Kili and Fili's First & Last Fight

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     "I hate you!" Kili screamed.

      Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Bofur, Bifur, and Gloin turned around as Kili and Fili burst into the room.

      "Yeah? Well, I hate you more!" Fili shouted as he chased after Kili.

      "Is that the best comeback you got?" Kili scoffed.

      "Boys, boys!" Thorin exclaimed. "What's wrong?"

      "Fili pulled my hair!"

      "Only because Kili threw a rock at me!"

      "That wouldn't have happened if you had just paid attention to me instead of flirting with your girlfriend!"

      Fili's face turned tomato red. "I was not flirting and she's not my girlfriend! You just don't like the fact I'm hanging out with her and not you!"

      Kili and Fili ran around the room as the adults watched, unsure of exactly what they should do. Fili caught up to Kili and grabbed his wrist. Kili tried to pull away, but Fili wouldn't let go so he turned around and bit his arm.

      As the two continued to roll around on the floor, Thorin ran over to them and broke up the fight. He held each back with each hand as they tried to get to each other.

      "Kili, Fili, stop right now!" Thorin ordered.

      "Not until he apologizes!" Fili shouted.

      "I'll never apologize! Not until you do!" Kili yelled back.

      "You started it so why should I apologize?!"

      "Kili and Fili, you listen to your uncle right this instant!" Dis said as she walked into the room. "And quiet down! I could hear you in the next room!"

      Kili and Fili stopped as Thorin and Dis gave them a scolding look.

      "Kili, Fili, you two are grounded." Dis said. "I don't want to see either of you outside your room for a week."

      "But Mom-" Fili began to object.

      "No buts." Thorin said.

      "But-" Kili tried to say.

      "That's it. I'm taking away your bow." Thorin said.

      "Look what you got yourself into now, Kili." Fili said with a smirk.

      "You know what; make that every single weapon the both of you own." Dis said. "For a whole week as well."

      "Another word and it'll be three weeks." Thorin said. "Now I want you two to go to your room right now."

      Fili and Kili glared at each other before they made their way to their room. They didn't even look at each other or speak to each other.

      Thorin sighed. "I was hoping they'd always get along."

      "Everyone, no matter how close they may be, get into an argument, fight or disagreement every now and then." Balin said. "You and your sister still argue from time to time."

      "That's true. I just hope they're not mad at each other for long."

      "They won't be." Bofur said. "I don't even think they'll be mad at each other for ten minutes."

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      Kili and Fili sat in their room, but instead of side by side they were in their own bed. They had their backs to each other and their arms were crossed. Not a single word was said.

      Fili furrowed his brow and regret could be seen in his blue eyes. He glanced back at Kili, who had glanced at him. He put on a hardened expression and the two of them turned away from each other again. But it didn't last long. They both felt guilty. Kili may have started it, but Fili didn't have to finish it.


      "What do you want?"

      "I want to apologize. I'm sorry for everything that happened."

      Kili's voice quivered. "I-it's okay, Fili. I'm sorry too. I-I don-don't hate you."

      They turned to look at each other. A tear slid down Kili's baby smooth face and Fili felt his heart break, realizing he had probably been very hurt when Fili had told him that he hated him too.

      "I don't hate you either, Kili. You're my little brother."

      Kili hopped off of his bed and into his brother's. He climbed into Fili's lap and hugged his neck. "I'm sorry for throwing the rock at you, and I'm sorry for being mean!"

      "I'm sorry for pulling your hair and for being mean too." Fili said gently. "Kili, let's never get into a fight again."

      Kili nodded. "I don't like fighting. It makes me feel sad."

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      Thorin and Dis walked through the hall leading to Kili and Fili's room. They felt that they had been a little harsh. After all, all siblings fight. They had decided that weapons would be gone for a week but they were aloud to leave their room.

      They stopped and listened when they heard laughter coming from their room. It surprised them, as not even four minutes had gone by! Thorin opened the door a crack and peeked in. She turned to Thorin and smiled, motioning for him to look.

      Thorin couldn't help but smile when he saw his two little nephews. Kili was thrashing about on the floor, and the reason: Fili tickling him unmercifully.

      "Fili, Fili!" Kili squealed. "Have mercy! I can't breathe!"

      A few seconds later Fili stopped and allowed Kili to catch his breath. After he had caught his breath and sat up, he smiled. He got up and pounced on Fili and tickled him. Fili let out a cry of surprise before he began laughing. Soon, both boys were tickling each other. It was the ultimate tickle battle.


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