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"Baby I'll be back, I promise," Cole said to him. His hand was on Jay's chin to make Jay look at him. Cole placed a soft kiss upon his lips. He looked Jay in the eyes for last time then he disappeared.

Three years later he still wasn't back.

The other ninja were effected, but Jay was effected the most. They kept their relationship a secret, afraid of what others would think. Well Jay wasn't afraid to say anything, but Cole always made a big deal about not telling anyone.

When he didn't come back for a few days Jay was afraid he had been taken. Jay looked all day and all night. He wouldn't sleep until he found Cole. When he didn't come back for a month Jay was heart broken. When he didn't come back for a year Jay blamed himself. After two years he wondered what he could've done different. What he could've done to make things better. Now after three years, he hasn't thought about him in a couple months. Not because he was forgetting about him, but because of a new dangerous gang in town.

It's not just a few punky teenage jerks, no it's more than that. At first that is what they all thought. There was a robbery downtown at the bank. The ninja arrested who was doing it. They thought that was it, but then another place was robbed. It was on the other end of town at a jewellery store.

Robberies kept happening. The weirdest part was they never fought back when the ninja found them. They would just surrender. Every single robbery.

After a month of this happening they realised each one of the places that were robbed there was a sign sprayed. It was a 'C' shape and it had five tally marks on the inside of the 'C'.

Then the first murder happened a week ago. The man who died was an innocent citizen of ninjago who wasn't involved in government in anyway. The sign was different this time, but only a little bit. It was the exact same, but it was a full circle instead of a C and it has a slash through it.

Then something very unusual happened yesterday. Every single one on the prisoners that was part of theses crimes escaped. No alarms went off. It was like they just disappeared. We've been trying to find them all day, but no luck.

Now as Jay laid in his bed, looking at the ceiling, he thought about Cole for the first time in months.

He used to miss him. At least he used to think he missed him. Jay didn't know anymore. Jay was starting to think maybe he only fell in love with the thought of being in love. He just clung on to the only who would love him.

That thought scared Jay.

He wasted so much time with Cole. When Cole was here, Jay spent all day trying to make him feel better. When he left Jay spent all day worrying about him. He spent the nights either looking for him or curled up crying because he was without him. Jay just wish he knew.

The radio turned on automatically. Jay set it to turn on automatically at 2am to remind myself to go to sleep. Jay listened to what the man was saying.

"Earlier today a total of 34 prisoners escaped without a trace. There were no alarms or broken locks. The policemen who were at the office at the estimated time they escaped said they didn't hear a thing. Earlier today we had an interview with the ninja to see that they were doing about this," the man on the radio said.

"Do you have any leads on what might of happened?" A lady in the radio said.

"No not yet, but the sign did change," Jay heard his own voice say on the radio. It was an interview from a few hours ago.

"Breaking news," that caught Jay's attention. It was no longer a playback of an older interview. Instead it was a giggly girl, "I've taken over this radio show.. haha is anyone even listening? It's 2:30am and who even uses a radio anymore? Anyways let's talk abou-"

"Hayley!" He heard a gruff man in the background, "boss wanted us to come here to destroy evidence of us not to talk on the radio."

Hayley whined, "Whaaat I'm just having fun."

Jay quickly got up and changed into his Ninja Gi. He jumped out his window and ran to the radio station. This might be the lead we are looking for. He ran as fast as he could until he got to the radio station. He quietly went into the room. He stayed hidden, but it was no use because no one was there.

He groaned. He was too late. The radio station was a mess too. Drawers were dumped out and thrown across the floor and papers were everywhere. He heard muffled screams. He followed the screams to see the usual radio man tied to a chair.

"It's okay I'll help you," Jay said reaching out untying his mouth first.

"Look behind you!" The radio man screamed.

"What?" He said and turned around and then he felt something hit his head. He fell to the ground. Someone kicked his side multiple times. Jay was too weak to get up.

"Hayley!" He heard the gruff man again, "The boss wants him alive."

"You're no fun!" She whined kick Jay one last time.

Jay heard someone walking closer to his and then he saw a face of a blurry man. He had never seen this man before but he was really strong, "Sorry, man," the guy said and held a rag to his face.

Jay's lungs burned. He kicked as much as he could but he was too weak. He was too weak to fight back. Soon enough he just let it happen. Everything went from blurry to blackness..

Okay this is the first chapter of my new bruiseshipping book, insanity. Tell me what you think :)

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