Love: Beautiful But Painful

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     Fili, Kili, Adura and Aiviel sat on a log outside and watched the sunset. It was the same log Kili and Fili always sat on.

      "The sunset is beautiful." Adura sighed.

      "Yeah." Kili said, looking at her with a flirtatious smile. "Almost as beautiful as you."

      Adura, Fili, and Aiviel rolled their eyes.

      "I thought it was normally the older brother that got into girls first; not the younger one." Aiviel muttered.

      "You're such a flirt, Kili." Fili said.

      Adura didn't say anything, but turned her head to look at the sunset- and to avoid Kili's gaze. She was smiling a little and felt like giggling, but she didn't want her best friend to know that she liked Kili. She didn't want the two brothers to know either. Besides, they were both still too young for love.

      "Tell you what, Kili." She said. "I'll go out with you once you've got a beard."

      "Deal!" Kili agreed with a grin.

      "Yeah, so you only have to wait another three years." Fili said with a laugh.

      Kili rolled his eyes. "Yeah... but I'll have a girl when I do get one."

      "Why are you even into love and stuff?" Aiviel asked. "It's not so great at this age. I like being a free woman." She shrugged, then she smirked a bit. "Besides, it means I can browse."

      "You've thought about having a boyfriend?" Kili said. "So you are into love."

      "No, I'm not. I'm just saying that since I'm not into it and don't have a boyfriend I can browse. And when I am into such things, since I've been doing so much browsing, I'll know what guy I want."

      "I already know who you like." Kili said mischievously. "Which is why I don't buy the whole 'I'm-not-into-boys' thing."

      Aiviel crossed her arms. "Oh really now?"

      "Yeah. You like Fili."

      Fili looked at Aiviel, surprised, and Aiviel blushed as Kili and Adura laughed.

      "N-not true..." She trailed off.

      Fili, realizing that she really did like him, blushed too. He kind of liked her too, but never really thought much about it. He didn't think such a pretty girl would be into him. "Is it true, Aiviel?"

     Aiviel bit her lower lip. "Maybe..."

     "It's kind of funny, really." Kili said. "Considering you two didn't used to get along."

     "Well, you know what they say." Adura said. "Opposites attract."

     Fili stared at Aiviel, trying to get her to tell him the truth. After a few seconds she sighed.

     "Okay, I admit it." She said, looking him in the eye. "Yes, Fili, I-I like you. Do... do you like me?"

     Fili glanced at Kili and Adura before he looked back at Aiviel.

     "Well, that's our cue to leave." Adura said. "Come on Kili. Let's go get a snack."

     She and Kili went inside. As soon as they were inside Fili answered Aiviel's question.

     "Yes, Aivi, I like you too." He said quietly.

     Kili and Adura, who hadn't gone to get a snack but instead and listened behind the door, giggled and sneaked a peek at them.

     Aiviel smiled, relieved, and Fili smiled back at her. He held her hand in his, and she scooted closer and leaned her head against his shoulder. The two sat like that for awhile and watched the beautiful sunset.

<3~Three Years Later~<3

     Kili sat against the wall in his room, knees pulled up to his chest. He was upset, and thinking about what all had happened that day made him even more sad. The words that had been said by some of his schoolmates and his supposed 'friends' replayed in his head.

     "Look at him! He looks more like an Elf than a Dwarf!" "I agree! Maybe his father's actually an Elf. It would make so much more sense!" "Yeah, hardly a beard at all, plus he's taller than most! He's gotten even taller than Fili by an inch." "He's the ugliest Dwarf in these mountains." "His beard is more girly than any girls' beard here!"

     Kili sighed and rested his chin on his knees. He couldn't help it if his beard didn't grow. And he was no Elf! But that wasn't even what hurt him the most. It was what Adura had said.

     Fili walked into the room just then. "Oh, there you are Kili." He cocked his head to the side. "What's wrong?"

     Kili sighed. "Well... I asked Adura out."


     "She said no."

     "Oh, I'm sorry Kili."

      "But the worst part is the reason she said no." Kili looked down at his feet. "She said no because I've reached puberty and still don't have a full beard. She and her friends think I'm ugly."

      "What?" Fili asked in disbelief. "Kili, you are not ugly! You are the cutest Dwarf that has ever existed."

      "That'd make me feel better... if it hadn't come from my brother. That was just a little weird."

      Fili rolled his eyes. "It's true, Kili. And if she can't see that, then she doesn't deserve you. You'll find someone one day; someone who'll love you no matter race, size or length of beard." Fili turned Kili's face so that he was looking him in the eye. "Don't you dare think that you are ugly, Kili."

      Kili smiled. "Thanks, Fili."

      Fili smiled and the two hugged. When they pulled from the embrace Kili started laughing. Fili cocked his head and smiled. "What's so funny?"

      "Nothing, just... now that I think about it, Adura did have a man's beard. Too much facial hair on a female for my liking."

     The brothers laughed and laughed.

     "Yeah, tell me about it!" Fili said. "I didn't say anything because I knew you liked her; but who wants a female with a man's beard?"


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