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A man of tan skin and blazing hair runs towards a large city, separated from the vast desert by large fortified walls. He's acting as if he's late for something. The way he acts tells it all. He stops when he approaches the city gates and smiles devilishly. A guard stares at him curiously. She holds back his curiosity and goes back to regulation.

"Name, please?" The guard asks, leaning over the boy. The boy of tan skin sighs deeply before responding. The guard was confused, but didn't want to cause any trouble, so she continued to keep quiet. He smiles before stating his name "Helios. I'm here to speak to the man in charge."

The guard freezes before checking their book of approved names.

There was no way...The king of this Empire refuses to speak to anyone...but not this runt?

She scans the names thoroughly, before stumbling upon the exact name she was looking for.

Helios. He was only fifteen. A very fine looking man for his age. Like everything else written here, what he said was true. He had direct orders to approach the king. Helios tapped his foot impatiently.

"Well? Do you not believe me?" Helios asked, raising one of his eyebrows. The guard nodded quickly and opened the gate. She faintly smiled at the young man, knowing he may get himself into quite some trouble. Helios glanced her way curiously. She left him with a closing phrase.

"Enjoy yourself, Sir."


Helios grinned widely as he ran through the winding streets of this city. While it wasn't as modern as rumours said it was, it was definitely something. The town was called Yhasa, ruled by King "Rou" Alexander, the keeper of peace for the many Empires around the nation.

Rou was a stubborn man, but was willing to talk to Helios for some strange reason. It was quite strange. After following the rugged path, he managed to reach the largest building of the city, which happened to be the King's home.

Helios knocked lightly on the door, that was surprisingly not surrounded by guards. He knocks again, waiting for anyone to open the door. Helios continued to wait, but was getting very impatient. He tried to open the door, but inconveniently, it was locked.

"'Cuse me! Hello?!" Helios exclaimed, slamming their fist against the door. He stops, hearing something coming toward the door. The door opens, revealing a short-haired woman with a beanie at the door. Helios flinches at the sight of her incredibly annoyed face. Helios, being the awkward boy he is, sticks his hand out for a handshake. The woman at the door just stares at his hand, as if he was doing something that was never explained to her. Without even caring to glance back up at the man's face, she slammed the door shut.

--End of Prologue--

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