To be or not to be trained by your alternative self

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(In the Emiya Residence)
King Arturia or Saber had seen alot of things in her life, especially being a servant but waking up one day and seeing a t-rex and a dragon both with golden flames over their bodies fighting.

Now normally she would Don her armor and attacked the beasts but when she saw her master sitting on the floor looking at two people who look just like him with different clothes,well it distracted her.

"Just let me train him"Mysterious Flame Z said."No,if you alter his process then there won't be any point"Ultimate Flame X responded.

Shirou managed to sneak around them and go over to saber"hey"his body was covered in blood that wasn't his and his clothes were a mess.

"Master what is going on here?"Saber asked obviously worried about the state of her master's clothing and we'll being

"Well these two say that they're me from a different universe"Shirou said as he pointed at the two still arguing figures."well then why do you have blood over you?"Saber asked

Shirou pointed at Ultimate Flame Z alter who was outside on the ground bleeding from several slash sounds,apart from that the t-rex and dragon had seemed to tire out and we're now cuddling with each other.

"Right,master what are they doing here?"Saber asked as she looked at the two alternative shirous.

Mysterious Flame Z looked at Saber"I'm so glad you asked,I'm here to train Shirou"he said proudly.

Ultimate Flame X glared"no your not,I'm here to make sure this idiot doesn't change something and make all the hard work that Shirou Emiya needs to go through worthless"

After their explanations they went back to arguing and even some fighting before they both dodged arrows fired from Archer who just arrived alongside Rin.I won't say what exactly happened but I will say that Archer was burned by golden flames several times.

By the end of it saber was confused, Shirou was still lost,Rin was going over her notes on the Kaleidoscope,as for Archer well he was panicking about the appearance of two more shirous that can definitely protect themselves.

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