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1. Impossible to figure out.


Heejin couldn't sleep. Her hands went into her hair as she ruffled it in frustration.

Every night, every dream, the same girl would appear and Heejin had no clue why.

Heejin swears she had never seen the girl before she just suddenly started appearing. It was... strange, to say the least. She couldn't comprehend how her brain even made her up. If she was even made up.

So there she sat. Hunched over a piece of paper as she sketched the girl's details (at least the ones she could remember)

Deep eyes she could look at all day, a nice pointed chin, a sleek nose, and (possibly) soft lips.

She had come to accept the fact that she was in love with a random girl from her dreams. A girl that probably was not real. A girl so perfect, Heejn wished she was real.

Who even was this mystery girl?

Why was she even in her dreams?

Why was she so pretty?

She wanted to know more of the girl but even in her dreams she could only see the girl from afar. If she got too close, the girl would walk into the distance; disappearing until Heejin fell asleep the following night.

Even if she couldn't talk to the girl, even if she couldn't be close to the girl, she at least wanted to know her name.

Heejin was an extremely smart student but the Pythagorean theorem definitely was NOT going to help her with this one.

It was 5 in the morning so Heejin was not going to be able to sleep for an hour.

"Might as well stay up"


We editing 🙈

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