In the beginning

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Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. 
One day, war broke out between the two races. 
After a long battle, the humans were victorious. 
They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell......

But what was the cause of this war?....

What of the time before the suffering and pain??....

???: you sure we should be doing this (y/n)?

???: Come on Ozma stop being a coward!!!

Y/n: Salem he isn't a coward! He is a chicken! *you chuckle as Salem giggles*

Ozma: No I'm not!!!!

Hundreds and Hundreds of years ago during peace between Monsters and Humans there was three great friends just children unable to truly see the cruelty of the world.

Y/n: come on guys we are almost to the fountain!!

The fountain... Which releases dark energy in what to most looks like water as dark as the night... The fountain the source of so much power for monters or what the humans refer to them as the darkners since they came from the dark pit of the underground. As monsters had called the humans lightners since they came from the light. The difference of appearance caused issues but what scared eachother was the difference of powers dark and light natural enemies.....

The children marvel at the fountain feeling the power it gives off.

Ozma: (Y/n) I understand you are a monster but how does this... Dark energy not bother you?

Salem: For once I agree with Ozma (Y/n)...

Y/n: come on guys it isn't that bad! It... It feels.... EXHILARATING!!!!

Just as you went to touch some of the liquid of pure darkness that started to gather around the floor like a puddle three spades made of pure magic hit the ground infront of you making you jump back

???: What have I told you about coming to the fountain!?! And you brought Lightners with you?!?!

A giant monster appeared from the darkness and glared at the children near the fountain

( pic cuz I don't know any other way to describe him)

Y/n: K-King Spade! M-my apologies I just wantes to show my friends....

K.S: You know not to come here till you are older and not to ever bring lightners!!!!!

Salem: Leave him alone!!! He just wanted to show us a fountain!

Ozma: Yeah! Leave our friend alone!

K.S: *ignores them and looks at you* you will realize the humans will betray us one day and they aren't your friends.... *with that he leaves after locking the gate to the fountain*

Salem: you ok n/n?

Y/n: y-yeah thanks guys! *smiles*

A moment of great friendship and joy.... If only it could have lasted.....

16 years later all have grown into fine adults with each wanting to find their own purpose in life. (You are all around 23)

The boy Y/n enjoying making others laugh and have fun became a type of jester for all people of the world to bring everyone joy.

Ozma wanted to learn more about magic and went off to become the greatest wizard ever bur still went to visit his friends.

Salem... She was a different story life had been hard on her in the beginning. But none of that mattered to her anymore for she found love in her friend. A monster and a human finding love to some it was a true meaning and start to peace.... But not everyone was excited...

Some humans hated the idea of having to life with monsters and some monsters hated the idea of living in peace with humans. Many fights broke out but the love between the two stayed... Sadly all good things must come to a end...

5 years later war broke out splitting many apart even the great friends broke apart siding with their own race. New love came between Ozma and Salem. Pain was the only thing the jester felt and no longer cared to bring joy but pain and chaos against the humans.

The humans had beings with the power of silver eyes... As the monsters had a being with eyes of amethyst with was as powerfull as the sliver eyed warriors which made the humans try harder to defeat the monsters.

The humans using their own magic overpowered the monsters pushing them back into the earth which they came. The monsters fled to the fountain hoping to find saftey.

The humans finally got to the fountain with Ozma and Salem at the charge only to see a sight which hurt more than any attack. Y/n the jester monster known to bring happiness and laugher was staring at them with hate and darkness. He was the last line of defense to protect the fountain.... A battle between the friends soon broke out with the jester easily winning but before he could give a killing blow her stopped as he stared into the eyes of the woman he loved with tears streaming down his face...

It was silent like time had stopped but before anything could be said a arrow hits the jester in the back making him fall down into the abyss where the fountain finds its power. Salem and Ozma watch as their childhood friend falls to his death with a look of pain and betrayal....

The monsters had finally truly lost... Ozma sealed the Earth which the monsters came from with a magical barrier... Salem brought by grief touched a drop of dark essence the fountain had left behind after its destruction... The pure dark energy turned her into a being that was not monster nor human... Using her new found abilities she created the grimm which were nothing but monsters made from pure darkness.

Salem and Ozma then went to war the humans vs the grimm a war that continues on to this day...

But legend has it Y/n never died... Once he fell into the pit of pure darkness it destroyed his mind but gave him power unlike any other in the universe... He became the god of the monsters and tried to have them truly embrace the power of darkness... But the monsters afraid of the power he held and his sanity being lost more and more every second locked him away inside the fountain of darkness never to be released... But legend has it that lost in his insanity he waits for the perfect time to escape and get revenge on the humans and monsters then destroy us all!!!!

???: Wow!!! Can you tell me the story again mommy?!?!?

???: not now my little rose it is time for bed...

Ruby: but mom!!! I wanna hear more!

Summer: tomorrow my little rose besides someone is turning 4 tomorrow! *she picks up Ruby and spins her around as Ruby giggles*

Outside the window a figure of pure darkness looks inside the window watching the humans smile and laugh.

???: she didn't say the best part.... He has spent hundreds of years after his fall gathering the power and souls of the sliver eyed warriors over the years..... And has enough to break the barrier but hasn't yet because he hasn't found the right time... *looks up at the night sky* but it will be soon.... I wonder how Ozma and Salem are doing?..... Maybe they would love to meet the Jevil *the creature gives off a wicked laugh before disappearing into nothing.

Thought meh why not try a new story idea yes it is Rwby don't like it leave I don't wanna deal with complaining.

Thats all for now


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