The Inseparable Brothers

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     Thorin and Dwalin sat across from each other at a table. They were chatting over a mug of root beer when Fili walked by, carrying one-year-old Kili.

     "He's been carrying Kili around since his actual birth day." Thorin said. "He doesn't let him leave his sight."

     Dwalin chuckled. "I think it's kind of cute. He's like a lion or something. I bet he'll look just like one once he grows his beard." 

     "I don't want to think about that yet." Thorin said after he let out a sigh.

     Balin and Bofur joined the two at the table.

     "I'm actually excited about their growing up." Bofur said.

     "Why's that?" Thorin asked.

     "We can't wait to see what fine lads they'll turn out to be." Balin said.

     "And I bet they'll be the best of the best; being raised by you." Bofur told Thorin.

     Thorin smiled slightly. "I suppose I am looking forward to seeing how they turn out. I'm just not looking forward to their teenage years."

     "Tell me about it." A feminine voice came from behind them.

     They turned around to see Dis standing behind them. She took a seat by Dwalin.

     "If they're anything like Thorin was when he was a teenager, life will be miserable."

     "Thorin?" Bofur asked. "Trouble?"

     "He still is." Dis smirked.

     "Yeah, so are you."

     Bifur walked in. "I remember that one morning when we woke to the sound of laughter-"

     "And we saw her and Fili tickling Thorin." Nori, who walked in, finished.

     "That was payback for when he was tickling me." Dis defended herself.

     Gloin, Gimli and Oin walked in and also took a seat at the table.

     "What was King Thorin like as a teenager?" Gimli asked.

     Dis smirked. "Rude, rebellious, thinking he knew more than his grandfather or father did. Shall I go on?" She looked at Thorin.

     He rolled his eyes. "Like you were any better. You were the exact same way, plus more emotional."

     Dis rolled her eyes and smirked as the others began laughing. "Hey, everyone has a rebellious phase."

     "Hey! Give him back!" Fili's little voice shouted from behind them.

     They turned around and saw Fili chasing after his friend, Aiviel, who had Kili in her arms.

     "Don't run with him! You might fall and hurt him!"

     "I know what I'm doing, Fili!" She said before sticking her tongue out at him.

     Dis stood up and walked over to the bickering children. "How about I take Kili for now? It's about time he ate lunch."

     "Okay." Aiviel said, giving Kili to Dis. "Can I hold him later? He's so cute!"

     Dis smiled. "Maybe."

     Aiviel smiled big before she skipped out of the room. Fili rolled his eyes at her before he followed his mom to the table.

     "You're not really gonna let her hold Kili, are you?" Fili complained.

     "I don't see why not." Dis answered. "You have to share Kili, you know."

     "But what if she drops him?"

     "I'll keep an eye on her."

     Fili gave her a skeptical look. "I'm gonna keep an eye on her too. Just in case."

     The other Dwarves around the table chuckled and whispered to each other, amused by the young prince.

     "You do know you can't spend every single second with him, right?"

     "Yeah I can." Fili insisted.

     Thorin smiled. It was impossible to separate Fili from Kili, and he couldn't help but wonder if he'd always be that way.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
<3~Four Years Later~<3

     "I'm gonna get you, Kili!" Fili called.

     Kili laughed as he ran through the halls from his big brother. He suddenly bumped into a pillar and fell onto his bottom. He rubbed his head, tears beginning to form.

     Fili rounded the corner and saw his little brother crying. "Kili!" He cried, running over to Kili and kneeling beside him.

     "I hurt my head!" Kili cried.

     Fili rubbed Kili's forehead. "There's a little bump. But that's what you get for not paying attention, silly Kili." He ruffled Kili's hair and laughed.

     Kili stopped crying and began laughing slightly. He then reached up, wanting Fili to pick him up. Fili smiled and picked Kili up. Kili wrapped his arms around Fili's neck and they headed into a different room.

     "Is everything alright?" Dis asked when they entered a room she, Thorin, Balin, Bofur and Dwalin happened to be in.

     Fili nodded. "Kili hit his head on a pillar, but he's okay."

     "Are you sure?" Thorin asked. "Let me see."

     Fili put Kili down and Thorin got down on his knees. Little Kili ran into his arms and Thorin checked the bump on his head. He looked up at Dis. "Fili's right. It's just a bump." Thorin gave Kili a kiss on the cheek, causing Kili to giggle. Thorin looked at him and smiled. "What's so funny, Kili?"

     "Your beard tickles!" Kili exclaimed, rubbing his cheek.

     Thorin raised his eyebrows. "Oh, does it now? Well then..." Thorin gave Kili two more kisses on the cheek. The more Kili laughed, the more he planted on him.

     Dwalin, Balin, Dis, Bofur and Fili watched in amusement as Kili pushed Thorin away with both his hands. Thorin finally stopped, a smile on his face.

     "Oh, Thorin!" Dis said. "You're beard left marks all over his cheek!"

     Thorin shrugged and set Kili down before he stood up and watched as Fili carried Kili back to their bedroom. Thorin smiled slightly as he watched them. Fili was always wherever Kili was, and Kili was always wherever Fili was. The two were inseparable, and such brotherly love melted Thorin's heart.


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