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Hey guyzzzz🤗 dis is fairy.... hope all of u r fine...😊 m here wid a os on our MAGICAL COUPLE RAGLAK😘 ..
Please read it calmly 😄

Let's get started....😁

Current day  2017.......

"Ting tong- Ting tong"_d bell rangs twice
"Cominggggg..."-shouted bheema(servant )
He opened d door ,dere was no-one.
He ws about to go back ,wen his eyes falls on a box kept dere.
He picked it up n takes it inside.

"Lakshmi ! where is RUDRA?I havnt seen him since yesterday!"-asked shiv aka SHIVAY SIKHAWAT ;a well known politician.soon to be CM of Maharashtra .just waiting for d results,which wl b out within 4 days.

"You know about ur brother  na...he would be wid his friends only.. dey must  be partying somewhere"-said lakshmi ,shiv's wife.

Shiv passed a smile n den he noticed bheema n asked-
"What's dat??"-[indicating d box]

"BADE MAALIK(elder master)somebody left it outside d door"-bheema replied
"What 😯.... it ws outside n u brought it in ....without even checking !!!wt if my opponent have sent bomb to kill me?? Jst throw it out right now!"-screemed SHIV n snatched the box from bheema's hand & throws it outside with full force.

As soon as box falls on d ground,it got broken & something comes out of it..both bheema n shiv looked at it keenly narrowing dere eyes n soon reality striked dem n dey found dat it is a chopped head of a human .
Bheema screeemed_"chotey MAALIK(junior master).😱😱😱😱😱"
Shiv runs towards d box n forwards his SHIEVERING hands to touch it .he closed his eyes tightly & screemed_"RUDRAAAAA......"

After a while,wen his tears dried up;
his eyes falls on a white paper,peeping out of d box.he picked it up n read_"THE GAME HAS JUST BEGAN"
His eyes became red in sorrow n anger reached his brains.
He crushed dat paper n ROARED LIKE A HUNGRY LION.

4th JANUARY,2009......

"NO ways papa...i"ll never ever marry can u even fix my marriage wid dat dumbo idiot duffer huh!!"-said rags aka RAGINI GADODIA young,bold,beautiful journalist 😊.shez really short tempered n a pampered child😉

"But ragini jst listen to me once beta plz.."-asked shekher(her father) following her
"No means no...not at all...dat idiot duffer LUCCKY n my husband not at all"-said she annoyingly.
"Bt rago...hez d best..he's handsome talented well behaved sophisticated guy..we even know him since his chidhood ...wt else do u want???...N he even loves u so much....!!"-said shekher
She stopped n looked at shekher for a second n den laughed loudly holding her stomach..
"Love...hahahah he loves me...hahaha LOL😂 joke of d decade..."
After a while She composed herself n stopped laughing & said-"dad look I hate him ..I hate him since childhood...just becoz of him....all ur love,which should have to be only mine gets divided  into him also...😑..jst because of him...u have even shouted on can i marry dat guy dad ...never ever in my wildest dreams also..."-said rags rolling her eyes

"Rago-rago....u know na he is my best friends son...after d death of his parents ,he became could I resist myself to care for dat innocent soul...N beta I shouted on u jst because u
Teased him so much....beta believe me,u wont get a better life partner than him....."said shekher n den cont.-"tommorrow he is coming back here...he's joing as Jr.INSPECTOR...I hope rago,u"ll obey my words n wl meet him...I wish ur mom would be alive today..den she could have convenced u easily"-said shekher dramatically..

"!!!now stop ur emotional drama...okay okay i"ll meet him😑😑...happy..."-said she making faces.
"Yey!!super happy"-shouted shekher n hugged her tightly...rags smiled seeing happiness in her father's face..😊
5th January,2009..5:10 ,evening...

"Hi ragini..m sorry for making u wait,actually I joined  my work today only so got a lill busy "-said laksh aka LAKSH MAHESHWARI newly joined junior INSPECTOR .
He sitted in front of rags .
She faked a smile n said_"look Mr. Laksh wt-so-ever.....I am ready for d marriage...Bt it's jst for my father's sake understand...N I don't wanna discuss  nything about it nymore."
She gets up n goes to him_"it's not at all nice to meet u Mr.Inspector...have a good day"-she whispered n left d cafe ..

Laksh looked at her way n sighed _"she"ll never change"...
Laksh went to shekhers house to deny for d alliance bt seeing shekher excietment n happiness for d marriage ,he couldn't able to say NO..

N dats how RAGLAK marriage got fixed n soon dey got tied into a pure n heavenly relationship 😊
Laksh house ...

@ d night of raglak wedding.

Laksh went inside his room n saw d beautiful angel sitting on bed covering her face wid a veil of net.
He can see her angelic face as d moon light coming from window is reflecting upon her face .

He goes to her n sits dere
"See ragini..I know u are not happy wid dis marriage....I went to shekher uncle to say NO bt seeing him happy I can't able to deny...i m sorry..."-said laksh sadly  stairing d floor

She removed her veil n said_"what !u were about to deny my father..Haan???how can u even think of it...yeah it's true dat I don't love u...Bt can't u compromise a bit for him...he had given u so much love since childhood...N wt u were about to do...huh!! U r so mean Mr.INSPECTOR"-Said rags furiously..

Laksh ws about to say wen again she interrupted him-"no no Mr.lucky..not today...I have seen ur real face...u r so mean...huh!!! Only by getting a job of INSPECTOR u won't become SALMAN KHAN okay..."

Laksh ddnt able to understand wt she ws trying to say n why she ws comparing him wid  THE salman Khan??!!

"To be a SALMAN KHAN u need a big heart like him!!which u don't have..Mr.tiny heart MAHESHWARI..huh!! N now u came here n saying all dese things,jst to make me believe dat u r doing so much for what a plan Mr.maheshwari.... U r such a mastermind...u r...."-rags ws about to say wen her lips gets sealed by laksh lips...

She widened  her eyes ...N her breath became heavy...Laksh kissed her softly jst to make her shut n soon he departed .he looked at her,who ws starring straight....N a lill smile crept his lips...

"It's stop ur blabbering..N sleep....we can talk tommorrow..."-saying so he takes a pillow n slept on d couch...

After a while she came back from d shock n looked at laksh who ws laying on his stomach...she rolled her eyes n falls on bed n soon sleep occupies her...
"Good is ur it..if u need nything ask RAMU KAKA...N I"ll try to b back soon..."-said laksh coming out from kitchen washing his hands...

He goes up n gets ready in his uniform n ws about to go,bt den came towards rags n said_"aaa...vo....m ..m sorry for yesterday...actually u ws cont. Blabbering n n...I ..I donno how...ahh!!m sorry.."
"It''s fine"-said she hesitatingly eating her breakfast n avoiding eye contact.

He nodded n left from there slapping his head.

She saw him n smiled a bit😏
Some days passes like dis...


Rags phone ranged n she picked it up.
Rags side convo
"Hellow ...."
"Haan are u yaar"
"What...where....???r u sure"
"Okay okay...m coming r8 now..."
She hunged d call n rushes out.
"Rags sources told me..dat RUDRA had kidnapped MR.VATSAL (dere opponent politician)  n brought him here"-said sanky;rags friend cum a journalist.

"Rudra dat SHIVAY brother means both d brothers must be involved..,we have to bring dis news out sanky...come"-said rags n goes forwards.

Ragsan sneeked from d window..N strted recording..

Rudra n his goons tied  VATSAL n soon rudra slitted his neck via a sharp knife.

blood splashed all over d area .
Seeing dis rags Subconsciously screemed out...

Rudra n d goons looked at ragsan n ran to catch dem..

Sanky holded her hand n dragged her wid him...on his way he called d POLICE n informed about dere place ..

Goons catches sanky n beated him brutely......sanky asked rags to go from dere...Bt she denied...he forced her n she ws about to run wen rudra dragged her cluching her hair...
She winced in pain...
He laughed n places d knife on her cheeks n den dragged it down leaving a scar on her face.she closed her eyes in fear. He ws about to cut her neck .
"Dhiskiyaoon"-loud sound of gun fired  ws heard.

Rags opened her eyes n saw Rudra ws holding his injured hand n crawling on ground.
She looked at d other side n found laksh holding a PISTOL standing wid some other police officers .

She immediately ran towards him n hugged him tightly..
Bt he ddnt respond..
Seeing dis,she parted away...
Laksh den arrested all d goons n Rudra n left d place leaving ragsan dere,with 2 of his constables n ordered dem to  safely drop dem to dere house...
@raglak house..

Rags ws walking here n dere in d house..
waiting eagerly for laksh..
She knows he must be angry wid her n will surely scold her..

As d clock striked 9 p.m
She runs downstairs...
Before laksh could knock,she opened d door...& passes a 1000 volt smile,bt laksh moves inside widout  paying any heed to her ...
She makes a pout bt den composed herself n said_"laksh come,dinner is ready...I have made it wid my own hands"-said rags showing both her hands to him.
He widout even replying goes inside dere room.
His ignorance ws killing her ..Bt she is also ragini GADODIA a hard nut to crack.😉...
She followed him inside dere room...
Laksh jst came from d washroom after getting fresh...
He ws wearing a lower wid his white vest n ws looking extra hot😋
Dey both had an eye lock...
He ws about to go out wen she closed d door n pinned him to d wall n said_"what do u want yaar..m saying sorry na...y can't u forgive me huh!!"
"Ragini...let me goo"-replied laksh widout even looking at her
"Laksh y r u ignoring me...plz yaar...I know it's my mistake n even m sry for it...Bt y r u doing dis to me???y r u making it such a big issue?"-said she casually.

Dats it for laksh,he held her hands n turned making rags back touching d wall,in other sense,he pinned her to d wall n blocked her hands wid his.

"Big issue...!!!dis is not a big issue for u ragini..(He said moving his fingers on d scar of her face)..don't u get it....rudra could have harmed u...he could have killed u if sanky wouldn't called us n we wouldn't reached dere  on time...."-said laksh
She looked at him n a layer of tear appeared on her eyes..

"U never understood damn it...u never understood me n my feeling.!!! Even shekher uncle get dat how much have I loved u...since childhood I have loved u....since d time I got to know about love,i had loved u nly....Bt u never understood my feelings ragini never....I can't even tell u ...wt have I felt wen rudra ws about to slit...slit ur neck...ur ..I...can't...even...."- warm tears escaped his eyes n he can't able to say nything,he keep on repeating d words subconsciously.

Rags saw dis n she felt his love for d first tym....she realised his emotions...his soul touched hers n without even thinking for nything she kissed him hard....
Laksh gets shocked n saw rags eyes,which were closed...he smiled wid in himself n a soothing emotion captures his heart...
He too closed his eyes feeling her love...
Dey both were kissing eo deeply expressing dere love...
He holds her head n she ws caressing his hairs...
Dey parted apart after a while n rags smiled through her tears n said_"m sorry...I took a lot of time to understand ur love "
He noodded his head in YES like a child
N hugged her wid so much of love...
Both looked at eo...he den carries her towards d bed n dropped her gently...he removed his vest n comes on top of her..he kissed her neck passionately n she ws caressing his nape...
He den covered demselves  with a soft bedsheet n dat night for d first time love blossomed between dem...dey both completed eo😊
12th December ,2009 .....

"Here u go....ur tiffin is ready 😉"-said rags giving laksh his lunch box
"Ragini wts d need of all dese?? U should have rest during dese days...u r 8th month pregnant now! Y u daily cook for me?"-asked laksh making her sit on d table n kissing her baby bump

She smiled n replied_"awwww!!!becoz I love to cook for my baccha"-n she kissed laksh cheecks
He smiled widely n surrounds her on his embrace..
"Rago ...soon our fairy or champ wl be wid us hmmm...den our family wl b complete...uff!!!I can't even imagine dat v r soon going to b parents..😊 our symbol of love ,wl b wid us within few days😊😊"-said laksh xcietingly
She admired him n nodded her head positively..
He kissed her forehead .
"Okay now...go fast fast n come even more faster"-said she pushing laksh.
"Okay baccha....I"ll be back soon hmm...take care"-he said n ws about to go wen.....

"Bangggggg..."_d door got broken n someone came inside dere house..
Raglak looks at d way n ws shocked to see RUDRA N SHIVAY coming wid dere goons...

Rags widened her eyes n holded laksh shoulder..Laksh looked at her n kept his hand on herS n asked her to go upstairs....
She wasn't ready to go bt he assured her n she ws about to turn wen RUDRA holded her hand n pulled her towards him...sudden force makes rags collide wid rudra n she screemed as she felt pain in her tummy...

Laksh glared him n shouted_"leave her....😡"
He moved towards rudra n holded rags wen d goons strted beating him..
He fought bravely n single handedly wid all d goons...
Laksh ws about to hit rudra wen SHIVAY banged his head from back wid a heavy rod.
"Lakshhhh......."shouted rags n ws about to go to him wen rudra cluched her hairs tightly...
Laksh forward his hand towards rags ,as if he ws trying to come near her.
Bt his head strted spinning heavily n within no time he falls down on d white marble floor.
He ws holding his head ...everything ws spinning around him...he ws seeing blurr faces...sounds r echoing in his ears...
Bt rags sobs r piercing his heart...he once again tried to gets up...Bt Shivay putted his leg upon him,making him fall again..
"U wouldn't have faced dis day,if u havnt arrested my brother...just becoz of u he had to b in jail for 10 bloody long months...even jst becoz of u n ur wife silly report,we lost d elections...but as said everyone has his day,so dis is my day...."-said Shivay angrlyy..

Rags bites rudras hand n run towards  laksh...
She bends down n touched him ..tears r coming out of her eyes continuously..
She den looked at SHIVAY n folded her hands n apologised .she asked him to leave laksh...

Shivay  laughed wickedly n den kicked on her stomach forcefully..
"Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!"she -screemed loudly due to immense pain...
N falls down on d floor ..
Blood oozed out from lower part of her body...
She touched her belly n cried immensively .
Laksh roared n ws about to stand wen RUDRA banged on his head again powerfully wid d rod.
Laksh blowed d air n liters of blood oozed from his head as well as his mouth .

Raglak looked at eo n were crying feeling each other's pain...dey were crying due to dere helplessness ..
Rags crawled  towards laksh n laksh does d same...dere fingers get touched n dere breath gets heavier.shivay smashed dere fingers wid his shoe..
N finally RAGLAK closed dere eyes ....

"N D GAME ENDS HERE"-said Shivay n looked at rudra ,taking him out from dere .
Current day 2017...

Shivay eyes falls on a white paper,peeping out of d box.he picked it up n read_"THE GAME HAS JUST BEGAN"
He crushed dat paper n ROARED LIKE A HUNGRY LION.

"Tring-tring"-phone ranged
"Hellow"-said Shivay
"Hellow!!! did u liked my gift?"_said d caller
"Who d hell are u????"-shivay
"Hahahah...i hope u liked it... well plz jst skip d intro part....n let's talk something important....I have ur son wid me ..if u want to take him den come here n haan don't try to act over smartly...n plz don't  bring ur goons...actually I don't want Nyone to interfere in our game"-said d caller
"U bloody ......I won't leave u....where is my child...don't u dare to hurt my son.."-shivay
"Hahahahahahah...."_d caller laughed
"M coming jst wait dere u moron ..m coming to u.....N don't wry m enough for u ...I won't need  my men to kill a bastard like u"_shouted shiv
"Come fast ....m waiting eagerly "-said d caller n cutted d call.

Shivay throws d phone in anger n -screemed wildly...
"Welcome Mr.murderer ops I mean soon to b minister"-a voice comes as Shivay opened d door of an isolated place
"U me ur face...who d hell are u???where r u hiding..come out..I said come out!!"-screemed SHIV

A light flashed n shiv saw his son tied in a chair unconsciously...
He ws about to go dere wen a person came in-between dem.
Shiv frowned his brows n looked at d person..
The person is revealed to b........RAGINI...

Shiv widened his eyes as he recognised her n said_"u....Bt u were ..."
"Dead!!!"_completed rags...N again continues_"dats what everyone thought...Bt god had saved my life,n u know y???..just to punish criminals like u"

Flashback is shown...
As soon as shiv n Rudra left d place n burned raglak house to hide d murder case. .
Sanky reached dere,unknown to d incident...he somehow manages to go inside n saw raglak in very bad condition...he checked their nerves n brings both of dem out..

Laksh ws found to be spot death..
N ragini had suffered miscarriage..
Rags life got saved bt she slipped into COMA ...

After 8 YEARS ....
Rags came out of coma...N den shekher n sanky explained her dey filed case against rudra n Shivay bt nothing happened.   N dere case got closed .

Den nly rags determined herself to take revenge ..sanky n shekher promised to help her ..
Trio worked together n finally dey kidnapped  RUDRA n killed him by cutting his head n gifted it to shivay ....

Fb ends...

"N now it's ur turn....d way I killed ur brother in d same way no I have some other plan to kill u...u"ll get some special treatment our soon to be CM😈"-said rags
"U killed my brother...I won't leave u ..."-roared shiv n ws about to hit her wen sanky n shekher held him from back..
Shiv struggled to came out of dere capture ..
Rags smirked...
She goes towards a wall n caressed a photo frame which have picture of laksh n ragini wid her baby bump.
She touched laksh face n a tear brimmed her eyes..
_" our revenge wl get completed"
She wiped her tear n looked at Shivay.
She takes a black solid rod n beated him immensively....
He falls on ground .sanskaar held him up n tied him on a wooden chair.

Rags asked shekher to take shivay's son out from dere n den she splitted petrol all over d area n fired it....

"Today RAAVAN wl get burned alive"_said she n ws about to go wen shivay gets up from chair n broked it.

"RAAVAN wl not get killed so soon"_said Shivay in a evil tone n smirked..

She takes her gun out n shooted on him,bt he gets saved...
She shouted him to stop Bt he runs up on d stairs...
She followed him ...
Wen sanky ws about to go d stairs fall down due to massive burning...
Shekher comes dere n takes sanky out..

Shivay stopped wen he reached d edge of terrace...
He turned n found rags standing pointing her gun...
He bends down n blows d dust in her eyes n snatched d gun ....
She opened her eyes forcefully..
He shooted her bt she bends down n got saved..
He again pressed d trigger , wen she kicked him hard,making him fall in d fire .he -screemed when his tissue strted burning ....dere ws fire all around his body n he ws feeling d pain of his deeds.

But before falling he had already fired d gun,which directly hitted rags heart n she falls dere were no boundaries ,she ws  falling down.  

Her face ws facing d sky...
Thunder occurs dere n a bright light comes from d sky....
She looked at it amusingly, wen laksh comes forward n gives his right hand to her. she looked at his hand n holded it.
Laksh smiled n pulled her up..
Her soul comes out from her body n goes wid laksh....
She touched d baby n laksh gives d lilltle angel to her...she hugged laksh tightly feeling his love after so longgg!!!!

She  looks down n found her body on d floor n shekher n sanky crying surrounding her ..

She den sees shivay,who had already died...
N finally she gazed towards laksh ,who assured her n embraced her protectively...
He takes her up in d sky where dey"ll be together always forever; INSEPARABLE😊...

Hope all of u liked it😊
Do not forget to  vote & plz Drop ur comments n do let me know about ur views.....

Keep rockng n stay blessed
Loadzzz of love
Fairy 😘

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