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IT WAS QUITE a loud morning, as you and your older brother argued non-stop about the matter of Jurassic World.

You were determined to go with him. The last time you two were separated was when he joined the Navy.

Those were the loneliest days of your life. Owen was your idol, your best friend, and your only sibling. You looked to him for guidance and you trusted him with your deepest secrets.

When he had left, you had felt betrayed and alone. Even your parents couldn't cheer you up.

And now he was leaving again? Did he understand how much you depended on him? Probably not, as you refused to admit it out loud.

"For the last time, (Y/n)," Owen growled with a clenched jaw, "You are not coming with me!"

"Please, Owen! I'm begging you!" You pleaded with big, (color) eyes, "You can't leave me alone with Mom and Dad! They drive me crazy!"

"No, (Y/n), now drop it."

"Your brain's about as small as one of those stupid dinosaurs! I hate you! I hate this!" You pouted, blinking back tears. Owen looked shocked at your outburst, but was unable to mutter a word before you went stomping upstairs to your bedroom.

You threw the door shut with a loud 'thud' and face-planted on your bed. Grabbing a pillow and hugging it tight, you started murmuring curses at your brother for his ignorance of your feelings.

That's when you heard a soft knock on your door. You knew who it was before he even let himself in.

"Look, (Y/n), I know we've been through a lot together, but," he sat himself beside you and started rubbing your back gently, "I don't want you to get hurt. Can't you see that? These -- these dinosaurs are still wild animals, and they still have the capabilities to kill. I don't wanna wake up one day and find you.. gone."

"And what about you, Owen?! Have you thought about how I feel about you going? I don't want to be the one to answer the phone and find out you've been eaten by some T-rex!" Your reply was muffled by the pillow that you refused to lift your head from.

"Oh, (Y/n), do you really think I'd get eaten by some prehistoric turkey? I survived the Navy, didn't I?" Then a playful grin spread across his face, "And if I could survive living with a little sister for about sixteen years, then I can survive anything."

"Hey!" You couldn't help but laugh as you sat up and hit him with the pillow.

Owen chuckled as well before he glanced down at his watch, his smile faded. "My plane's about to leave. I love you and I'll send you pictures of the dinosaurs!" He kissed your forehead and left you all alone in your room.

"I love you too..?" You whispered and scrambled over the bed and to your window. Grabbing a pair of binoculars for absolutely no reason, you placed them in front of your face and watched Owen hug your parents goodbye. He then hopped into his vehicle and drove away.

As soon as he was gone, you grinned mischievously, going to grab your suitcase and packing clothes and, with the binoculars around your neck, you ran out the back door of the house.

As you cut across the neighbor's lawn, you glanced over your shoulder at your house and smiled.

"Oh, Owen, you really thought I'd stay put like a little bitch?"


Somehow, you had managed to board the plane in a luggage compartment with your stuff. You were smashed between several bags and boxes and you began to receive cramps, but that didn't dampen your spirit one bit.

You heard people taking their seats as the flight attendant offered snacks. Someone sat in the seat just below your compartment and you snickered.

The plane began moving and you couldn't believe your plan was actually working!

As the plane finally left the runway, you could hear the person beneath you shuffling. Your breath caught in your throat as a hand fumbled with the compartment's latch.

Oh no --

Before you could even finish your thought, the person opened the compartment and you tumbled onto them.

He wheezed for air before staring at you in shock. You leaped to your feet, having already caused quite a seen, and reached down to help the man up. Only to freeze.

"Owen/(Y/n)?!" You both had wide eyes as you each just stared blankly at the other sibling.


"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing here?" Owen demanded, standing up.

"Oh, sorry, dearest brother, I must have gotten lost.." You shrugged with your most innocent look.

"Ugh, (Y/n), what am I supposed to do now?! We're already too far away from the airport!" He pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

"Oh, I don't know, wait; I do!" You crossed your arms, "You could take me with you!"

A flight attendant interrupted your conversation, "Excuse me, miss, but where's your ticket?"

"Uhhhh," you glanced at Owen for help.

He only sighed, "She lost it. Here, take this and replace it." He handed her some cash and the attendant scurried away.

Owen motioned for you to sit down beside him and you obeyed cheerfully.

"I guess I have no choice, huh?" He looked at you.

"Nope," you popped the 'p' with a smile before looking out the window.

Watch out, Jurassic World, the Grady siblings are on their way!

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