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It first happened when I was in my English class, sitting next to my best friend, Dan

"Oi Lils." Dan leaned over to my seat and whispered. "Do you believe in the paranormal?" Dan was a HUGE paranormal fan, always going to haunted houses. He wants to be a paranormal investigator when he's older.

I thought for a moment. "Kinda, I guess." I whispered, pulling the sleeves of my black sweater over my hands.

Dan grinned and turned back to his work. I sighed, he's going to make me come on another trip with him.

I looked around the classroom, everyone was either working or quietly chatting with their friends.

Out of nowhere, I hear a giggle, but it was odd, sounded very creepy. Too make it worse none of the other students seemed to hear it.

"Dan, did you hear that?" I asked him quietly. The brown haired boy looked up from his work and frowned at me in confusion.

"Hear what?" He asked, looking around the room trying to find what I heard.

"That giggle, someone giggled." Dan raised an eyebrow at me.

"Lils no one giggled." He put his pen down on his workbook and leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest.

"But I heard it!" I whisper yelled. I know what I heard, it was clear as day.

"Here watch." Dan tapped the kid in front of us on the shoulder, the blonde girl turned around and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Did someone just laugh?" Alice shook her head and stared at Dan incredulously.

"No?" She whispered and turned back around. Dan looked at me with an 'I told you so' face.

I rolled my eyes and put my head down, I know I heard something. Why did no one else hear it?


Dan had been getting increasingly worried about me, I kept asking him if heard something. Like yesterday I heard someone whisper,

"Perfect.." At first I had thought it was Dan, and I looked at him weirdly. I asked him why he said that, and looked at me like I'd lost my mind, and said that he didn't say anything.

I frowned and leaned against the kitchen counter. Why was I hearing things that no one else could? I didn't understand it, I hate not knowing things.

A loud thud knocked me out of my rapid thoughts. I looked over at my kitchen door.

"Jared?" I called out, Jared is my little brother, he's 13, I'm 17.

No answer, I frowned and grabbed my phone, ready to call someone.

What if someone was in my house? Actually it was probably Dan playing a prank on me.

I groaned mentally. I am not prepared for this. If I have a heart attack I'm blaming Dan.

My phone beeped. I looked at it and nearly threw it at a wall, it literally just died.

I put it in my pocket and walked over to the doors to the lounge room, trying to prepare myself for Dan to jump out at me.

As I stepped into the lounge room I heard another thud, from the other end of the house. I felt my heart drop, it couldn't just be nothing, there must be something in my house.

Another thud, this time louder and closer. My eyes snapped to the doors, my heart is pounding.

I need to leave, out the front door. Right now. Why aren't I moving? Why the fuck aren't I moving.

I was frozen, my feet refused to move. Another thud, it was getting closer and all I could do was stare at the door, frozen in complete fear.

The thuds kept getting louder, but kept the same, slow agonizing pace.

They were right at the door now, my feet slowly moved back, my eyes still fixed on the door. I inwardly cursed as my back hit the wall behind me.

This was all reminding me of a horror movie. As if to confirm my thoughts, my lights went out. That was it for me, I managed to push myself away from the door, I maneuvered my way through the dark room, trying to find the front door. There was a bit of light, it came from the window, a single, faded stream of light. It wasn't enough to see anything though.

But then, a slow, creak echoed through the room. I froze and stared into the darkness.

The lights turned back on, and the first thing I saw was the door leading to the hallway, was open. The hallway was dark, no lights on at all. Now I'm not stupid enough to go and 'investigate.'

I spun around, only to see someone standing by my front door, pale skin, even more than me. Fading green hair, and... Black eyes!? The man, was wearing a blood stained grey hoodie, dark faded blue jeans and black and white vans.

The man tilted his head to the side and giggled. My eyes widened, that was the same fucking giggle I'd been hearing the last week.

"Hello sweetheart." His voice was creepy, but strangely Irish.

Suddenly, he laughed loudly and ran out me, inhumanely fast. ((A/N like Foxy from Five Nights At Freddy's))

And then everything went black.

((No she's not dead, don't worry 😂 can you guess who 'Dan' is?? (; anyways, do you like it?))

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