Tag time!!!

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All of these are surprise tags soo... SURPRISE!!!!😄🎊
Yeah that's about it. They're all people I know in real life on wattpad so go check out their pages and r ad their books because they're not really good.
Just a few questions for the tagged to answer and if you're not tagged and you answer then I'll tag you in the next chapter for your efforts. Also if you can up with questions for the next chapter I'll tag you too!
1: least favourite movie of all time?

2: how many pairs in of socks do you own?

3: favourite band/singer/musician?

4: most embarrassing thing you've ever wanted to be when you grow up?

5: guilty pleasure?

6: favourite Disney movie?

7: wattpad or YouTube?

8: would you rather be to hot or too cold?

9: last book you read? (even on wattpad)

10: what fandom a are you in?

If you've gotten this far thank you and please try to answer as many of these as you can, and as honestly as you can.

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