Chapter 11

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I struggled in the guys grip who held me as my father circled me. It had been years since we had seen each other and I had changed so much. He then stoped in front of me and smiled "you've turned into quiet the woman. So much like your mother." He said stroking my cheek. I went to but his hand but he pulled it away before o could sink my teeth into his flesh. "Too bad you cane out wrong but it was nice to watch you these pasted 3 years happy and smiling. However that's all changing." I glared at my father wondering what he meant by that. My father and Anna's started to walk off but the guy holding me, George and Ana followed him

We where took into a large dark room. Suddenly a light came on and sitting tied up and gaged in four chair was June, Mary, Kathrine and Mavis. My eye widened seeing them. "What is this? Why are they here and in that condition what are you planning?" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I was strapped into one of the three free chairs. Anna and George where put in the other two.

"Well my darling daughter you see, the world at the moment is in chaos, with all this war and death over small things. However we the members of secret society have come up with a solution. If we take away everything that makes us different there will be no war to fight over only peace." My father said as he sat down in fronting me. I looked at him then my friends hope had faded out of their fearful eyes. It broke by heart to see my friends like this "ok and how are you going to do that?" I asked trying to sound like this situation did not bother me. My father smiled "easy with three simple steps everyone will live happy lives forever. Step one get rid or persuade all figures in power. Step two delete the evidence of our past history clearing the way for a brighter future and finally step three kill all left handers and throes who have sided with them."

I was shocked I hear this "what why? How does left handedness come into this?" I question as I thought of an answer. My father sighed as he got up walking over to Mavis on the end "lefties have a powerful at with words that lures people in like a sirens songs to sailors. Look at your friends you are the only left hander yet you persuaded them to join you on this quest to expose what I was planning. If you hadn't got involved they would be living normal lives" my father said this as he walked past everyone of us looking at us slowly always holding himself high.

I watch his every movement, wondering what he was planning next as a doctor rolled in a small covered trolley. "So what are you going to do know dad? You have us but what's stopping someone else from taking over from us. You can't erase all of history?" I questions trying to distract him as I wiggles my hands to see if I could break free from the chair. "Oh yes you can when you control everything beside you and your friends won't luv to see my beautiful world it's a shame really I could have used their talents but you had to corrupt them. Like you always do." My father sighed taking the cloth off the trolley revealing seven needles full of a strange yellow liquid.

We all struggled in our chairs as doctors came over to us with the needle. My father laughed and moved my chair so I could see my friends. "Know daughter for your finally punishment you will watch the life fade from your friends eyes before I do the same to you" he laughed as the doctors inject them. The first to get affect was June. Her eyes went dull and skin turned pale as I watched the life slowly drain from her body. I tried to look away but he forced me to watch. My the end of it I was in tears their lifeless body prospered up in the chairs by the leather restraints. "You monster. You will be stopped." I cried as my tears fell from my cheeks. He smiled at me sweetly almost father like then it turned into a twisted smirk "I know that why I will get rid of them before they can know it time for you to join your friends." I felt the sharp needle prick my skin as I was inserted into my neck slowly the liquid was injected into my bloodstream. My body started to feel cold as the liquid took affect but then end of it my vision blurred as everything faded to black. I managed to say one last thing before I went "No matter how hard you hide the past it will always catch up to you" I whispered as everything faded to black

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