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“You did what?!" Anger growled. Fear and Sadness told him and Disgust what happened.
“I punched her in the nose," Fear shamefully admitted. “But I totally regret it, cross my heart."
“Fear, this isn't like you!" Disgust said. “Usually, the only aggressive Emotion is Anger!"
“Trust me," Anger added, “‘aggressive' doesn't cover half of it."
“Well, I'm scared, okay?!" Fear screamed. “Elsa's been unconscious for who knows how long! For all we know, she could be dead! Now Joy's lost in Long Term Memory and heaven only knows when or if she's coming back! What do you expect me to do?!"
Then, they saw Headquarters light up and everything was functioning.
“Elsa's waking up," Sadness realized. She and the rest of the Emotions rushed to the console prepared for whatever awaited them.

Elsa's head was throbbing so hard, she didn't know if she was alive or dead or a bit of both.
However, once her vision cleared, she could see stone walls and a door that might be locked.
“Where are we?" Fear asked.
“I think we're in the dungeon," Sadness replied. “Our parents said it's where they take all the troublemakers."
“But why are we in here?" Anger wondered.
“I'm telling you, it's smells like something died in here," Disgust said, creating a disgusting memory.
Then, Elsa saw a window which had bright white light seeping through.
“Hey, guys?" Fear said in concern and curiosity. “Do you think Anna may be right? You know, about us freezing Arendelle?"
“I don't know," Sadness replied. “Our magic is pretty powerful, and Anna's never lied to us. So maybe."
“Maybe we should look outside," Disgust suggested.
Elsa headed for the window, but something held her back. She looked back and saw her hands were in iron clamps that were chained to the floor.
“Is it really that bad?" Fear asked.
Elsa carefully stepped over her chains so she'd get a better look outside. But all she saw was Arendelle cloaked in white.
“I'm afraid it is," Sadness replied.
“Oh, no. What have I done?"
“Well, what did you expect?" Anger exclaimed. “We have no control!"
“Joy would know what to do," Sadness sighed. “I didn't mean to press that button and have her sucked out of Headquarters."
“It's not your fault," Disgust assured, hugging Sadness. “Fear's the one who punched her in the face."
“Seriously, are we still talking about that?!" Fear exclaimed, quite annoyed. “You know what, this is fine. We'll... we'll just do what Joy would do! Yeah! We can do that!"
“Oh, sure we can! Great idea!" Disgust replied sarcastically. “Anger, Fear, Sadness, Disgust... How are we supposed to be happy?!"
Then, Elsa heard a noise. She knew someone was coming. Elsa tensed up as she saw him enter.
“Oh, it's just Hans," Disgust sighed in relief.
“He saved us," Sadness recalled. “Should we thank him?"
“How do we do that?" Anger asked.
“Uh........ Here, you pretend to be Joy!" Fear said to Disgust. She pressed a button and flicked a switch.
“Why did you bring me here?"
“What was that?!" Fear exclaimed. “That wasn't anything like Joy!"
“Uh, because I'm not Joy?" Disgust figured.
“Yeah, no kidding!"
“I couldn't just let them kill you."
“Aww, that's sweet," Sadness smiled.
“I'm done!" Disgust confirmed, turning to Fear. “You pretend to be Joy!"
“What?! Okay..." Fear stammered, pressing a button.
“But I'm a danger to Arendelle! Get Anna!"
“Oh, very smooth," Disgust said, sarcastically. “That was just like Joy."
“Anna... has not returned."
Elsa looked out the window in worry.
“Oh, this is not good!" Fear muttered. “Anna's still out there? What if she froze to death? Or got eaten by bears?!"
“If you would just stop the winter, bring back summer. Please."
“Okay, who's next on the ‘Pretend to be Joy' tournament?" Disgust asked flatly before Sadness pushed a switch.
“Don't you see? I can't."
“Oh, yeah, that's the best Joy I've seen all morning," Disgust told Sadness.
“I wasn't trying to be Joy," Sadness assured. “We can't do this without her. We need her, she needs us, and I'm going to look for her. Do you want to come?"
The rest of the Emotions were uneasy. They've never been outside of Headquarters before, they didn't know what was out there.
“You have to tell them to let me go!"
Despite Elsa's desperation, Anger, Fear and Disgust just stayed close to the console.
“Like I expected," Sadness sighed, walking away.
“I will do what I can."
Hans left Elsa alone, confused, and scared.
“Well, we lost another Emotion," Disgust scoffed. “How are we going to help Elsa now?"
Elsa looked down at her shackles, and watched them turn to ice.

Meanwhile, Sadness waited for the Train of Thought and climbed aboard.
“Don't worry, Joy," she whispered. “I will find you."

We're getting closer to the end, and Oscar Sunday is almost upon us...

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