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"W-what.. no," Jay said quietly as he backed up away from Cole. Jay stared at Cole in shock. Cole wouldn't meet his eyes. He didn't want to hurt Cole. He didn't want Cole to hurt him. He couldn't let Cole hurt him physically. I'd just break Jay completely.

Maybe he just heard wrong. Maybe Cole didn't accept, but Jay's mind just twisted him words. No way. No way Cole would want to hurt him. Right?

"Ready? Set? Fight!" The man's voice of the speaker boomed. Cole started to sprint towards Jay.

Okay, so Jay was wrong. Cole was actually going to kill him.. just great.

Jay wanted to run from Cole, but he knew it was no use. He was going to have to face the boy who had been breaking him on the daily for the past 3 years. Once Cole got close to Jay he stopped running, and just stared at Jay.

"C-Cole, don't. P-please," Jay was desperate. Cole's eyes softened for a fraction of a second, but hardened back up. He went to punch Jay, but Jay dodged the punch with a duck.

"Cole, don't do this. It's me, Jay. I don't know why you're trying to kill me, but I'm sorry for whatever I did, okay? I didn't mean to hurt you," Jay talked as Cole continued to try and hurt him. Jay dodged all of Cole kick, punched, and slaps.

"It's Nothing you did you idiot," Cole grunted through his teeth and threw a particularly hard punch. It caught the side of Jay's cheek. Jay whines but jumped up over Cole trying to dodge anymore of Cole's throws. Jay could feel and throbbing in his cheek. He knew and bruise would form and that it was bleeding. Of course it would bleed. The rings Cole was wearing would make sure of that.

"It's nothing I did? So you're just beating me up for fun? You're just a jerk like that right? I trust you and you show me how big of a mistake it is by beating me up for fun!" Jay was getting kind of angry now. He couldn't believe that this is what Cole had turned into the past 3 years.. a complete jerk.

"This isn't for fun, Jay!" Cole yelled out kicked Jay in his side. Jay almost fell over, but he wouldn't let himself. He grabbed Cole's foot and pushed him away.

"So you're just self fish? That's what this is?" Jay was now mad.. really mad, "First you steal my girlfriend.. selfish!.. then you make me fall for you.. then after we build a relationship you leave.. selfish!.. oh! And you lied saying you come back just to keep me waiting.. once again selfish!.. and finally now we are here and you're trying to kill me for your own personal gain.. Selfish! Did you even ever care about me, Cole?! No probably not, because the only person you care is yourself because you are just a selfish jerk!"

"Shut up!" Cole yelled and punched Jay dead on. Jay fell to the ground. Cole continued to kick Jay in the stomach. The crowd was going wild with each kick Cole have to Jay. Cole stepped back. He stared and the shell of Jay on the ground. He was bloody and barely breathing.

"Finish him!" Yelled the booming voice.

Cole stared at Jay and nodded

~time skip~

"Boss is going to kill you," Gruff said as he focused on the video game he was trying to beat.

"You think I don't know that!" Cole said in a freaked voice. He was pacing around his room with Gruff sitting in his bean bag chair playing his game and Hayley sitting on his bed messaging with her hair.

"You just need to calm down, B. I still don't understand why you couldn't do it, though," Hayley told Cole using his underground name: B. If you were part of the underground, that's what the gang was called, you couldn't ever use your real name. You could tell it to people, but on missions you were to go by your stage name. And most people in the gang only knew you by the stage name.

"I've already told you. I don't know either! I had made my decision to kill Jay, but when it came down to finishing him off I just couldn't do it. I though three years would be enough to get over him. I guess I never knew how much I missed him until I saw him again.. and now he fucking hates me," Cole rambled on about Jay and how the rest of the fight went.

"Well I can see why you like him so much Cole. He is a excellent kisser," Hayley said looking up and then winked when she made eye contact with Cole.

The memory of watching Hayley and Jay kiss rushed back to Cole. He clutched his fists feeling the rush of jealousy he felt when he saw the moment earlier. It had been so long since Cole had been able to kiss Jay. All Cole wishes to do was kiss Jay, but he couldn't. But suddenly Hayley was allowed to. It just pissed Cole off.

"You better be happy you're a girl or I'd beat you half to death," Cole said through his gritted teeth.

Hayley stood up and advanced towards Cole, "Like you could do anything to me if you tried," Hayley teased further.

"Wanna try me?" Cole asked.

"I'd love to," Hayley said with a smirk.

Cole raises his fist to throw a punch when the door to his room slammed opened. All three of the gang members turned to see who it was. It was Delta.

Delta was the one person you didn't want to make angry. He was the gang leader. If Delta want to talk to you it definitely isn't a good thing and you should be scared out of your mind.

"Hayley, Gruff, get out.. Now!" Delta yelled at them. Hayley and Gruff immediately scrambled out of the room and Delta slammed the door after they left.

"What the hell was that!" Delta yelled at Cole. Cole was literally shaking. He tried to talk but he was so scared no words would come out. "I asked you a question!"

"I d-don't know, s-sir," Cole wanted to die then and there. Cole never stutters. Cole hates that the first time he does is in front of the guy he needs to impress.

"You don't know," Delta laughed out which made him even more scary. "Well if you don't know that makes it completely fine," He pauses and changes his mood back to serious, "What kind of game are you playing here, B."

"I'm sorry, i-it's just the history between me and-," Cole began to explain, but Delta interrupted.

"I don't give a shit about your history! All I care that he be dead! He is getting treated now and once he is well enough to walk again you'll kill him.. understood?" Delta asked.


"I said understood!" Delta snapped.

"Yes, I understand," Cole said with his head hanging low.

"Hmm," Delta hummed in satisfaction and left the room. Cole let out a breath and the door closed. Cole tried to think about Delta's words. He tried to think of a way to kill Jay. But he couldn't. The only thing on Cole's mind was-

I've got to get Jay out of here

Did you enjoy this chapter? Leave a comment and tell me what you think will happen next!

Also what do you guys think of Hayley?

Oh and last thing.. do you guys like Voltron? I'm in the making of a klance book but idk if any of my followers like klance.

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