Life Will Throw, but You have to Learn to Dodge

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Life will throw a lot of stuff in out way. Good things and bad. Imagine your favorite and worst thing being thrown in your way. This is what it feels like.

When good things are thrown, that's great for us. And that does happen. You can always have something good thrown in your life. Even if it's just a little cookie being thrown your way.

Bad things do happen, and people feel horrible after them, but we have to learn to work around it. Some things are pretty much impossible to dodge, but the can be better if small happy things are thrown their way.

Some things can be avoided, but it's hard. While as haters and bullies can be avoided, it is hard to get away. All the hate in one place and it's hard to get out once you're in.

And again, this can't be done alone. If more people stand up to haters and help protect that person, the bad things can be dodged.

Sometimes it's better to face the problem then hide away from it. Hiding will never fix it. Problems are hard to overcome, but together we can slowly fix them.

Challenge: If you know someone who is having troubles with something or looks like they are having trouble {ex. seeing someone being bullied at school}, help them and offer them good advice {chapter on that coming soon}. Stand up for them if they are being put down.


So when life throws something in your way, take advantage of that, and show the world just how strong you are. Together we can show everyone else that we are something better than they thought before.

Don't forget to come to me if you need anything. Comment on this chapter and tell me what you are looking for in this book. Don't forget to share it with others and vote. Thank you!!
Love ya,

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