A dragons mother

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"Master what do you mean this kid is my son!?!"Jeanne d'arc Alter can be seen screaming at ritsuka as Dragon sat down next to then.

"Well it's like I said Jeanne,Rider here said that he was your son and during the singularity we did see you take care of him"Ritsuka said trying to reason with Jeanne

"I won't accept it, there's no way I could have a son"Jeanne alter said only for both Ritsuka and Jeanne to hear the door slide close and Dragon was gonna gone.By the door we see Card staring at the situation.

Ritsuka looked around"Hey card,where did Dragon go?"

"He left after the witch here started spouting about her having no child"Card said,his voice seemed more aggressive and steel like than normal but Jeanne alter didn't seem to care as she walked out after Dragon.

Now we go to the kitchen as Dragon was moving from place to place cooking a meal to get his mind off things,he wasn't crying,no,tears had long since dried from his eyes but his mind was definitely in shock as sadness was the only thing that went through his mind.

"Hey could you make me something to eat"Someone said from the counter,if his mind wasn't in shock he probably could've recognize the voice but all he focused on was cooking.

"Here"Dragon said his usual emotionless tone being replaced by a lower and sadder one.

After sometime Dragon heard"Hey I'm finished", thanks for the Food"The voice said."No problem"Dragon said as he went to grab the plate only to see who he served,it was his mom,no,she said it herself,she was Jeanne d'arc and that's all she was.

Dragon just grabbed the plate and utensils and started washing them"hey....kiddo?"Jeanne alter said.Dragon stopped for a moment before looking at her"yes?"Dragon said his tone still low.

"Can you sit down"Jeanne alter said as she pointed to a stool next to her.Dragon nodded as he sat next to her,his back was straight and his eyes were still emotionless"Listen,Ive might of overreacted."Jeanne alter said.

Dragon raised an eyebrow before he continued to listen."it's just I'm not used to being a mom,that's more Raikous alley,I'm barely a hero how could I qualify to be a mom,I'm sorry but you deserve bet-"

Jeanne alter was cut off by Dragon hugging her as she looked surprised before she hugged back"You were a great mom"Dragon said

Jeanne alter looked surprised for a moment before she smiled"Can you tell me, about how I was as a mom"."Alright"Dragon said as he started recalling how Jeanne alter was as a mom.

(So I realized that this is one of my favorite stories to work on so why not start doing it right out of bed.This was actually a bit longer than usual but that's because I wanted to make sure the characters weren't too oc and just accepted the many shirous.Anyway I'm gonna go back to writing because there's nothing better to do in quarantine)

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