Chapter 6

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I was relieved that I could stop the story there the memory's I was getting back where proving to much. All I did for the rest of the day was cry Mavis showed G to his room as Anna comforted me. "It ok your here know miles away from the good fit nothing dad of yours" Anna could always make me smile in the worst situation but today nothing was working.

A light knock came from my door. I turned my gaze from the floor to who it was. Tony slight surprise it was G. "Hey umm sorry to have made you cry I umm didn't know you when throw that." He seems flustered like a child holding an egg for the first time hoping it didn't break. "No it's fine beside you have already see the videos of my past." I sighed trying to hold in the crack in my voice as more tears run down my cheeks.

G came over and hugged me which at first shocked my as I looked as him confused. I wasn't use to manly kindness. However I eventually hugged back. "Thank you." I smiled hugging him close enjoying the moment we where having. Time seemed to stop and I wondered if he was my dad would this be like us having a father daughter moment I had heard so much about.

"I'm ready to continue." I whispered clearing my voice so I could say it louder. G nodded and pulled away as Anna grabbed Mavis. Once everyone was in my room I took a deep breath and continued.

"I stood still for a few minute watching my auntie bleed out then in fear and anger ran into my plane which was about to take off I could hear my dad shouting behind me yelling 'I will find you there if no where you can hide'. Once in the plane I found my seat and that when my life seemed to turn around. I sat next to Mavis on the plane."

Mavis interrupted me and smiled "yep and it was great heck if we hadn't had met I bet know of this would have happened"'she smiled. Anna shook her head at Mavis's interruption as G seemed deep in thought.

I decide to continue glaring at Mavis "as I was saying. That where we first met. I had just got my papers out and a map of New York so I could see where the college was I was going to from the airport. Mavis looked over my shoulder and struck up a conversation saying how she was going to the same college. An fee hours into the flight we found out we had similar problems with strict parents, people using us and we liked similar music as well as taking the same course. For the first time I was making a friend.

When we landed we both hopped in a taxi to the college where we met Kathrine. She was standing outside the colleges drama department. Me and Mavis walked over seeing the sign that read freshmen. After standing in silence for about 10 minutes Mavis struck up a conversation with Kathrine I thought I would be left out if it but no Mavis included me in to and the three of us became friends. The funny thing was that Kathrine needed room mate for the flat her father had bought her to us of college because it was so big. Me and Mavis agreed to me her flat mates and we formed a strong friendship there and then."

I stopped my story there as I yawned it had been 18 hours since we had got G out of the prison morgue and I was shattered. "Well we can continue when you are rested." Anna smiled and showed G and Mavis out of my room for being the youngest she was very responsible.

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