49. Successful Failure

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It's your test of life.
One that's required by all.
Give it your best or give it nothing at all.
The choice is up to you,
For the consequences only you, will have to face.
Try, try and try even if it's a lost cause.
But don't let it make you lose hope.

But what if I try and get let down again?
It's okay, you'll get there eventually, one day.

Failing does not mean putting in effort and not getting the desired fruit, to fail means to give up and miss out on all the lessons you could have learned.
So what if you weren't successful this time?
Atleast you got acknowledge your weaknesses.
If it makes you work harder then it's success in disguise.

You call your self failure and a disgrace, but I see you as a survivor and a ray of sunshine in the darkest times.
You light the world around you so effortlessly and don't even realize.
You make it look so easy to be you, but I know how much work it takes.
The effort that has to be put into it everyday.

So elegant, that those around you wish they were the same.
So they make you feel ashamed about yourself and everything you love. 
They envy you and long to have what it takes to be so different and be just like you.
But you're the only one who can master that skill.

So before you let your deamons take control,
Take a moment to think this thought,
Your mistakes make you wiser and help you grow into the person you want to be, yet they do not represent you at all. 

You're worth so much more than those around you decide.
You are loved and cared for.
And without you, there'd be a million broken stars in the gloomy night sky.

Your mistakes or failures don't define you at all.


A/N: Ik I don't really write positive stuff or "inspirational" poetry but that's because I usually write when I feel really low negative and just need to let my emotions out, and writing is my only positive outlet for doing that, but it does not mean I am always negative or look that things from this negative perspective. I personally like to think, even though I have my deamons and I'm not the happiest person, I still am somewhat of a positive person and really  want to spread some sort of positivity or joy which you will see more of in a book I'm working on. Which I'm really excited to share with you guys!!

I also write because I want whoever's reading it to know they are not alone and that we'll get through this together.
I know it's difficult to accept and embrace yourself for the way you are but we'll reach it little by little and I believe in you!
You are loved and cared for by me.
Sorry for this long rant but I felt like it needed to be said.

Don't forget to vote and comment and let me know your thoughts about this chapter and whether I should include more positivity in my work! Also, ik this wasn't well structured so I'm sorry.

I'm here if anyone wants to talk.
Don't ever forget your worth!

If you actually read all this then thank you <33

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