Chapter 1

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"In this world, many things are possible. In this world, anything can happen to anyone and anything. Sometimes, those things that happen to people, those things that people choose to do, they have no reason behind it. The reason to some actions can be unknown to the driver and which then causes confusion among not only themselves, but everyone around them. This world is unpredictable, along with the creatures that inhabit it. This is the simple truth. This is the simple reality we must face." 

The TV abruptly shuts off, causing Sonic's ears to perk up and for his head to snap around. His eyes meet the cold blue and yellow ones of his guest. Sonic groans. "Seriously, Infinite? I was watching that." The gray jackal scoffs, rolling his eyes as he threw the TV remote onto the couch. "Why though? It's just some lunatic that thinks 'beyond the average human mind'. Sonic, I'm pretty sure this person has been to the asylum a good number of times." Sonic rolls his eyes before throwing a pillow into Infinite's face. "Just because you don't like what I have on TV doesn't mean you have to monitor it like my mother." Infinite growled, cuffing Sonic's ear roughly before making his way into the kitchen to make himself something. Sonic stuck his tongue out at the retreating figure of Infinite before looking back at the TV and flipping it back on. The guy was gone and was instead replaced with a boring historical documentary which Sonic kept on since he didn't feel the exact need to surf the channels. He instead walked outside to which the fresh air greeted him. The day was nice as no clouds blocked the blue sky and the sun shone brightly along all life. Sonic began to think about the man who talked about matters in the world at a different perspective that some people may call him insane for. Well, not some, but most. Sonic looked at the flowers and weeds that looked nearly identical if it weren't for scientists stating that weeds kill while flowers show life. Like how fire cannot be calm and water cannot be ferocious. Sonic leaned against the railing of the porch, enjoying the almost silent morning. Until he heard curses being shouted at one another. Infinite heard it too as he raced outside and looked at Sonic.

"The hell is going on?" Sonic sighs, shaking his head as he starts walking into the front yard. "It's Shadow and Knuckles again. The two have been fighting more often." Infinite snarls slightly. "I thought that Shadow was usually a calm guy with a short-temper that can only be activated if someone hits a nerve of his." Sonic shrugs, still walking towards the sound. "Like that 'insane' guy on TV said, there's more to a person than what meets the eye." Infinite groaned as he pushed Sonic. "Shut it and let's get moving."


"You slut-eating, cunt-sucking prick!" Sonic snorted slightly at the string of curses that flew out of Shadow's mouth and landed right on Knuckles' dumbstruck face. "What the hell is wrong with you?! I didn't do anything wrong!" Knuckles shouted back, still trying to regain from his shock. Shadow's quills were puffed up and his claws were poking through his gloves. Infinite and Sonic glanced at each other as the two continued shouting at each other. Before the argument could escalate to an all out fight, Infinite stood between the two, Shadow the first and fastest to calm down. His quills fell back down and his claws no longer stretched the fabric of his gloves. He took a deep breath and his gaze became neutral, focused. Knuckles, on the contrary, told Infinite to move out of the way and even threatened him. Said that it was a 'big man's fight'. This caused a slicing glare to make Knuckles quiver and cast his eyes downwards. "I would love to know why you two were having this argument."

"He started it!" Knuckles protested, earning a half-contained snort from Sonic. "Don't be such a damn child, you redheaded cunt. Be an adult for once and tell me why this started." Knuckles doesn't say anything as chills ran up and down his spine. Infinite's glare could kill and could possibly put Shadow's glare to shame. With his two different colored eyes, he showed both a balance between calculated coldness and a murderous rage that he is not afraid to unleash. Shadow didn't say anything either; not out of intimidation, but out of the fact that what caused him to lash out may cause him to do it again. Sonic notices that Shadow didn't speak up with the smugness that usually described his arrogant character. He stared at Infinite's back, his mouth a tight line on his tan muzzle. Sonic's mind reeled until one name popped up, along with an old picture he saw of Shadow and the human girl. Maria. Well, it was always Maria that got to him, but the true question it: Why did Knuckles mention her? "Did you mention her?" Sonic asked, his emerald orbs almost startling Knuckles as they stared with a seriousness far from Sonic's usual demeanor. "What?"

"I'm asking the question. Did you mention her?" Knuckles glanced at Shadow before nodding hesitantly. "What did you say about her?" At that question, almost on cue, Knuckles' muzzle paled as his eyes widened in fear. Sonic was surprisingly protective of his friends, including Shadow. And whenever it involved the death of a family member... Sonic almost gets too real. Infinite looks back at Sonic with a question burning in his eyes. Sonic shakes his head and quickly pulls Knuckles away from the two 'edgelords'. "Knuckles, I'm only going to say this once and you better heed it. Never talk crap about Maria. Ever. How would you feel if someone talked crap about your deceased loved ones?" Knuckles looks directly at Shadow as he answered. "The same way that Shadow felt."

"Exactly. Now, don't you have a Master Emerald to protect?" The red echidna's eyes widen. "Oh shit! I have to go." The guardian disappeared, leaving the three. Sonic looks over his shoulder and rolls his eyes jokingly. "Sorry about that, Shadz. Now, how about you come with us to Amy's cafe? I heard that she has a new cheesecake and that it has your name written all over it."

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