Chapter Ten : The Pteranodons

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"LOOK AT THIS!" Gray exclaimed from a separated room. You and the boys had still been exploring the structure you had revealed as the old Visitor's Center.

While Gray had been off on his own, you and Zach had been quite keen on staying very close to each other. Once, a spider had dropped down in front of you and startled you, causing you to scream and stumble backwards. Zach had caught you and calmed you down with a comforting hug.

In a way, Zach reminded you of Owen. Protective, strong, sarcastic, mature -- well, at least most of the time.

You followed Zach into the room where Gray was standing. It was some sort of garage with two parked, very old Jeeps.

"Wow," you approached one of them, running your fingers over the hood. It was covered in layers of dust. "They're ancient."

"Hey, Gray, think we can fix one up like that one with Uncle Ben?" When you looked over your shoulder, you could see Zach and Gray grinning at each other.

"Yeah!" Gray nodded enthusiastically, bouncing with excitement. For a moment, you forgot that you were in a jungle where an unknown carnivorous dinosaur roamed and were, instead, hanging out with the Mitchell brothers like a normal summer day.

"Let's get her up and runnin'," Zach peeled off his shirt, tossing it at you with a smile.

You blushed fiercely at the sight of Zach Mitchell shirtless. You drank in his bare chest before biting your lip and turning away.

Normally, you'd offer to help, but Zach was too distracting. So instead you unzipped his jacket and took it off, slipping his burgundy T-shirt over your own shirt for the mean time.


Halfway in, you ended up assisting the brothers in fixing up the old Jeep. It took about an hour or two. But finally you stepped back, hands on your hips, the front and back of Zach's shirt drenched in sweat.

"Alright, Gray. Start it," Zach signaled for the younger Mitchell to revv the engine. At first, nothing happened. Then Gray tried again and the engine roared to life.

"Yes! We did it!" You and Zach shared a high five before he smirked down at you, an eyebrow quirked. "What?" You pursed your lips at him.

"You know, I gave you my shirt because I didn't want it covered in sweat," he said with an amused shake of his head.

"Too bad," you pulled the burgundy clothing over your head and shoved it into his arms. Then you grabbed his gray jacket and tied it tightly around your waist.

"Let's go," Gray honked. Then he scrambled into the back seat when you and Zach climbed in. Zach had put on his T-shirt.

"You know how to drive, right?" You questioned Zach as he stared at the panel.

"Yeah, of course," he switches to reverse, "I've played plenty of racing simulators."

Before you could yell "That's not very reassuring!" the Jeep was moving. Fast. Zach pulled out of the garage with a burst. The Jeep paused briefly, allowing Zach to throw you a smile, before he stomped on the gas pedal.

You wrapped your hands around a handle conveniently placed near the door and sealed your eyes closed. This was going to be one hell of a ride.


Gunfire erupted from somewhere below as Claire and Owen raced together to the edge of a cliff. Tears threatened to slide down the redhead's cheeks.

They skidded to a stop at the cliff's edge, staring out at the giant, glass dome known as the Aviary. Something was pushing aside trees below, making its way toward the defenceless enclosure.

No, Claire thought, no, no, no.

Then a white creature -- the Indominus Rex -- broke through the tree line with a boisterous roar. It charged toward the Aviary without hesitation.

It smashed through the glass effortlessly, opening its jaws for another thunderous, intimidating roar. The Pteranodons proceeded to panic, escaping through the large hole the Indominus had created.

The freed Pteranodons rose in the sky, fanning out in all directions. A helicopter is what caught some of their attention and a few of them streaked over in a famished attack.

And then the helicopter was spinning, falling. It crashed through the Aviary's rounded roof, creating a second hole that the prehistoric flyers fled through.

The creatures flocked, causing a giant, dark cloud that blotched out part of the sun. They proceeded to head in the direction of the amusement park.

"No," Claire whispered, "Masrani.."

"Come on, Claire. We have to get your nephews," Owen said softly, uncertain what exactly he should do to comfort her. Besides, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Y/n, his poor little sister who was stuck with boys in the jungle.

"Y-you're right," Claire nodded, vigorously wiping away her tears and straightening up. "Zach and Gray and Y/n need our help. Let's go."

She briskly walked past Owen, disguising her distress and grief beneath an emotionless mask.

Owen felt the sudden urge to hug her, to wrap her in his arms, but he resisted it. They were no longer together; simply two people searchibg for their loved ones.


Zach sped into a clearing and a gate came into view. Beyond it, the park. You had made it! It was almost over.

As the three of you approached the gate, Gray called out in triumph, pumping his fist into the air. Zach was grinning, which made your heart flutter for a brief moment.

But that moment was ruined when the sound of many pairs of wings flapping caught your attention. Slowly, you turned in your seat to stare in disbelief at the cloud of flying dinosaurs. Pteranodons. How the fuck did they get out of the Aviary?!

"Oh no.."

Zach slammed the gas pedal, the vehicle lurching toward the gate. You and Gray began waving your hands, screaming for the men to open the gate quickly.

For a moment, the men just stared down at you, contemplating. Then their gaze shifted to the approaching mass of Pteranodons, their expressions changing drastically.

They hastily scrambled to the control panel and pressed an array of buttons. The gate was activated, slowly sliding open.

You and your group drove in.

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