Chapter Sixteen : Final Goodbyes

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YOU WANTED TO run up to Foxtrot and hug him, but you noticed Owen shake his head at Blue. You felt a surge of fresh tears well up in your eyes. You didn't want to leave him.

Blue turned to call to Foxtrot, moving around him and seemingly waiting for him to join her.

But he was still staring at you, head tilted to the side. He stepped toward you and you struggled in Owen's arms. He finally put you down and you reached out for the striped Raptor.

Foxtrot gladly obliged and pressed his head to yours. Your tears rolled onto his snout as he pulled away. He looked down at you, uncertain on why you were so upset. He brushed his nose across your cheek, seemingly wiping your tears.

This was too hard for you, but you knee that he'd have to be locked up in a cage for the rest of his life if he came with you to the mainland. He'd be nothing more than a pet.

"Look, we can't stay together anymore. I guess I should of seen this coming, huh? Well, it's time to say goodbye. So, my lil' Fox, goodbye. I wish you well," you planted a delicate kiss to his snout. You knew he understood by the way he looked at you.

Foxtrot pressed his head to yours a final time before pulling back with the softest of purrs and turning to follow Blue.

You watched as together they left your group, veering down Main Street and disappearing. You dropped to your knees, sobbing.

Owen knelt down and hugged you tightly. You weren't the only one who lost a beloved companion; he lost an entire pack. Your big brother stood you up and backed off reluctantly to allow Zach to embrace you.

You breathed in his scent, although sweaty and bloody, it was calming and familiar. You stood there for a good minute, just wrapped in his warmth when Owen protectively pried you from the Mitchell. Gray wrapped his arms around you and hugged you as well. Then Claire approached you, embracing you tightly.

You and your group then headed off down to the docks where a rescue boat was pulling in after Claire had sent a distress call. You boarded the boat with few words.

You leaned against the rail, head and heart aching. You watched as the island shrank on the horizon, the sun was beginning to rise, painting the sky many pastel colors. It was a beautiful sight, but only reminded you of the terrible farwells.

Zach came to stand beside you, wrapped in a blanket. "Think we'll ever be back?"

"I don't know about you, but --" you shifted your (color) gaze to Zach, "I'll go back. One day."

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