "Get outta here already, you big lug."

Owen simply smiled, ruffling your hair, and leaving you with the boys.

"Okay, let's get to that T-rex show," you told the boys, leading them out of the little restaurant.

You pushed through the crowds and to the T-rex Kingdom. You three entered a tunnel that led you into a hollowed log with glass viewing panes. A crowd had gathered around the glass as a flare shot into view, right beside a goat.

"I can't see!" Gray complained, forcing his way through the people to snap photos of the approaching Tyrannosaurus Rex. You stayed back with Zach.

"What's wrong, gore not your thing?" Zach teased, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Nah, I've seen this show so many times. Gets a little boring after awhile." You replied.

"You're a real dino nerd, huh?" Zach laughed.

"No." You pouted, "Okay, maybe I am.."

"Nothing to be embarrassed about. I mean, it's kinda cute," your cheeks warmed at the boy's comment, and so did his. "I-I mean, I-I didn't mean it like that! I meant you're cute -- er, not that either! I-I'm trying to say that I think your immature-ness is cute, l-like a little kid!"

For a moment, you just stared at Zach, making him sweat profusely. His face was flushed red and his gaze refused to meet yours.

Then, you laughed.

"Oh, my gosh, Zach! I knew what you meant! Damnit, you're adorable," you giggled fervently, "And you're a horrible flirt."

"Well, I wasn't trying to flirt!" Zach exclaimed defensively, "Wait, you think I'm adorable?"

"In an immature, little kid way," you smiled mockingly.

Zach rolled his eyes.

"The show's over," Gray padded back over to you and his brother, "What's next?"

"What about the -- " you were interrupted by loud speakers.

"Attention, the Mosasaur feeding will begin in five minutes. If you wish to watch, then please head toward the stadium."

" -- Mosasaur," you finished with an irritated frown.

"YEAH!" Gray screamed and, pumping his fist into the air excitedly, grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the T-rex Kingdom area.

He pulled you through the crawds and toward the giant pool of water that served as the Mosasaur's exibit.

"Jeez, slow down, Gray!" Zach exclaimed, although smiling.

Gray did, giggling, and continued to hold your hand. For a moment, you felt the tranquillity and love and admiration of a little sibling, one of which you didn't have. You squeezed Gray's small hand, smiling softly.

You weren't an only child, no, but you had always wanted a younger sibling to tuck into bed and to read stories to, just like Owen had when you were younger.

Snapping out of your reveree, you took your seat inbetween the brothers in the stadium set up around the pool. Gray was muttering facts to himself while Zach switched on his phone.

You relaxed back and glanced over to see a picture of a pretty blonde girl on Zach's screen.

Surprise, suprise.

You were caught off-guard. Although you should have expected someone as good-looking as Zach would have a girlfriend, one who was probably better than you, or so you thought.

But then anger and a hint of jealousy flooded you, causing you to turn your attention to the speaker. It was a woman and she was standing on a platform above your head, stating facts and random things about the Mosasaur before pressing a button.

A shark on a pulley began moving sideways, hovering above the center of the pool.

You glanced back at Zach to see his nose still in his phone and, being the good person you like to be, you grabbed his phone, powered it off, and shoved it into your own pocket.

"Hey!" Zach complained, reaching over you to try to retrieve it.

"Nu-uh," you slapped his hand, "The show's about to begin -- "

At that moment, a roar sounded, gaining both your and Zach's attention, who's arm was still drapped around your lap.

The Mosasaur's elongated snout was emerging from the surface of the water, jaws spreading wide, and its maw snapped shut on the shark. The Mosasaur dove back into the water, a wave of the liquid rising to drench the audience.

You and the brothers shared a glance before laughing like children in a toy shop. Zach's head fell against your shoulder, his arm locking around your waist as the stadium seats began to sink down.

"Now, let's get a better look at our Mosasaur!" Announced the woman.

The glass revealed the said creature tearing the shark in half and consuming each half. You gasped, still amazed by the sheer size of the magnificent thing.

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