Revised Chapter Six

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FOXTROT HAD FOLLOWED THEIR scent trail to the Visitor Center. He slammed into the door, breaking it off of the hinges. It collapsed with a loud crash that made you flinch.

You came in through the back door of the Visitor Center, and you could hear the indominus on the other side, its roars and shrill cries echoing through the abandoned Main Street.

"C'mon, boy. We have to hurry," you urged him. He navigated the halls warily, but made haste as he tried to find the exit. He paused when you reached the main area of the center, and you cursed.

The hologram of a dilophosaurus was activated in the center of the room, and it caused Foxtrot to hiss and growl. He tried to pounce on it, the movement jarring you, but it confused him when he couldn't touch it.

"It's okay; just a hologram," you said, running your hand over his neck comfortingly. You guided his gaze to the large front doors, "Let's go, Foxy."

He shoved through the doors with a loud snarl, leaping down the flights of steps. He landed only a few steps away from your group, which was sandwiched between Echo and Delta. You found Blue's motionless body crumpled by a storefront.

Owen whistled, and his remaining two girls leaped into action. They charged the indominus, jumping across its body effortlessly in their attack. You used this moment to scream your brother's name, and he whipped around. The relief and awe on his face was something you never wanted to forget.

Foxtrot took you to them, and waited for you to dismount before looking between you and the raging battle. You bit your lip, touching his head lightly, then nodded. Foxtrot hissed, and charged the monster.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Owen swept you into a hug, and you welcomed the embrace.

"She's just borderline insane now," you heard Zach mumble. "It's kind of hot."

"I'm glad you're okay," Claire stifled a sob, "I thought you... that you..."

"I'm alright," you gave them a smile. Zach approached to pull you into a hug as well, but this embrace was cut short by Owen's very heated glare.

"I knew you'd be okay," he had whispered in your ear, "you're my strong girl."

"Anyway," Owen growled, stepping in between you and Zach, "Claire, get the kids to cover. I'm going to try to help the raptors as much as I can."

"Be careful," Claire frowned, but took Gray's hand as she guided you three toward a nearby shop to hunker down in.

You settled in against the wall with the others, Zach sticking extremely close to you. You watched from over the counter as the scene unfolded before you; the indominus flung Echo into another shop, hitting something flammable, and she was incinerated. You grimaced, squeezing your eyes shut. Zach wrapped his arms around you, holding you close.

That could have been Foxtrot.

"We need more teeth."

"More what?" Claire questioned, taken aback by Gray's serious expression.

"More teeth," he said, "we need more teeth."

Something dawned on Claire, you could see it on her face. Then she abruptly stood, waving her finger at the three of you, "I'll be right back. Stay right here!" and then she slid over the counter and bolted.

You watched to see where she was heading, and your jaw fell open at the realization; she was going to the t-rex paddock door. Would the t-rex--whom you'd been calling Rexy--even be able to take on the indominus? Rexy was extremely old for a dinosaur, and she'd lost a lot of weight. How would she fare against a younger and larger carnivore?

Zach's grip on you tightened as a velociraptor screeched, Gray huddling in on the other side of Zach. You heard another crash, and you slapped your hands over your ears. You were terrified to look; what if that had been Foxtrot's scream? What if he was dead?

An orange blur caught your eye, and you watched him crash through a class display. He didn't get up.

You shoved the boys off, vaulting over the counter and dropping beside him, completely ignoring the indominus as it chased Owen into your previous hiding spot. You didn't even register their screams as you cradled Foxtrot's head. Right now, all that mattered to you, was this orange, striped velociraptor.

His breathing was ragged, and labored. Tears seeped from your eyes, and soaked his scales as you ran your palms over his neck. You watched closely as his chest rose and fell with each breath, pulling him closer to you.

"Foxtrot, baby, you can't give up now. You have to get up," you whispered, sniffling, "You have to."

He was looking up at you, with one of his big yellow eyes. His usually slitted pupil was wide, and soft. He was looking at you with such empathy, you almost swore it felt human.

His throat reverberated to create his distinct "purr" sound, rubbing his snout across your leg. Your sobs became uncontrollable as your body trembled. You leaned over him, cursing everyone and everything in existence, when the indominus approached you.

It lowered itself, almost curiously, to study you. And you? You flipped it off.

"Fuck you!" you screamed, "Fuck you, you fucking... fuck!"

You hurled every useless insult that came to mind, choking back your sobs. You even hit the cement in your anger, sending pain up your arm, but you didn't care. All that mattered was the fact that you and your beloved raptor were about to meet a worthless end at a very young age and there was nothing you could do about it.

It wasn't fair; this wasn't fair.

The good guys were always supposed to win.

... Weren't they?

Maybe this wasn't that kind of story, after all.

The indominus cracked open its jaws, savoring the fear and anguish it could smell from you. Your grip on Foxtrot tightened, and you screamed and yelled and cursed until you couldn't breathe.

You faintly registered Owen and the boys screaming. They were yelling, begging you to move, but you couldn't. You wouldn't. Foxtrot would never, and had never, abandoned you in a time of need. If he was going down, then you were too.

Movement caught your eye, and you gasped; Zach was sprinting toward you.

"No, Zach, don't!" you screamed, but he didn't acknowledge you as he grabbed a piece of debris and shattered a window with it.

"Hey, you bitch! Come and get me!" he bellowed, which made the indominus swivel its head to look at him. He threw the piece of debris at it, which made it growl. "Yeah, that's right. Come get me."

Zach bolted, and the indominus followed.

"No, no, no..!" your hands were at your temples. You were frozen, you had no idea what to do. Do you leave Foxtrot? Do you leave Zach? You grabbed Foxtrot's head, shaking it gently. "C'mon! I need you! Get up, please!"

Foxtrot growled, shaking your hands off of his head. Then he shifted, slowly pushing himself to his feet. He shook his whole body, still weakened, but with that animalistic determination. He looked back at you, and you nodded, then he took off.

Foxtrot followed the indominus as it crashed through a wall in pursuit of Zach, leaping up and onto its leg. It snarled, shaking its leg to get him off, but he didn't let go until it tried to chomp him.

You winced at it, grateful he narrowly missed its massive jaws, then scrambled to Zach. You pushed him to the ground as the indominus' tail swung overhead, then pulled him to his feet and tried to make it back to the gift shop where Owen and Gray hid.

"That was so, so stupid!" you hissed, glaring at him.

"You saved our asses, I figured I'd return the favor," he responded, shielding you from a shower of debris. "Besides, I gotta match your badassery. It's the only way you'll notice me, right?"

"You're so lucky we're busy right now," you fumed, grabbing his shirt to stop him from getting stepped on, "I'd be smacking that smirk right off of your stupid face!"

"Guess I'm glad for that then," you slid over the counter of the gift shop, landing next to Gray. He hugged both you and Zach, his face stained with tears.

"I thought you were gonna--!" he wailed, but Zach patted his back.


"Owen, don't act as if you wouldn't have done the same thing if it was Blue."

Owen sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You act too much like me sometimes."

Then a deafening roar shook the ground, and you lifted your head just in time to see Claire ducking beneath a spinosaurus skeleton. The tyrannosaurus rex--nicknamed Rexy by the park staff--shattered the display as she entered the scene, sending bones flying in all directions. You were amazed by Claire's own bravery--and the fact that she could run so well in heels.

"The original t-rex," Gray whispered, mouth gaping.

The indominus snapped its head toward Rexy, forgetting about the little pest of a raptor at its feet. It bellowed, and Rexy returned the ear-shattering roar. You covered your ears as Rexy charged the mutant rex, not hesitating to kill the damned beast. Your eyes searched for Claire as the battle raged, and she was trying to maneuver through the flying debris and animal parts as the two monstrous animals fought.

You screamed for her, waving your hands, but you noticed her eyes go wide. She screamed for you guys to move, and Owen didn't hesitate to usher you guys out of the gift shop.

It was a close call; as soon as Gray jumped off of the counter, Rexy's head crashed through the wall you had been positioned against. You bit your lip at the thought, grabbing Gray's hand tightly. You kept him close to your side as you made a break for Claire, Foxtrot meeting you there.

"Foxy," you cried out, and he nuzzled you.

You turned to see the indominus had pinned Rexy on her side, holding her head down as it meticulously positioned itself to deliver the killing bite to her throat, as if toying with her. Like it was a game. You shivered, instinctively going to cover Gray's eyes.

Foxtrot went to move, but the shrill cry of a different velociraptor made him falter.

Everyone, even the indominus, turned toward the Visitor Center, where Blue was streaking from. She lowered her head, extending her claws, and used Rexy's head to propel herself onto the indominus. She latched onto its neck, and began to dig and bite into its flesh.

Foxtrot screeched, before diving in to join her in the fight. The pair of raptors managed to distract the indominus long enough for the t-rex to regain her composure and force herself back to her feet. As she growled, she clamped her jaws down on the i-rex's neck.

"We need to keep moving," Owen stated as he grabbed your hand, dragging your group through the storefronts in an attempt to get to safety and put distance between the destructive carnivores and yourselves.

You screamed when Blue came crashing through a glass display window, but she paid you no mind as she immediately got up and rejoined the battle with a hiss. The next building was wrecked by the indominus' tail as it turned, Foxtrot hanging from its flank.

You couldn't help but be in awe of the battle; the three carnivores, of which had never interacted before that, were working together seamlessly to take down the monstrosity. You watched as the raptors easily maneuvered between the massive animals, using Rexy to reach certain areas of the indominus.

As your group rounded the corner of a building, Owen finally felt that you guys were far enough away to actually watch. But, by this time, the battle had started to die down.

The indominus was bleeding, and exhausted. You watched as Rexy threw it toward the lagoon, its body shattering the metal fencing. The indominus glared at the three other carnivores, lowering its head to roar. Rexy, Foxtrot, and Blue returned the favor, ready for the end of the fight.

But it was cut short as the mosasaur launched itself out of the water, snapping its jaws around the indominus. It let out a shrill, choked cry before it was dragged into the depths of the lagoon.

You had flinched at the sight, the images of Zara flashing through your head. You didn't realize you had placed your hands over your ears until Zach was gently pulling them off.

"It's okay, it's over, N/n."

You gave him a weak nod, your eyes going back to the remaining three. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched the raptors interact with the rex, but it felt as though an unspoken understanding passed between them. Rexy left them, simply turning back toward the Visitor Center and ambling away, obviously favoring a leg. You hoped she'd heal properly.

Then you looked back to the velociraptors.

Blue and Foxtrot were circling each other, but this time was different. They weren't growling or snapping or baring teeth; they were just sniffing. Then Blue seemed to accept him, as she curtly rubbed her head against his chin before turning her attention to Owen.

You could see the watery shine in his eyes as he shook his head to her, and she understood. She turned to trot away, vanishing into the undergrowth of the jungle. Foxtrot looked at you, too.

You felt the lump forming in your throat as he limped to you, and you could see the plethora of wounds decorating him. You reached out to touch his head gingerly, your breath hitching.

"Oh, my boy," you choked back a sob as you pulled him into a tight hug, your arms wrapped around his broad head. He purred, the sound vibrating your arms. You clenched your jaw in a vain attempt to keep yourself from crying as you reluctantly pulled away. He leaned against your head, cooing and chirping, as if trying to calm you down. He rubbed his head against your cheek, smearing your tears. He couldn't understand why you were so upset. He sniffed at your arm, before licking the bandage, as if wondering if that was the reason.

You could hear Blue barking from the tree line. Foxtrot turned to look towards it, then back to you.

You bit your trembling lip, nodding. You gently pushed his head to go.

Foxtrot nuzzled your cheek, then turned to bark back and began trotting after her. He paused halfway to cast another look at you, which he tilted his head. He looked between you and the jungle, as if trying to get you to join him. This made you sob harder as you shook your head, waving your hands. He stepped back, then turned toward the jungle. He stopped a third time, at the tree line, to give you another look.

"Go," you mouthed, sniffling. Blue barked again, this time fainter, and Foxtrot finally disappeared into the brush. You heard him barking back to her.

Owen pulled you into his arms, squeezing you to comfort both you and himself. He would be the only person to understand the bond a raptor and human could make. You sobbed into his shoulder.

"Why...?" Although you knew the reason, you couldn't stop yourself.

"Oh, Y/n, they wouldn't be happy with us," Owen cooed. He ran his hands through your hair, "Trapped their entire lives. This is what's best for them."

"It's not fair..." you whispered against his chest, hands clenched into fists.

"I know," was his soft response.

"Hey, maybe... maybe we can come back and visit them?" Zach offered.

"You have enough money for that?" you joked softly.

"I'll get a job, and I'll save. Just for you."

You slowly pulled from Owen, smiling through your wet and snotty face, and Zach pulled you into his own embrace. Although Owen sent him a hard glare, he cleared his throat to say.

"I wanted to say... Thank you, for saving her. I owe you one, kid."

This made your smile grow just a little bit bigger.

"You two seem good together," Claire touched Owen's shoulder gingerly as she smiled at you and Zach. "I hope you treat her well."

Her pointed look made Zach lift his hands with a laugh, "Don't worry, don't worry. If I don't, then I'm pretty sure Gray would kill me first before either of you."

You looked to Gray, who had been staring at Zach quietly the whole time. He jumped, shaken from his thoughts at the mention of his name, and he smiled. He pulled a pocket knife from his fanny pack and pretended to shank Zach.

"Hell, yeah! She's the coolest girl I've ever met!" then he grabbed your hand, giving you the biggest puppy-dog eyes, "If only I was your age!"

You laughed, wiping your face dry. You glanced over your shoulder one last time, drinking in the sight of the jungle, before following your group toward the docks. A final boat was anchored there, ready for your departure.

You leaned against the railing of the ship, watching as the island slowly sank over the dark horizon. Your heart was heavy with your goodbyes, and your mind was racing with the thoughts of your friends. You hoped they were safe, and you knew that was the first thing you were checking when you finally reached the mainland--of which you hadn't seen in a very long time.

"Do you think we'll ever be back?" Zach came to stand beside you, the wind ruffling his dark hair.

You didn't turn to him, watching as the island finally left your view. A heavy sigh escaped your chapped lips, "I don't know about you, but I'll be back. I don't know when, or how, but I'll be back. I'll see him again."

"Just next time, let's not get chased by bloodthirsty dinosaurs?"

You quirked your brow, "You say that as if you'll be going with."

He met your gaze, "Do you really think I'd ever let you go back alone? You're stuck with me now, Grady."

You smiled, and raised yourself on your tiptoes to kiss him.

It took a moment for him to react, but he wrapped his arms around you and returned the kiss. It was almost as if he melted against you, and you could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

"I never thought I'd make you so flustered, playboy," you giggled as you broke away, pointing out his reddening face.

He gave you a stupid grin, "How wouldn't you? You're the most extraordinary girl I've ever met, and you chose me? I'm the luckiest man alive."

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