Chapter 20

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Im sooo sorry this probly took forever to publish i probly no have reason except laziness. :I



I started shaking. What if he doesn't forgive us?? Oh god this is just terrifying! Chara clenched my hand and i looked at her. She was petrified. I felt not-so alone this time. Putting on a sheepish smile I looked at the growing blue light. It grew and grew until the soul appeared. But it was different, it was...

It was breaking.

"NO!" I screeched letting go of Chara and ran over the soul. "FRISK!!" She pulled me away from it. "DON'T interfere!! We don't know what could happen!! I could kill both of you!" "B-but..." "No buts! You're not dying on me!" Chara grasped my hand, VERY tightly so i couldn't run off. "But..." I looked at it. It was trembling. "It needs help!" "HuSh ChiLd•°• iT wIlL bE fInE. ThIs HapPeNs wItH sOmE." "Whats h-happening??" Gaster looked me in the eye. "HeS dEcIdInG tO cOmE bAcK oR NoT." I was shocked. They could CHOOSE??? I looked at the soul. "Can we..?" "No wE CaNnOt." Oh.. I heard i snapping sound. The soul was POPPING??

Blinding light.



My heart skipped a beat. I wanted to run up and hug him but Chara was holding me back. I looked at her and she shook her head. Why? I didn't want to say anything to bring Sans's attention upon us. Let him do it on his own accord. Slowly his head to us and saw me and Chara gripping onto each other sleeves. Sans saw us. My heart was thudding so loud i was positive he could hear it. The little white pins in his eyes shrunk. He was remembering it all. Every last memory came back and the look on Sans's face was pure horror. "K-Kid..." he was grasping his chest on the exact spot where Chara had sliced him. "G-Get away from that.. thing." I was trembling. "N-No. I'm not gonna let you do it." I knew he was gonna attack Chara as soon as i moved. "Kiddo. Please. " a tear escaped my eye. "No. I won't let you." Really as soon as he's back he wants revenge?? Sans you can be a real pain. (play song above meow!)
Uh oh. This wasn't good. My soul flew out and turned blue. "SANS DON'T!!!" I screamed. "PLEASE NO!!" He set me down far away. "I'm not gonna hurt you, Frisk." Sans's eye glowed. "I'm only gonna kill this beast." I was so close. He summoned a Gaster Blaster. "NO!!" I ran in front of the beam. "FRISK!!" The last i heard of that save was them both screeching my name. *Ding* i was in my save screen.


I raced back in to the room to see Sans hitting himself and Chara just laughing at him. I walked up to her and hit her in the arm. "Really Chara? Come on let someone feel dumb without laughing at tem." (im so sorry..) "Awww... but it's funny!" She was still trying to stop laughing. I suppressed a chuckle. While it IS funny to watch people hit themselves I'm not gonna laugh. I walked up to Sans and hugged him. "Mk, now that that's over. Can we do some introductions?" He sighed. "Alright fine." I giggled. He was so easy to convince. "What is it kid? Did i tickle your funnybone or something?" I rolled my eyes.
Even after all this Sans is still Sans. I grabbed Sans and Chara's sleeves and pulled them together. "Okay, now hug and make up or I'm leaving." "WHAT??" I laughed. I knew they both didn't really like hugging people that aren't close to them. "Calm down! Just both say you're sorry and make up." Chara looked at me. "Why should i say that? He just attacked me!" "Really?" I stared at Chara. "Do it! Remember you killed everyone!" "Ohhhhh.... riigghhtt...." She turned to Sans. "Sorry dude!" "Same kid."

670 words. Yey.

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