Where's the flea?

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    Izaya POV
How long have I been here? Days, Weeks, Months? Time seems to pass by slowly here. Everyday it's the same routine I wake up to sheering pain, then I pass out, wake up again and eat stale bread, and last of all I sleep.
    I need to escape, but how? How can I escape this place when I can't even see? How can I escape when I'm tied to a chair? I don't know. All I do know is that if I don't do anything I'm going to die.

      Thump Thump Thump. He's coming! I can already feel my hands getting clammy and my breath is getting faster. I scream in pain as I feel something touch my open wounds on my bare back. "Does that hurt?" I hear a deep voice say. I stay quiet. "Well answer me boy! Or I'll have to punish you." He screams in anger.  I shake my head back and forth. "Well that's good because a dirty scum like you deserves to feel pain." He spats out.

Shizou POV
  The city has been peaceful lately and I know the reason why. Izaya isn't here. In fact he hasn't shown his face in Ikebukuro for four months. I suspected something was up when he didn't come in a month but now I know something is going on.

But what could it possibly be? 'Ah why am I even spending my time worrying about that flea! Life is better without him!' I stomped down the street on the way to my apartment. Ring Ring Ring Ring! I dug in my pocket for my phone. "Hello?" Hey Shizou it's Shinra." Oh it's  just you." Shizou have you seen Izaya?" No the damn flea has been missing for four months. He's up to something I just know it."

   "This is worse than I thought." Shinra said after a few seconds.

A/N: Hehe first CHAPPY!!

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