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The waffle arrived and a chicken sandwich for him with tea.

I looked at the waffle in awe and then discovered to my horror that they had given a fork and knife.

Now that was a thing I never practised. It was too high class for me. We eat with hands or a spoon at maximum.

I stabbed the delicious dessert with the fork and realised that I couldn't possibly use the fork only.

I picked up the knife. I was afraid I'd make a fool of myself in front of all those people.

"You cut it with a knife and use the fork. Take a bite together with the ice cream." he mumbled in between pouring a generous portion of sugar in his tea.

I looked up, expecting to find disgust or revulsion on his face but there was just concern. He sent for extra spoon and slid them to me across the table.

" Actually I—" I tried to explain, thankfully taking up the spoon.

"I know. I never used to come to such places before I started getting a handsome stipend.

I heaved a sigh of relief. He understands.

We ate, talked and the evening flew faster than sound.

Every time I looked at him, I realised that I was seeing someone that I hadn't discovered in 1 and a half years. He was a whole new person with a million more dimensions to himself.

He talked about his ex girlfriend and surprisingly it didn't bother me as much. I had learnt to accept my fate and the fact that however much he had confessed having a spark of feelings for me, it wasn't enough to kindle the fire of love. We were just something more than friends.

We discussed career options and spoke a lot of shit and slangs and the evening faded into the night.

"So, what are the odds of us ever meeting again!" I asked, stabbing a non existent particle of chocolate on my plate.

A feeling as heavy as the weight of the world was settling down on me. That feeling had a gravity which was pulling me down to the depths from which it seemed impossible to rise.

" Well... I don't know. Maybe someday if we're in the same place, I'll call you and we can catch up over a cup of coffee."

"Yeah — well"

An uncomfortable silence fell over us. I lowered my eyes. There was nothing that could be done. He was going... Going for good. His college days here are over. He'll move on, leaving me behind.

Something broke in the corner of my heart.

"You want anything more to eat? I know that tiny waffle won't work for dinner." he grinned.

"Hey, I just look fat. I don't eat too much." I tried a smile.

And at the end of more talking and his asking me at least four times if I need anything, we decided to call it a night.


The cab arrived on time though I wished with all my might for it took be late. Anything to hold on to this next breath, the next moment.

And lo behold! The car is on the other side of the road across the divider and there isn't a crossing in sight.

I gulped. Normally if I cross such a road with any of my friends, we hold hands. That wasn't an option with him.

I eyed his movements. He was calculating a gap in the moving cars. And he set off, me on his trail as we dodged vehicles and reached the divider. But the other side was a sea of headlights.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye.

He did some mental calculation and without a warning grabbed my elbow and gently but firmly dragged me across the road.

I looked up in surprise as every part of me tingled with the feeling of his hand in mine. The warmth seemed to be spreading through the full sleeved dress of mine.

He held the door open for me in that gallant knightly way and slid in after me.

The last ride with him ended with us talking more until the red glowing signs of the hospital and the institute we study in appeared on the horizon.

"I'll drop you at my hostel and you can go to yours, right?" he looked at me.

"Yes. I don't want people questioning too much." I blurted out.

His eyes crinkled in a smile.

We got down finally and bid our goodbyes.

I almost walked in a trance back to my hostel and crashed at my friend's room. I was hyperventilating.

She put down her phone, her eyes shining with excitement.

"So, how was it like? What happened?" she gushed.

"Actually it was so much fun... We —"

I stopped midtrack. Something just wasn't right.

"I can't do it. I don't want to tell you or anybody."

"But I'm your best friend." she whined.

"No. I'm sorry."

"But why?"

"Because some moments are too precious to be shared and too magical to be described by words. Some conversations are beautiful — so beautiful that it hurts, knowing that it won't come back to me again."


"Some memories are uniquely yours. You needn't let the world know every little detail." I interrupted. "Some secrets are better unsaid and unshared."

She made a face and I threw back my head and laughed. A free and satisfied laugh after a long time.

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