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"Ok, I wasn't expecting this," Neil murmured as they walked. He felt Harrison squeeze his hand and stole a glance at the magician. "It'll be fine..."

The couple stopped in front of an apartment complex, staring up at it. The brunet gave his boyfriend a disbelieving look. "This is your parents we're talking about. Last time I checked, they were terrified of you."

He sighed quietly. "They still are. But not as much now, because I brought Henry back."


"Henry." The strawberry blond smirked and looked towards a window on the second floor. Neil followed his gaze and was surprised to see a boy there. He had sandy blond hair, curious brown eyes, and some faint freckles. He looked to be about twelve years old.

Harrison waved at him. He waved back, clearly excited. They watched him run away from the glass, snickering. "He's my brother. You're gonna love him. C'mon."  

The physicist let the other drag him inside. The women at the counter waved them through, not even asking them to check in. Feeling uneasy, he shuffled closer to his lover.

He quickly kissed Neil's forehead. "Calm down, babe. We'll-"

The elevator chimed and the doors slowly opened. Next thing they knew, Harrison had been tackled to the floor by Henry.

"Harrison! You're here!" The teen squealed, practically vibrating with excitement. The illusionist laughed and sat up, ruffling his brother's hair. "Hey bud. I'm happy to see you, too."

The blond got off his brother and helped him up. His gaze travelled to Neil and he cocked his head. "Who's that?"

The scholar cleared his throat. "Hi. I'm Neil."

Henry's eyes widened and he spun to face his sibling. "That's your boyfriend, isn't it?" He sounded excited again.

Harrison's face was pink. "Yes, he's-"

"I've been dying to meet you!" The teen ran up to him, eyes shining. The college student stifled a laugh as he watched his boyfriend blush. "You have?"

"Yep! Har's told me all about you! He thinks you're really cute-"

"Ok Henry, that's enough," Harrison interrupted, clearly flustered. He came to stand beside Neil and laced their fingers together. "Do you want to show him the apartment?"

The hyper boy nodded and ran back to the elevator. The scientist chuckled softly and whispered, "Cute kid."

The strawberry blond flashed him a smile and started to follow Henry. "Yeah. He talks without thinking, though."

"I noticed," he purred, stepping into the elevator. "I'm surprised you actually talk about me."

"Of course I do, it's cause I love you." The magic lover's eyes widened when he realized what he said. He glanced at the other, waiting for a response.

Neil looked just as shocked as he felt. It soon vanished and was replaced with a small smile. "I love you too," he said quietly.

He leaned in for a kiss when the elevator door dinged. They pulled back and watched them open. Henry started skipping down the hallway. The couple followed, hands still linked.

"Here we are!" The child purred, pushing the  door open. Before anyone could reply, he ran off into the apartment shouting "Mom! Dad! Harrison's here!"

They walked inside and the older reluctantly let go of his love's hand. His parents cautiously approached them, looking worried.

"Hello, honey..." his mother murmured. His father grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

Harrison sighed. "Hello."

The mother glanced at Neil. "Who's this friend of yours?"

The brunet waved sheepishly. "The name's Neil." He felt someone grab onto his arm and knew who it was. "I'm... Dating your son."

They seemed unfazed by the statement. Instead, his father asked. "So what do you do?"

He let Harrison pull him onto the couch. "I'm going for a degree in physics," he answered. Relief and surprise showed on their face.

"Are you the same Neil from that summer camp that he tried to flirt with?"

"Yes," he stated, watching the other blush.

"And you don't do any... Magic, do you?"

"No, I leave that to him."   

"Oh thank god," the mother breathed and whispered to her husband. "He's just smart."

"Yes, and intelligence isn't a magical thing."      

Harrison rolled his eyes. "We can still hear you..."

The rest of the visit went by pretty well. Henry kept asking Neil to do stuff with him and asked them questions about their relationship. Harrison was constantly trying to shut them up, flustered about it all. Plus, his parents seemed ok with it.

When they had a moment to themselves, the science lover let his head rest on his boyfriend's shoulder. He felt the other's head on top of his and sighed contently. "This went better than I expected," he said softly.

The taller hummed in agreement. "Yeah. We even got our first 'I love yous' out of it."

"About time," the brunet snickered, moving closer. Harrison shifted some and lifted the younger's chin up. He pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Yep... But hey, can't hide the fact you love someone."

Neil smiled and locked lips with him again. They pulled away at the sound of giggling and a click.

Henry hid the cell phone behind his back. "Don't worry Har, it's on your phone."

The illusionist felt around his pockets and found the phone wasn't there. "How did you...?"

He shrugged. "As you said, a magician never reveals their secrets."

"You little-"

Shrill laughter filled the apartment as he chased his little brother. Neil watched them in amusement, his smile growing. All he could think of while watching was, "How did I ever get so lucky?"


A/N: Ohmygodthisislong
But yep! This book comes to an end! (I may have to go back and edit some of it because I don't like the last few chapters much, but anyhow-)
I hope you enjoyed this fanfic, and for now, farewell...   ~FB667

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