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I have to perform my poetry and when I stand in front of the class, you continue to work. This poetry, well it's about anger. It's about anger and how throughout history people have ruled above others.
One paragraph in and I'm getting pretty angry that your not paying attention so I don't watch the judge, I watch you.
Two paragraphs in and I just yelled and now you take a glance every now and then. I've started to move my vision around the entire room.
Three paragraphs in and I just want to stop reading it out now because I have your attention however; I'm so afraid and if I mess up how will you see any of it? As a pure mistake, or something that can't be fixed, maybe just nervousness, but I'm not you, so I don't know.
Halfway though and you still glance up, but more frequently. I think about my voice and how weird it sounds to you. God, I hate my voice. I hate how that I'm nervous and my book is shaking and that's just from my hand. My hands are clammy and barely holding a grip onto the book or my mental state.
I feel like my body is tensing up again when I finally close my book. It's over and I had stumbled a bit. You say nothing, other than say "ah" when I say what my piece is actually about.
I'm fuming again. You can not see it now, but my phone is buzzing again. It had been buzzing though my entire piece. I finally pick it up and see that it's time to go. Now I really don't want to go, but I say goodbye and thanks for listening. That's it. Plain as that, but simple enough to get a point across.

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