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What does the word 'smart' really mean? To some people it means getting good grades. To others it may mean having all advanced classes. The word smart, to me, means that someone is better than another. Whether it be in grades, skills, or what some people would say, personality. Genius, nerd, geek, and so many other words are often associated with being smart. I used to take being called smart as a compliment. Now I see it as a way of insulting, maybe not to yourself but to the person who's said you are smart. This is not always the case, but often I see it that way. I may not have the best grades, all honour classes, or may not have the greatest skills and I am perfectly fine that I do not. When I say that I mean, who can stand being called smart every day, or being called a genius for solving a relatively hard problem?
Smart to me is realising that you change the world. That whether it helps one person or one million, that what you does makes an impact. If people cannot realise how much they matter, whether it be to one person or one human race, then I would still call them smart. Everyone has skills, everyone has a brain, whether clouded by voices or by a mental illness. Everyone has the ability to learn whether it be from a text book or singing a song about the periodic table. Some people put themselves down. Others will call themselves names because that is what people have told them. People have called them stupid or dumb or brainless. These are words that describe actions, not a person. Actions can be stupid, dumb or brainless. I believe that people make these decisions actions, maybe without fully thinking it through. Maybe they make decisions thinking it would be the best, and something just goes wrong.

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