Bilbo Baggins Joins The Company

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     "Should we wait on Master Baggins?" Kili asked Thorin.

     "Or at least wake him?" Fili added.

     Thorin shook his head. "I doubt the halfling will come. But, we will leave him a message."

     Balin, who was at the table, pulled out a piece of paper, a quill and a bottle of ink. "What do you want it to say?"

     As Thorin spoke Balin wrote on the paper. What the letter read was:

     "Thorin and Company to Burglar Bilbo greeting! For your hospitality our sincerest thanks, and for your offer of professional assistance our grateful acceptance. Terms: cash on delivery, up to and not exceeding one fourteenth of total profits (if any); all travelling expenses guaranteed in any event; funeral expenses to be defrayed by us or our representatives, if occasion arises and the matter is not otherwise arranged for.
     "Thinking it unnecessary to disturb your esteemed repose, we have proceeded in advance to make requisite preparations, and shall await your respected person at the Green Dragon Inn, Bywater, at 11 a.m. sharp. Trusting that you will be punctual,
                                                               "We have the honour to remain
                                                                     "Yours deeply
                                                                                            "Thorin & Co."*

     "Are we going to clean up the kitchen?" Ori asked.

     "No time." Thorin answered. "We leave now; with or without the hobbit."

     So all the dwarves grabbed their packs and belongings and headed out the door. They all walked along the road until the finally reached their ponies. They mounted them and headed for the Green Dragon Inn. Soon they reached the inn and dismounted their ponies and tied them up before they went inside. They might as well go in while they waited for Bilbo, if he even did show up.

     "Balin, look out for the halfling." Thorin said.

     "Aye, on it." Balin said, going to stand by the door.

     While they waited on Bilbo the Dwarves sat around and did nothing much. They had a little to drink, but not too much since they were going to be traveling. Kili and Fili had gone outside to help Balin keep a lookout. They played their fiddles for a little while, as they were bored.

     "Hey, is that him?" Kili asked, lowering his fiddle and using his bow as something to point with.

     "Looks like him." Fili said, lowering his fiddle.

     "Bravo!" Balin called out.

     Kili and Fili put their fiddles up and walked over to Balin as the other dwarves exited the house. Bilbo handed Balin the contract and breathlessly said:

     "I signed it."

     Balin pulled out his monocle and inspected the contract. When he looked up he smiled.

     "Everything appears to be in order." He said. "Welcome, Master Baggins, to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield."

     As the other dwarves cheered Kili and Fili glanced at their uncle. He didn't seem impressed.

     "Get him a pony." Thorin said. "Let's get moving."

     Kili and Fili mounted their ponies as Bofur got one for Bilbo and gave him a boost up. The little hobbit seemed quite uncomfortable on the pony, making Kili and Fili chuckle a bit. Soon after they were off, with Thorin leading the Company.

     All was quiet for a bit of the journey until a small but loud sneeze sounded. Some dwarves, including Kili and Fili, looked back at Bilbo.

     "Sorry." Bilbo said. "It's all this horse hair. How I do wish I hadn't forgotten my handkerchief."

     A minute hadn't gone by when Gandalf, seemingly coming out of nowhere, rode up on a white horse.

     "Bilbo, I believe you forgot this." He said, handing the halfling a handkerchief.

     Bilbo nodded gratefully and took it from him.

     "Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I brought your tobacco along. Here's your pipe."


*J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Hobbit', Chapter Two: Roast Mutton

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